Barack Obama's "Julia" Is A Lie


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
Great video

[ame=]Barack Obama's "Julia" Is A Lie... and Sonnie Johnson Tells You Why - YouTube[/ame]
Video sucks! Full of lies!
....As expected from an Obama-worshiping shithead like you.

Here's four intelligent black adults explaining quite well that Obama is a goddamned Marxist and a liar and you reject it without reason. If you think there are ANY lies in the video, please take time to expose at least ONE of them.

I've seen it before. Nothing new from you NaziCons.
That was lie number two for you in this thread.
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Video sucks! Full of lies!
....As expected from an Obama-worshiping shithead like you.

Here's four intelligent black adults explaining quite well that Obama is a goddamned Marxist and a liar and you reject it without reason. If you think there are ANY lies in the video, please take time to expose at least ONE of them.

I've seen it before. Nothing new from you NaziCons.
That was lie number two for you in this thread.

6,516 views of that video and she just happen to have seen it.
It a double whammy for the O they can't take it,not only exposes him,but done by black people with honesty and integrity,its their worst nightmare.
Video sucks! Full of lies!

dem rule number 4 never watch or listen to anything that disagrees with the "O"
A more prudent rule would be to ignore any political idea expressed by Black Republicans because they are precisely analogous to Jewish Nazis.

yeah to liberals the title of this video "Four Uncle Toms" and of course they dont watch it.
I love the end...did they say if you're on Head Start you cant have a checking account?

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