BBC's Controversial Interview With Dr. David Starkey


Gold Member
Jul 26, 2011
Up on the scaffold
I'm genuinely shocked that this explosive interview, of which has been the talk of Britain since its broadcast, hasn't been linked by anyone here on USMB.

The BBC has notoriously maintained a slavishly PC, left-wing bias, but unexpectedly let the horse bolt during an interview with the eminent historian David Starkey. Starkey's well-known for not letting other people's feelings get in the way of his opinion, and has now caused serious controversy by voicing his opinion on national television over some of the root causes of the riots and looting in London.

Note: This is the first time (ever) that an episode of the highly regarded Newsnight (or any BBC broadcast transcribed to the internet) has been permanently withdrawn from the BBC's taxpayer-funded iplayer (an online resource that allows viewers to re-watch programmes at their leisure).

[ame=""]Starkey gives the PC brigade both barrels over what he percieves to be negative cultural intrusions in the UK.[/ame]
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Anyone who really pays attention to what he says would agree with him. Instead, hysterical left wingers call him a racist. Pathetic.
I agree entirely, California Girl.

And another thing. Why is it that whenever a mainstream channel like the BBC hosts a debate on a controversial or taboo topic, those taking part in the debate who are right of centre are always (and I mean always) outnumbered by liberal left-wingers?
I agree entirely, California Girl.

And another thing. Why is it that whenever a mainstream channel like the BBC hosts a debate on a controversial or taboo topic, those taking part in the debate who are right of centre are always (and I mean always) outnumbered by liberal left-wingers?

I wonder that every time I watch QT. How the hell do they manage to keep any conservatives out of the audience?
I agree entirely, California Girl.

And another thing. Why is it that whenever a mainstream channel like the BBC hosts a debate on a controversial or taboo topic, those taking part in the debate who are right of centre are always (and I mean always) outnumbered by liberal left-wingers?

I wonder that every time I watch QT. How the hell do they manage to keep any conservatives out of the audience?

The disproportionate balance of political allegiance among the panel embodies the polar opposite of what the BBC and mainstream media preaches, equality. The interview was loaded against him from the start. He had to forcefully make himself heard above the two flanking liberals. And who's even heard of Dreda Say Mitchell or Owen Jones, anyway? The BBC must have some sort of rotating, right-wing opposition roster. 'Yeah, hi, we've got an articulate right-wing guest on the show tonight. Do you think you'd be able to come along and act and as a liberal mouthpiece?'

Don't get me started on Question Time. We stopped watching it after it became obvious that the audience was being seeded by liberals who would stand-up whenever the conservatives were making an obvious point and say with absolutely no relevance: 'That's all well and good, but what are you doing about the war in Afghanistan'. After which all their cronies would begin drowning-out the reply by applauding and jeering in unison.

Anyway, here's an insightful (compared to the left-wing media's rabid frothing at the mouth) article from the Telegraph by Toby Young defending Starkey.
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I agree entirely, California Girl.

And another thing. Why is it that whenever a mainstream channel like the BBC hosts a debate on a controversial or taboo topic, those taking part in the debate who are right of centre are always (and I mean always) outnumbered by liberal left-wingers?

I wonder that every time I watch QT. How the hell do they manage to keep any conservatives out of the audience?

The disproportionate balance of political allegiance among the panel embodies the polar opposite of what the BBC and mainstream media preaches, equality. The interview was loaded against him from the start. He had to forcefully make himself heard above the two flanking liberals. And who's even heard of Dreda Say Mitchell or Owen Jones, anyway? The BBC must have some sort of rotating, right-wing opposition roster. 'Yeah, hi, we've got an articulate right-wing guest on the show tonight. Do you think you'd be able to come along and act and as a liberal mouthpiece?'

Don't get me started on Question Time. We stopped watching it after it became obvious that the audience was being seeded by liberals who would stand-up whenever the conservatives were making an obvious point and say with absolutely no relevance: 'That's all well and good, but what are you doing about the war in Afghanistan'. After which all their cronies would begin drowning-out the reply by applauding and jeering in unison.

Anyway, here's an insightful (compared to the left-wing media's rabid frothing at the mouth) article from the Telegraph by Toby Young defending Starkey.

Starkey's mistake was to make reference to 'black gansta' instead of just 'gansta' but the point is absolutely valid. I watched these little brats on tv whining about not getting a job and thought to myself "I wouldn't give you a job. You can't speak the Queen's English'. Who the hell is gonna employ a kid who can't construct a sentence, ends every sentence with "innit?" and speaks with that ridiculous 'Jamaican Yardy' accent?

QT makes me laugh.... it's so painfully biased to the left that I sometimes wonder how the BBC has the audacity to expect conservatives to contribute towards their upkeep.
Interesting. It is a shame that this Starkey cannot speak American. He was extremely hard to understand with his dialect that sounds as if he has a stick up his ass, a stick up his nose, and a mouth full of marbles. He really should better himself if he wants to enjoy a wider audience. Why, he should follow the lead of the few successful Brits that existed. For instance, Cary Grant talked like an American and therefore became an extremely successful movie star. Groups like the Beatles, The Rolling Stones and all those that followed were successful why? because they sang in American not whatever weird UK dialect they actually spoke!

But I suppose it would be bigoted of me to disparage someone else's dialect.

But what I did understand from this man's chatter was this:

The riots happened because white people act like black people (because black is bad!).
Some black guy talks like a white guy and therefore should be commended (because black is bad!)
Black people are bad (because black is bad!)
Black people should talk like white people (because black is bad!).
White people should not talk like black people (because black is bad!).

If I misinterpreted any of that, Swaggert, please let me know which part I misunderstood.

I wonder what this guy thought of Elvis Presley as he looks old enough to have been shocked that Elvis sang black songs and sometimes acted black!!!
Interesting. It is a shame that this Starkey cannot speak American. He was extremely hard to understand with his dialect that sounds as if he has a stick up his ass, a stick up his nose, and a mouth full of marbles. He really should better himself if he wants to enjoy a wider audience. Why, he should follow the lead of the few successful Brits that existed. For instance, Cary Grant talked like an American and therefore became an extremely successful movie star. Groups like the Beatles, The Rolling Stones and all those that followed were successful why? because they sang in American not whatever weird UK dialect they actually spoke!

But I suppose it would be bigoted of me to disparage someone else's dialect.

But what I did understand from this man's chatter was this:

The riots happened because white people act like black people (because black is bad!).
Some black guy talks like a white guy and therefore should be commended (because black is bad!)
Black people are bad (because black is bad!)
Black people should talk like white people (because black is bad!).
White people should not talk like black people (because black is bad!).

If I misinterpreted any of that, Swaggert, please let me know which part I misunderstood.

I wonder what this guy thought of Elvis Presley as he looks old enough to have been shocked that Elvis sang black songs and sometimes acted black!!!

Trust you to completely misinterpret it, Ravi. :lol::lol::lol:

There is no 'black' dialect. There are a vast amount of British kids - black and white - who, instead of talking in their regional dialect (which would be expected) have affected this ridiculous and laughable 'Jamaican Yardy' speak. It makes them sound stupid. And saying 'innit' after every sentence hardly instills confidence in a future employer who might want to employ that kid in a customer focused environment. Those kids are making themselves unemployable.
What the heck is a Jamaican Yardy, some type of English terrier?

Yardie terror grips London | UK news | The Observer

Originally from Jamaica, the 'Yardies' are basically a gang who have since moved into the UK.

Now, for them to speak with a Jamaican accent, no problem. But these kids, British kids - black and white - are adopting their accent. It is ridiculous. It's not a race thing, Rav, no need to get all outraged... it's a stupid kid thing - one that, unfortunately, they don't seem to grow out of. And it is, frankly, making them unemployable. If you can't speak clearly, how can someone employ you in a customer focused role?
If you can't speak clearly, how can someone employ you in a customer focused role?

Exactly, there just aren't enough historian jobs to go around.

There aren't enough jobs. Period. So, with a hugely competitive job market, why would a kid who wants to work, make himself or herself less employable by adopting a 'gansta' accent. The Yardie accent is well known as a 'gansta' accent here - so why do they do it? Street cred? Cool, but don't fucking bitch that you can't get a job.

Seems perfectly sensible to me. But I have no doubt that American liberals - with their intricate knowledge of the UK - will disagree. :lol:
What the heck is a Jamaican Yardy, some type of English terrier?

Yardie terror grips London | UK news | The Observer

Originally from Jamaica, the 'Yardies' are basically a gang who have since moved into the UK.

Now, for them to speak with a Jamaican accent, no problem. But these kids, British kids - black and white - are adopting their accent. It is ridiculous. It's not a race thing, Rav, no need to get all outraged... it's a stupid kid thing - one that, unfortunately, they don't seem to grow out of. And it is, frankly, making them unemployable. If you can't speak clearly, how can someone employ you in a customer focused role?
He made it a race thing by praising some black guy that talked like a white guy. If he hadn't said that he would have just sounded like a disgruntled old fogey bitching about what disgruntled old fogeys have bitched about since the beginning of time. Kids these days!

You pick funny heroes.
If you can't speak clearly, how can someone employ you in a customer focused role?

Exactly, there just aren't enough historian jobs to go around.

There aren't enough jobs. Period. So, with a hugely competitive job market, why would a kid who wants to work, make himself or herself less employable by adopting a 'gansta' accent. The Yardie accent is well known as a 'gansta' accent here - so why do they do it? Street cred? Cool, but don't fucking bitch that you can't get a job.

Seems perfectly sensible to me. But I have no doubt that American liberals - with their intricate knowledge of the UK - will disagree. :lol:
LOL! If they're putting it on they can turn it off when they apply for a job and work. Who cares how they talk in their off time?

Are you a disgruntled old fogey?
What the heck is a Jamaican Yardy, some type of English terrier?

Yardie terror grips London | UK news | The Observer

Originally from Jamaica, the 'Yardies' are basically a gang who have since moved into the UK.

Now, for them to speak with a Jamaican accent, no problem. But these kids, British kids - black and white - are adopting their accent. It is ridiculous. It's not a race thing, Rav, no need to get all outraged... it's a stupid kid thing - one that, unfortunately, they don't seem to grow out of. And it is, frankly, making them unemployable. If you can't speak clearly, how can someone employ you in a customer focused role?
He made it a race thing by praising some black guy that talked like a white guy. If he hadn't said that he would have just sounded like a disgruntled old fogey bitching about what disgruntled old fogeys have bitched about since the beginning of time. Kids these days!

You pick funny heroes.

I have heroes?


Cool, thanks for letting me know what I think. Much appreciated.
Exactly, there just aren't enough historian jobs to go around.

There aren't enough jobs. Period. So, with a hugely competitive job market, why would a kid who wants to work, make himself or herself less employable by adopting a 'gansta' accent. The Yardie accent is well known as a 'gansta' accent here - so why do they do it? Street cred? Cool, but don't fucking bitch that you can't get a job.

Seems perfectly sensible to me. But I have no doubt that American liberals - with their intricate knowledge of the UK - will disagree. :lol:
LOL! If they're putting it on they can turn it off when they apply for a job and work. Who cares how they talk in their off time?

Are you a disgruntled old fogey?

I don't care how they talk.... but to be bitching about not getting jobs when you won't speak the language is just a fraction stupid to me.

And, no, I'm a disgruntled taxpayer - who would prefer these kids get fucking jobs than live on my money. I have better things to do with my cash than hand it over to kids who refuse to make themselves employable.
I have not heard anyone bitching about not getting a job while talking like a "Jamaican Yardy."

Though I didn't watch the entire video as the guy started to sound like Tank.

Did they play clips of these Yardy talkers whining about jobs?
Blimey, if they allowed the art of deflection into the Olympic Games, Ravi would certainly scoop the Gold medal.

Where does the yardie accent rank relative to the piker accent on the employability scale?

How many times do I have to tell you Americans, eh? The popular diminutive for Irish Traveller is pikey (pronounced pie-key) not "piker". But in any case, both the Patois drawl and pikey accent feature quite low on the employability scale. Though the latter is less comprehensible.

And in the UK we prefer to call the ludicrously exaggerated Patois dialect adopted by caucasian teenagers as "Jafaican", rather than Yardie. No, the Yardie is entirely different breed of **** altogether.
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What the heck is a Jamaican Yardy, some type of English terrier?

Yardie terror grips London | UK news | The Observer

Originally from Jamaica, the 'Yardies' are basically a gang who have since moved into the UK.

Now, for them to speak with a Jamaican accent, no problem. But these kids, British kids - black and white - are adopting their accent. It is ridiculous. It's not a race thing, Rav, no need to get all outraged... it's a stupid kid thing - one that, unfortunately, they don't seem to grow out of. And it is, frankly, making them unemployable. If you can't speak clearly, how can someone employ you in a customer focused role?

He was equating the riots with Enoch Powels 'Rviers of blood' speech, though he does not come out with any reason to justify this. The fact that he equates it to what was recognised as possibly the most racist speech ever made in this country and the speech which caused the most racism ever in this country, ought to say something.

He is talking about white people taking on black culture and my impression when I watched is was what Ravi said. Where does he say anything about these 'Yardies'.

West Indian Britons have always had their own way of speaking - way back in '81 this was true.

Why would there not be cultural mix when there is so much mixed raced relationships. Perhaps that is what bothers him.

an extremely high rate of mixed-race relationships, and could in effect become the first UK ethnic group to 'disappear'.[6] Half of all British African-Caribbean men in a relationship have partners of a different ethnic background,[6] as do one-third of all British African-Caribbean women.[7] 2007 estimates for England alone roughly put the full African-Caribbean to partial African-Caribbean heritage ratio a t2:1

British African-Caribbean community - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Generally considered to be racism in the UK and the BBC have received at least 700 complaints.

David Starkey's Newsnight race remarks: hundreds complain to BBC | Media | The Guardian
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