BDS racist movement - total failure


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
Strafing Iranian RGs with my .50 Cal
Made in Israel labels thrive defying boycott movement The Times of Israel

"The boycott, divest, and sanction movement, which seeks to cut economic ties with Israel, shows no sign of letting up. Yet concern over the possibility that their products will be boycotted has not stopped Israeli manufacturers and exporters from identifying with Israel. Quite the opposite, according to Economy Ministry figures; while in 2013, 760 Israeli manufacturers marked their products marketed abroad as “made in Israel,” by 2014 that number had grown to 1,024."

But even better:

"... in the case of SodaStream,” where hundreds of Palestinian Authority resident workers who will not be given permits to work in the Negev factory (which is over 100 kilometers from the Mishor Adumim plant) are likely to be fired."


So the BDS morons have failed on every front, Israel's economy is doing better than ever, and the moron's pressure had Sodastream move within green line Israel, getting another 100 pal arab muslims fired - EXCELLENT work there, assholes.

But then again, the jew-hating BDS scumbags were never about helping the arabs, it was always about hurting/attacking jews.
Ever since the BDS movement began Israel's economy has been booming. LONG LIVE THE BDS MOVEMENT
The Bowel Discharge Movement after ten years and tens of millions of dollars, has accomplished less than nothing.

Very soon the Muslim Brotherhood will start another Islamic Nazi antisemitic movement under a different name, raise millions of dollars, and fail disastrously yet again.

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