Barr to Nadler: Take your subpoena and shove it!!


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
He refused to illegally give them the unredacted version of the Mueller report.

Attorney General William Barr to be Held in Contempt of Court | National Review

Now the house wants to hold him in contempt. But he cannot release grand jury testimony without a court order. So they want to hold him in contempt for following the law.

Typical dumbass democrats. They are cutting off their own noses to spite their faces. They are committing political suicide.
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Then he can go to court and he should of got his fat butt in court when he got the report. Too late, he will be in contempt of congress.
No need to. His lawyer will. Every lawyer that can fog a mirror who knows the law knows that he can't give them grand jury testimony without committing a federal crime.

So it's an invalid document. You cannot be forced to break the law.

What has this country come to, Trump Humpers openly applaud when this president or his minions break the law.

I hope you were looking in the mirror when you vomited that crap out of your mouth.
What has this country come to, Trump Humpers openly applaud when this president or his minions break the law.

No, we're applauding him for standing up to these Obama minions and telling them to get bent. By not giving them grand jury testimony he DID NOT break the law.

Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit Trump has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.
What has this country come to, Trump Humpers openly applaud when this president or his minions break the law.

No, we're applauding him for standing up to these Obama minions and telling them to get bent. By not giving them grand jury testimony he DID NOT break the law.

Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.

You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.
What has this country come to, Trump Humpers openly applaud when this president or his minions break the law.

No, we're applauding him for standing up to these Obama minions and telling them to get bent. By not giving them grand jury testimony he DID NOT break the law.

Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.

You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.

No, if Pres. Obama had done what Trump has done in the Mueller Report you Trump Humpers would shooting IMPEACH from the rooftops.
What has this country come to, Trump Humpers openly applaud when this president or his minions break the law.

No, we're applauding him for standing up to these Obama minions and telling them to get bent. By not giving them grand jury testimony he DID NOT break the law.

Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.

You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.

No, if Pres. Obama had done what Trump has done in the Mueller Report you Trump Humpers would shooting IMPEACH from the rooftops.

Why would anyone want to impeach a president for not colluding and not obstructing?

I much more want Obama to go down for his role in trying to get Clinton into the white house by setting up the fake dossier against Trump with the Russians. He knew about it and did nothing. But I'd much rather see Clinton go down for that. And Struck (sp?). And Page.
What has this country come to, Trump Humpers openly applaud when this president or his minions break the law.

No, we're applauding him for standing up to these Obama minions and telling them to get bent. By not giving them grand jury testimony he DID NOT break the law.

Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.

You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.

No, if Pres. Obama had done what Trump has done in the Mueller Report you Trump Humpers would shooting IMPEACH from the rooftops.

Why would anyone want to impeach a president for not colluding and not obstructing?

Mueller report clearly shows he OBSTRUCTED, I know that is a hard pill to swallow for Trump Humpers.
No, we're applauding him for standing up to these Obama minions and telling them to get bent. By not giving them grand jury testimony he DID NOT break the law.

Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.

You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.

No, if Pres. Obama had done what Trump has done in the Mueller Report you Trump Humpers would shooting IMPEACH from the rooftops.

Why would anyone want to impeach a president for not colluding and not obstructing?

Mueller report clearly shows he OBSTRUCTED, I know that is a hard pill to swallow for Trump Humpers.

Then why didn't Mueller say so?
Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.

You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.

No, if Pres. Obama had done what Trump has done in the Mueller Report you Trump Humpers would shooting IMPEACH from the rooftops.

Why would anyone want to impeach a president for not colluding and not obstructing?

Mueller report clearly shows he OBSTRUCTED, I know that is a hard pill to swallow for Trump Humpers.

Then why didn't Mueller say so?

He did.
You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.

No, if Pres. Obama had done what Trump has done in the Mueller Report you Trump Humpers would shooting IMPEACH from the rooftops.

Why would anyone want to impeach a president for not colluding and not obstructing?

Mueller report clearly shows he OBSTRUCTED, I know that is a hard pill to swallow for Trump Humpers.

Then why didn't Mueller say so?

He did.


He didn't even do his job. He was such a weeny and in such cahoots with the democrats he didn't even say no obstruction. He left it to Barr. Barr said no obstruction. So it's dead. If Mueller wanted Barr to say anything else he should have said it himself.

But no. Mueller was trying to plant the seed of impeachment.
What has this country come to, Trump Humpers openly applaud when this president or his minions break the law.

No, we're applauding him for standing up to these Obama minions and telling them to get bent. By not giving them grand jury testimony he DID NOT break the law.

Obama minions, WTF, had Pres. Obama done the shit has done you Trump Humpers would be running in the streets with torches and pitch forks.

You're right. Had Obama disclosed grand jury testimony I would indeed want him prosecuted for violating federal law.

No, if Pres. Obama had done what Trump has done in the Mueller Report you Trump Humpers would shooting IMPEACH from the rooftops.

Why would anyone want to impeach a president for not colluding and not obstructing?

I much more want Obama to go down for his role in trying to get Clinton into the white house by setting up the fake dossier against Trump with the Russians. He knew about it and did nothing. But I'd much rather see Clinton go down for that. And Struck (sp?). And Page.
Democrats are an impeachment desperately looking for a crime.

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