BCS National Championship - zzzzzzzzzzzz


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
Nearly six quarters of football in between these two teams and we've been treated to 7 field goals.

Fuck, this is booooooooorrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnggggggggg!!!!!!!!!
Not to distract from all the funny jokes but compare the records of SEC teams vs. the other conferences this season to include bowl games. All the high powered offenses produce much less when facing a strong SEC defense. The conference has won the last six national titles because they are the best in the country, and real football fans realize this.
Boring?? It was a class on world class defense! It was the two best defenses in the nation stopping each other's offenses.

Maybe y'all like watching people trade touchdowns, but in the SEC we make you earn every inch. LSU may have gotten a beatdown, but their defense still bowed-up in the red zone.

I love watching tough defenses go after good offenses. Last night was textbook defense. Bored? I was loving every second of it!
The game got some of the worst ratings in a decade

Not much excitement from Alabama/LSU II
sucked big-time

Definitely wasn't Alabama's fault it was a shitty game. Had LSU had an offense - scored a TD or a couple of FG's - it might have been a game a little longer. The boringness of the game is squarely on LSU's offense.

Yes and no. Yes, I think LSU was not prepared for anything but more of the same from Bama. But I also think the entire Bama defense was in a zone and ready for anything. Their play against the option showed that.

On most plays the defense was charging into the backfield. When Jefferson slid out with a back on the outside, the defense stayed along the line of scrimmage until he either committed or pitched it. That shows discipline and preparation.

If anyone expected a high scoring shootout they hadn't been paying attention to the earlier game or to how Bama played all year.

It was a defensive masterpiece.

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