Barney Frank

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
Barney Frank

What some people here refuse to believe about US Rep. Barney Frank is always amusing. Lightweights here who can't argue themselves out of a wet paper bag, mock and try to belittle a man who had US House Speaker Newt Gingrich whining like a stuck pig.

Frank also watched as Gingrich rose in power until, in 1994, the Georgian orchestrated a Republican takeover in the House that gave the GOP control of both chambers of Congress for the first time in 40 years. In a way, Gingrich, who became speaker, and his revolution completed Frank's political rehabilitation. His essential gifts suited a politician in opposition.

Almost from the start, Frank perceived a schism in the personality of the new speaker, who fancied himself not only a gifted political partisan but also a towering cultural and sociological visionary. The two sides were not compatible, and Frank, who was uniquely attuned to the problems of living any kind of a double life, sensed an advantage and tormented Gingrich almost from the moment that the latter picked up the speaker's gavel. This eventually prompted some decidedly unvisionary whining from Gingrich, who, Frank decided, was what is called in the fight game "a bleeder."

GINGRICH, HOWEVER, had fashioned an authentic political revolution, and he'd brought into the House with him young conservatives who believed they had changed the world. Almost from the first day in 1995, there was loose talk about impeaching Bill Clinton over one of the multifarious "scandals" that had refused to die. From his seat on the House Judiciary Committee, Frank was the Democratic point man on these debates. One of his staunchest opponents on the committee was another Georgia Republican, Bob Barr, who would write the foreword to Emmett Tyrrell Jr.'s fictional 1997 book The Impeachment of William Jefferson Clinton.

"One of the things about Barney," Barr says now, "is that some of the members on that committee were just loud. Others just talked and talked. What makes Barney stronger than them, and more formidable, is that there's substance behind what he's saying. He has the credibility. When he says something, you can take to the bank that he knows his stuff."


By Charles P. Pierce | October 2, 2005
It was a Democratic president who announced almost 10 years ago that "the era of big government is over," back in Barney Frank's 16th year in Congress. Now, though, the governing philosophy that replaced it looks threadbare and impotent against a national catastrophe. "This is the fourth thing" for the Republicans, Frank says. "First was Social Security, then the war, then the whole [Terri] Schiavo thing, and now this. It gives us the chance to make the opportunity that we've been making - that these people undervalue government. Government and the private sector have to coexist, but they've shrunk the government, until now it's not there at all. In American politics, the side that says don't politicize something is the side that's losing the argument."
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What I like about Barney Frank:

His knowledge. He is obvioulsy an intelligent man
His passion for his conviction. A trait I wish all of our politicians had.

What I dislike about Barney Frank:

His refusal to see where he is wrong, when he is wrong.
His inability to prevent his ideology from dictating his decision making.
He's the sponser of the end of MJ prohibition bill. Dude has courage

Yes. He is an example of what our politicians are supposed to be...

I do not agree with his ideology and I would never vote for him as he allows his ideology to dictate his legislative actions....

But I admire his courage and passion for his convictions.
What I like about Barney Frank:

His knowledge. He is obvioulsy an intelligent man
His passion for his conviction. A trait I wish all of our politicians had.

What I dislike about Barney Frank:

His refusal to see where he is wrong, when he is wrong.
His inability to prevent his ideology from dictating his decision making.

Barney is used to being the smartest (or one of the smartest) people in the room. When he worked at City Hall, he was surrounded by an enviable brain trust. He stood out.

now that was back in the late 70s, but I think he is still the same man. seen him a few years back at some political events and still admire the man and his principles

I am unsure about his ideological stubbornness, but he once told me that he believed the phrase 'politics is the art of compromise' and when I asked him what that meant for principles and ideology, he said he believed in politics everything is 'open' to compromise except one's core beliefs.
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He's the sponser of the end of MJ prohibition bill. Dude has courage

Yes. He is an example of what our politicians are supposed to be...

I do not agree with his ideology and I would never vote for him as he allows his ideology to dictate his legislative actions....

But I admire his courage and passion for his convictions.

most politicians allow their ideology to dictate their legislative actions. if not, they are acting out of character for which the public voted.
"...What makes Barney stronger than them, and more formidable, is that there's substance behind what he's saying. He has the credibility. When he says something, you can take to the bank that he knows his stuff."

Well, maybe except when he's talking about Fannie & Freddie:

"The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disastrous scenarios. And even if there were a problem, the Federal Government doesn't bail them out. But the more pressure there is there, then the less I think we see in terms of affordable housing."

Well, instead of taking that gigantic mistake to the bank Boney took it to us taxpayers.

Someone tell Boney to stick to attending gay weekend bashes on Fire Island and the grownups will look after F & F.
"...What makes Barney stronger than them, and more formidable, is that there's substance behind what he's saying. He has the credibility. When he says something, you can take to the bank that he knows his stuff."

Well, maybe except when he's talking about Fannie & Freddie:

"The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disastrous scenarios. And even if there were a problem, the Federal Government doesn't bail them out. But the more pressure there is there, then the less I think we see in terms of affordable housing."

Well, instead of taking that gigantic mistake to the bank Boney took it to us taxpayers.

Someone tell Boney to stick to attending gay weekend bashes on Fire Island and the grownups will look after F & F.

When you decide to end a post with a personal attack like the one above, you end up losing most credibility.:eusa_whistle:

taking quotes out of the context of when and where they were uttered leaves too much room to even bother with a reply.

fuck off
He's the sponser of the end of MJ prohibition bill. Dude has courage

Yes. He is an example of what our politicians are supposed to be...

I do not agree with his ideology and I would never vote for him as he allows his ideology to dictate his legislative actions....

But I admire his courage and passion for his convictions.

most politicians allow their ideology to dictate their legislative actions. if not, they are acting out of character for which the public voted.

I personally expect our politicians that I vote for to debate based on the ideology they used as a campaign platform, but to also not allow their ideology to prevent them from seeing the virtues of the other side of the debate.

I vote for the most conservative as I want my conservative values to be heard in a debate.

I do not expect my politician to say "hell with those that are not conservative, I will force them to live with conservative values...and I will not liten to the virtuyes of what my liberal colleagues are saying"

I see America differently than many conservatives.

I respect what others want....and I will always vote for what others long as them getting what they want does not force me to live my life any way other than the way I want.

I will vote for abortions to be legal as many see it as a necessary action.
Do not make me pay for them as I personally see it as murder.

I will vote for gay marriage. But dont tell me that I need to change what it is called when a man marries a woman (just an example...nobody tried to tell anyone that)
barney frank knows his stuff????

"These two entities—Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac—are not facing any kind of financial crisis," said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. "The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing."

Barney Frank's Fannie and Freddie Muddle - Sam Dealey (

"...What makes Barney stronger than them, and more formidable, is that there's substance behind what he's saying. He has the credibility. When he says something, you can take to the bank that he knows his stuff."

Well, maybe except when he's talking about Fannie & Freddie:

"The more people, in my judgment, exaggerate a threat of safety and soundness, the more people conjure up the possibility of serious financial losses to the Treasury, which I do not see. I think we see entities that are fundamentally sound financially and withstand some of the disastrous scenarios. And even if there were a problem, the Federal Government doesn't bail them out. But the more pressure there is there, then the less I think we see in terms of affordable housing."

Well, instead of taking that gigantic mistake to the bank Boney took it to us taxpayers.

Someone tell Boney to stick to attending gay weekend bashes on Fire Island and the grownups will look after F & F.

When you decide to end a post with a personal attack like the one above, you end up losing most credibility.:eusa_whistle:

taking quotes out of the context of when and where they were uttered leaves too much room to even bother with a reply.

fuck off

Same to you. And, hey, maybe you're Boney's type. All you gotta do to find out is bend over.
What I like about Frank:
His ability to get re-elected despite obvious ethics scandals, poor judgment and policies that hurt his constituents.

What I don't like about Frank:

He's fucking gay.

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Bill O'Reilly Drills Barney Frank a new a-hole (Hebrew Sub)‬‎[/ame]
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What I like about Barney Frank:

His knowledge. He is obvioulsy an intelligent man
His passion for his conviction. A trait I wish all of our politicians had.

What I dislike about Barney Frank:

His refusal to see where he is wrong, when he is wrong.
His inability to prevent his ideology from dictating his decision making.

Barney is used to being the smartest (or one of the smartest) people in the room. When he worked at City Hall, he was surrounded by an enviable brain trust. He stood out.

now that was back in the late 70s, but I think he is still the same man. seen him a few years back at some political events and still admire the man and his principles

I am unsure about his ideological stubbornness, but he once told me that he believed the phrase 'politics is the art of compromise' and when I asked him what that meant for principles and ideology, he said he believed in politics everything is 'open' to compromise except one's core beliefs.

The man is a douche with his head stuck straight up his ass (and when it's not his head, it's some other guy's).
homophobes are hillarious
Frank is a beast, to bad the pussy republiKlans don't support personal freedom's like he does.

Bet you all watch man/girl porn you gaylords
homophobes are hillarious
Frank is a beast, to bad the pussy republiKlans don't support personal freedom's like he does.

Bet you all watch man/girl porn you gaylords

Only porn worth watching is the girl on girl porn.

I am convinced I would be a lesbian if I were born a woman.
What I like about Barney Frank:

His knowledge. He is obvioulsy an intelligent man
His passion for his conviction. A trait I wish all of our politicians had.

What I dislike about Barney Frank:

His refusal to see where he is wrong, when he is wrong.
His inability to prevent his ideology from dictating his decision making.

What I like about Barney Frank is that he is a FUCKING QUEER, with his boy friend running a QUEER PROSTITUTION RING from QUEER Barney Frank's home.

I like that about the QUEER Barney Frank is that this ALONE exposes the fucking QUEER as a CORRUPT DOUCHEBAG !!!!

But apart from that, Barney Frank is a LYING DOUCHEBAG regarding his involvement in the Fannie and Freddie Financial Debacle that brought our Beloved America into the present Financial Debacle......all the whilst blaming Bush when the DEMS with Barney Frank being the Chairman of the Congressional Financial OVERSEEING COMMITTEE that TIME and AGAIN shot down Bush's REPEATED and CONTINUOUS CRITICISM of laying out loans when the people taking out the loans COULD NOT AFFORD THEM.

This BUSH CRITICISM on the Congressional floor was repeated on National TV a few times in the past weeks with the QUEER Barney Franks reassuring America that his committee was totally comfortable with the safety of their BOGUS endeavors looking forwards into the future. Not only that, there were several shots of Maxine Waters RAILING and BROWBEATING Bush's representatives on the Congressional floor.

ALSO....please note that BOTH the Chairmen and CEOs of Fannie and Freddie were complicit with Chris Dodd, Barney's counterpart in the Senate with Dodd receiving bribes. But what was even more significant is that BOTH these Chairmen and CEOs of Fannie and Freddie were appointed as FINANCIAL ADVISORS in the newly formed Obama Administration.......but IMMEDIATELY evaporated into thin air when the spotlight was turned on them !!!!

Even though on paper both the senate and the house were supposedly in Republican hands. All this was at a time when Bush was basically a lame duck who was totally destroyed by the HYPOCRITICAL and TREACHEROUS Dems who knifed Bush in the back in IRAQ....after Bush destroyed the Iraqi Army (the Fourth Largest in the World) in TWENTY TWO DAYS.

The TREACHEROUS and HYPOCRITICAL realized that their chances in the upcoming elections were DOOMED. Using the 24/7 Lib Controlled National Media (there was NOT a countervailing unbiased Fox News or Radio talk show response in those days) the DEMS attacked and sabotaged EVERYTHING Bush attempted to do thereby giving IRAN and the other Islamofascist Swine the GREEN LIGHT to start the Iraqi Quagmire.......resurrect Afghanistan......and cause the problems of the Mid East today.
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Yes. He is an example of what our politicians are supposed to be...

I do not agree with his ideology and I would never vote for him as he allows his ideology to dictate his legislative actions....

But I admire his courage and passion for his convictions.

most politicians allow their ideology to dictate their legislative actions. if not, they are acting out of character for which the public voted.

I personally expect our politicians that I vote for to debate based on the ideology they used as a campaign platform, but to also not allow their ideology to prevent them from seeing the virtues of the other side of the debate.

I vote for the most conservative as I want my conservative values to be heard in a debate.

I do not expect my politician to say "hell with those that are not conservative, I will force them to live with conservative values...and I will not liten to the virtuyes of what my liberal colleagues are saying"

I see America differently than many conservatives.

I respect what others want....and I will always vote for what others long as them getting what they want does not force me to live my life any way other than the way I want.

I will vote for abortions to be legal as many see it as a necessary action.
Do not make me pay for them as I personally see it as murder.

I will vote for gay marriage. But dont tell me that I need to change what it is called when a man marries a woman (just an example...nobody tried to tell anyone that)

thing is Barney is in the leadership now, but politics aside he was always praised as someone who could and had worked across the aisle on legislation.

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