Be happy.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Look around you. Who do you know that always seems happy? Who do you know that always seems angry? Are the happy ones always rich or members of a particular Party? Are the angry ones always poor or of a particular Race or Religion? My guess is there is no rhyme or reason as to what makes a person happy or angry other than that person's outlook. I have had friends and co-workers who seemingly had everything going for them decide to end their own life.

It's just too short, you only have so much sand in the hourglass and when it runs out it doesn't matter how much money you have or who won what seat or whatever he said or she said. Enjoy everyday. Take a walk and really look at what is around you. Talk to somebody you don't usually talk to. There are just too many angry people walking around these days. Choose to not be one of them.

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