Banned in your local paper.

As usual there is something going on that is not completely and honestly divulged by leadership. Presumably, we have an elected Congress here that looks out for our best interests, but is it possible that in the insular halls of governance it has been concluded that the voters do not really know what is best for them?

America’s founders wanted our leadership controlled from the bottom up, not the top down, which is why the US constitution is written the way it is. The founders knew there would be times when the people would have to step in and put the brakes on authority that became too powerful, too detached, and so far in front of the people that it lost sight of them as having any real importance.

They knew elected representation could find the people much more useful as a herd moved to suit the plans of a small nucleus of empowered individuals. Great plans take time and a body charged with carrying out those plans finds pesky people questioning those plans inconvenient. That is how all other governments have evolved and how all other empires have fallen.

In 2016 voters in America spoke in opposition to an insular and out-of-control government wildly addicted to the new drug of globalization that is killing America’s middle class like opioids are killing its citizens. They elected Donald J. Trump, a populist candidate not part of the contemporary politburo disguising itself as representative government.

Permanent Washington reacted by corrupting its security apparatus to destroy the upstart that gave the people hope of grabbing the reins before the selling out of America to a one world government was complete. The DOJ, the NSA, to some extent the FBI, and many other agencies formed to deal with foreign actors were turned inward on the interloper because he was threatening the established power base.

A staged-managed coup took place along with an unprecedented blitz of propaganda not seen since the East German Stasi held sway in the 1960’s. America’s prostituted press eagerly jumped on the bandwagon along with emerging electronic media anticipating future considerations in the new world order.

Still, this was not enough, so Washington enlisted the US Postal Service to aid in a fraud election in key swing states because just using the CIA to assassinate the incumbent would have been too risky in this technological age. The Postal Union was deluged with misinformation stating the president was going to eliminate it, so it was relatively easy to pull off.

You will not see this in your local paper because clear thinking and accurate analysis are banned.
Who in the hell still reads the paper from the dinosaur era?
You are correct here. Few today can barely read the lines, let alone between the lines. Most only see headlines and go no further. Facebook, Twitter et al are the contemporary factory bathroom walls of the information age with snippets and soundbites composing the body of knowledge if you can call it that.

America is in an intellectual trough and that appears to be part of the plan. These are dangerous times.
As usual there is something going on that is not completely and honestly divulged by leadership. Presumably, we have an elected Congress here that looks out for our best interests, but is it possible that in the insular halls of governance it has been concluded that the voters do not really know what is best for them?

America’s founders wanted our leadership controlled from the bottom up, not the top down, which is why the US constitution is written the way it is. The founders knew there would be times when the people would have to step in and put the brakes on authority that became too powerful, too detached, and so far in front of the people that it lost sight of them as having any real importance.

They knew elected representation could find the people much more useful as a herd moved to suit the plans of a small nucleus of empowered individuals. Great plans take time and a body charged with carrying out those plans finds pesky people questioning those plans inconvenient. That is how all other governments have evolved and how all other empires have fallen.

In 2016 voters in America spoke in opposition to an insular and out-of-control government wildly addicted to the new drug of globalization that is killing America’s middle class like opioids are killing its citizens. They elected Donald J. Trump, a populist candidate not part of the contemporary politburo disguising itself as representative government.

Permanent Washington reacted by corrupting its security apparatus to destroy the upstart that gave the people hope of grabbing the reins before the selling out of America to a one world government was complete. The DOJ, the NSA, to some extent the FBI, and many other agencies formed to deal with foreign actors were turned inward on the interloper because he was threatening the established power base.

A staged-managed coup took place along with an unprecedented blitz of propaganda not seen since the East German Stasi held sway in the 1960’s. America’s prostituted press eagerly jumped on the bandwagon along with emerging electronic media anticipating future considerations in the new world order.

Still, this was not enough, so Washington enlisted the US Postal Service to aid in a fraud election in key swing states because just using the CIA to assassinate the incumbent would have been too risky in this technological age. The Postal Union was deluged with misinformation stating the president was going to eliminate it, so it was relatively easy to pull off.

You will not see this in your local paper because clear thinking and accurate analysis are banned.
Who in the hell still reads the paper from the dinosaur era?
You are correct here. Few today can barely read the lines, let alone between the lines. Most only see headlines and go no further. Facebook, Twitter et al are the contemporary factory bathroom walls of the information age with snippets and soundbites composing the body of knowledge if you can call it that.

America is in an intellectual trough and that appears to be part of the plan. These are dangerous times.
Living is dangerous and no one has ever given you a warranty on your existence.
Very true

What Trump claims to be “the truth” is very bizarre
You can start with his stolen election claims
Uhm ...

Yeah ..... that's exactly what I just posted.

It's a well known fact that Leftist are incapable of seeing the truth.
Very true

What Trump claims to be “the truth” is very bizarre
You can start with his stolen election claims
Uhm ...

Yeah ..... that's exactly what I just posted.

It's a well known fact that Leftist are incapable of seeing the truth.
Trump has created an alternative reality which he feeds to his base.
As usual there is something going on that is not completely and honestly divulged by leadership. Presumably, we have an elected Congress here that looks out for our best interests, but is it possible that in the insular halls of governance it has been concluded that the voters do not really know what is best for them?

America’s founders wanted our leadership controlled from the bottom up, not the top down, which is why the US constitution is written the way it is. The founders knew there would be times when the people would have to step in and put the brakes on authority that became too powerful, too detached, and so far in front of the people that it lost sight of them as having any real importance.

They knew elected representation could find the people much more useful as a herd moved to suit the plans of a small nucleus of empowered individuals. Great plans take time and a body charged with carrying out those plans finds pesky people questioning those plans inconvenient. That is how all other governments have evolved and how all other empires have fallen.

In 2016 voters in America spoke in opposition to an insular and out-of-control government wildly addicted to the new drug of globalization that is killing America’s middle class like opioids are killing its citizens. They elected Donald J. Trump, a populist candidate not part of the contemporary politburo disguising itself as representative government.

Permanent Washington reacted by corrupting its security apparatus to destroy the upstart that gave the people hope of grabbing the reins before the selling out of America to a one world government was complete. The DOJ, the NSA, to some extent the FBI, and many other agencies formed to deal with foreign actors were turned inward on the interloper because he was threatening the established power base.

A staged-managed coup took place along with an unprecedented blitz of propaganda not seen since the East German Stasi held sway in the 1960’s. America’s prostituted press eagerly jumped on the bandwagon along with emerging electronic media anticipating future considerations in the new world order.

Still, this was not enough, so Washington enlisted the US Postal Service to aid in a fraud election in key swing states because just using the CIA to assassinate the incumbent would have been too risky in this technological age. The Postal Union was deluged with misinformation stating the president was going to eliminate it, so it was relatively easy to pull off.

You will not see this in your local paper because clear thinking and accurate analysis are banned.
Well said , and spot on .
As usual there is something going on that is not completely and honestly divulged by leadership. Presumably, we have an elected Congress here that looks out for our best interests, but is it possible that in the insular halls of governance it has been concluded that the voters do not really know what is best for them?

America’s founders wanted our leadership controlled from the bottom up, not the top down, which is why the US constitution is written the way it is. The founders knew there would be times when the people would have to step in and put the brakes on authority that became too powerful, too detached, and so far in front of the people that it lost sight of them as having any real importance.

They knew elected representation could find the people much more useful as a herd moved to suit the plans of a small nucleus of empowered individuals. Great plans take time and a body charged with carrying out those plans finds pesky people questioning those plans inconvenient. That is how all other governments have evolved and how all other empires have fallen.

In 2016 voters in America spoke in opposition to an insular and out-of-control government wildly addicted to the new drug of globalization that is killing America’s middle class like opioids are killing its citizens. They elected Donald J. Trump, a populist candidate not part of the contemporary politburo disguising itself as representative government.

Permanent Washington reacted by corrupting its security apparatus to destroy the upstart that gave the people hope of grabbing the reins before the selling out of America to a one world government was complete. The DOJ, the NSA, to some extent the FBI, and many other agencies formed to deal with foreign actors were turned inward on the interloper because he was threatening the established power base.

A staged-managed coup took place along with an unprecedented blitz of propaganda not seen since the East German Stasi held sway in the 1960’s. America’s prostituted press eagerly jumped on the bandwagon along with emerging electronic media anticipating future considerations in the new world order.

Still, this was not enough, so Washington enlisted the US Postal Service to aid in a fraud election in key swing states because just using the CIA to assassinate the incumbent would have been too risky in this technological age. The Postal Union was deluged with misinformation stating the president was going to eliminate it, so it was relatively easy to pull off.

You will not see this in your local paper because clear thinking and accurate analysis are banned.
All rulers in all times down to the leaders of the Republican Fascist Party think the ruled do not know what is best for them.
The OP is dangerously under-informed:

"Mail Delays Likely as New Postal Boss Pushes Cost-Cutting" -- AP -- July 15th, 2020

"The [cost-cutting] plan eliminates overtime for hundreds of thousands of postal workers and says employees must adopt a “different mindset” to ensure the Postal Service’s survival during the coronavirus pandemic."

This story ran in all my local newspapers ... radio and TV were all over this story ... and we voted for The Donald 2 to 1 over Quid Pro Joe ...

Instead of charging more for bulk and pre-sorted mail ... the Trump appointee decided to cut pay ... Big Business before the Middle Class ... typical Republican ...

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