Barry 'Milks' Tax Payers For Millions ONE LAST TIME...


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Obama family will travel to Hawaii for holiday vacation

"President Obama and his family will be taking Air Force One to Honolulu on Friday to embark on their annual Christmas vacation.

The president does have one work-related event planned for his vacation, which usually consists of golf, parties with friends and dinners out. Obama later this month will
greet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Pearl Harbor for his planned historic visit.

The president and his family won’t return to Washington until after the new year."

Obama family will travel to Hawaii for holiday vacation | New York Post
Barrypuppet can stay there and just leave the keys with the hired's not like he was doing a fucking thing that was constructive when he was there. Drop them and their luggage off on the tarmac and head back to D.C......
Barrypuppet can stay there and just leave the keys with the hired's not like he was doing a fucking thing that was constructive when he was there. Drop them and their luggage off on the tarmac and head back to D.C......

Reportedly "the Obamas'" have a home in HI. Also purchased one in DC and CA. Maybe he will stay in the HI one to save costs? Let all the SS, relatives and other guest stay there also? They don't need to take over entire 5-star hotel for weeks? Do they? Again? sigh......8 years ............ few times per week. round and round.

I hope Trump works in DC and does not continue this sort of travel expense.
Oh, I'm sure he'll find a few more ways to twist the knife before he and his ugly ass wife leave.
Obama family will travel to Hawaii for holiday vacation

"President Obama and his family will be taking Air Force One to Honolulu on Friday to embark on their annual Christmas vacation.

The president does have one work-related event planned for his vacation, which usually consists of golf, parties with friends and dinners out. Obama later this month will
greet Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at Pearl Harbor for his planned historic visit.

The president and his family won’t return to Washington until after the new year."

Obama family will travel to Hawaii for holiday vacation | New York Post
Perks of the position, ain't life a bitch for us nobodies?
Remember when snowflakes freaked completely out when Bush returned to his own ranch, where he didn't rent out entire floors of the most expensive hotels all over the world, where he did not impose himself on others, cause traffic jams all over the place, and where he spent no where near the Obamas do for vacations?

Of course you don't - you're a snowflake.
Remember when snowflakes freaked completely out when Bush returned to his own ranch, where he didn't rent out entire floors of the most expensive hotels all over the world, where he did not impose himself on others, cause traffic jams all over the place, and where he spent no where near the Obamas do for vacations?

Of course you don't - you're a snowflake.
They still bitch about it. I will tell them, the same thing im telling you: Presidents get vacations. No need to hack it up.
Why am I a snowflake? Because im not a partisan hack?
What's a few million more tax dollars? It's not like it's real money or anything, right Obozo?

It used to upset me greatly. Then I starting thinking the Obama travel entourage is the "stimulus package" he promised. Hey, Marthas' Vineyard has to eat also? right? Exxon needs to sell jet fuel too? A doorman has needs? come on, loosen up.

I know, right? This is one of those issues that will vanish from the radar of partisan conservatives on January 20th. Unsurprisingly that will also be the same day this becomes an issue for partisan liberals. As the world turns...
Remember when snowflakes freaked completely out when Bush returned to his own ranch, where he didn't rent out entire floors of the most expensive hotels all over the world, where he did not impose himself on others, cause traffic jams all over the place, and where he spent no where near the Obamas do for vacations?

Of course you don't - you're a snowflake.
They still bitch about it. I will tell them, the same thing im telling you: Presidents get vacations. No need to hack it up.
Why am I a snowflake? Because im not a partisan hack?

I like the postings of easyt65 and I like the postings of TNHarley....both of you are closer together in your thinking than you are apart. That is why I look up the history of someone I am not familiar with and look at their posting history....if they try and be impartial? They are aces in my book.
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Well, he himself said "the Great recession". So did he tighten belt? No way! He had it all ramped up from day 1. Doubled down on frivolous spending for all of DC.

Remember the fleet of jets in 09'? off to Copenhagen GW boondoggle at peak of recession? While Americans lost homes they took over 5-star hotels, on private jets. A lot of them.
You know he's FROM Hawaii !

Righties don't seem to mind the millions spent on guarding trump because he insists on staying in the middle ofthe busyist most populated neighborhood in the country .

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