Ban Sanctuary City Policy, Totally, Nationwide


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The needless and preventable death of Kate Steinle, shot by an illegal alien, who the San Francisco Sheriff's Dept released from jail (despite request from ICE to hold him), should never have happened. It happened because San Francisco considers itself a sanctuary city, where illegal aliens are protected from ICE, and not held in custody, until ICE could come and pick them pick them up.

ICE issued a detainer for Francisco Sanchez, the killer of Steinle, last March, requesting San Francisco County to keep Sanchez in custody. The county refused the request and deliberately let Sanchez go free. What's really infuriating about this is that the SF people seem to be acting like all this is OK. Here's what Freya Horne, lawyer for the sheriff's office, said >>

"Federal detention orders are not a legal basis to hold someone, so Sanchez was released April 15. San Francisco is a sanctuary city, and local money cannot be spent to cooperate with federal immigration law.The city does not turn over people who are in the country illegally unless there's an active warrant for their arrest. They checked and found none. ICE could have issued an active warrant if they wanted the city to keep him. It's not legal to hold someone on a request to detain. This is not just us. This is a widely adopted position."

I'm not clear on this. Is Horne saying it is ILLEGAL to keep this creep in custody, or just not legally required to do so (but the jail could keep him if they chose to) ? Perhaps a California attorney could chime in here with a clarification.

Hard to believe that in 2015, after all that has gone on, (thousands of Americans killed by illegal aliens), this kind of shit is actually being tolerated. Sanctuary city practice needs to be outlawed in every square foot of the USA. These people who are perpetrating this sanctuary city crap, need to be identified as the traitors to the American people that they are, and held accountable for it.

San Francisco No legal basis to hold shooting suspect The Sacramento Bee


FNCIC-VOIACM Foreign National Crime Information Center - Victims of Illegal Alien Crime Memorial
I won't even ask what that stupid-looking thing is, And please don't tell me. The mere fact that you make light of this poor woman's murder, by this filthy, illegal alien scumbag, is enough disgrace for you to endure.
Everyone, except the power structure of the Catholic church, white Tom's, and Hispanics, are for getting rid of sanctuary cities.
Ban all illegals and legal immigrants for a decade. Go back to the 1924 immigration act.

Deport all illegals.
Of course. What we need is a repeat of Eisenhower's 1954 Operation Wetback, that sent Mexicans back to Mexico by plane, train and boat, and then just dumped them. We need Operation Wetback II. Look for it in January, 2017.
Everyone, except the power structure of the Catholic church, white Tom's, and Hispanics, are for getting rid of sanctuary cities.
Not quite true. I'm half Hispanic. I'm for getting rid of them. I know lots of Hispanics. Every one of them is opposed to illegal immigration and sanctuary cities. The idea that Hispanics like illegal aliens, is propaganda from liberal media liars.

Here'a a list of VESTED INTERESTS who profit from and want illegal aliens here. >>>

1. Spanish media needing Spanish-only speakers (ex. Univision, which Jorge Ramos, a top Trump critic is a news anchor for).

2. Businesses wanting cheap labor to boost their profits.

3. Churches wanting parishoners to fill their empty pews.

4. Unions wanting members to replace their declining memberships.

5. Ethnocentrist organizations wanting immigrants to multiply their race, for racist reasons (ex. La Raza- "the race")

6. Democrats seek VOTES (and get them).

7. Terrorists come in to enact terrorism (ex. the 9-11 hijackers came in on visas)

8. Anchor baby parents who become LEGALLY entitled to welfare benefits by having the pregnant woman give birth on the American side of the border. And then help themselves to a lifetime of benefits (more immigrants are receiving welfare benefits than native-born Americans).

9. Mexico - remittances$$$ from the USA are their second largest source of income (second only to their oil exports) Mexico also benefits immensely by dumping their poor people on the US, as we then stupidly pay their poverty bill for them. Other countries also benefit from remittances and poverty dumping.

10. Mexico's reconquista of the American southwest. I take the Mexican govt at it's word when it says that is exactly its plan.
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The needless and preventable death of Kate Steinle, shot by an illegal alien, who the San Francisco Sheriff's Dept released from jail (despite request from ICE to hold him), should never have happened. It happened because San Francisco considers itself a sanctuary city, where illegal aliens are protected from ICE, and not held in custody, until ICE could come and pick them pick them up.

ICE issued a detainer for Francisco Sanchez, the killer of Steinle, last March, requesting San Francisco County to keep Sanchez in custody. The county refused the request and deliberately let Sanchez go free. What's really infuriating about this is that the SF people seem to be acting like all this is OK. Here's what Freya Horne, lawyer for the sheriff's office, said >>

"Federal detention orders are not a legal basis to hold someone, so Sanchez was released April 15. San Francisco is a sanctuary city, and local money cannot be spent to cooperate with federal immigration law.The city does not turn over people who are in the country illegally unless there's an active warrant for their arrest. They checked and found none. ICE could have issued an active warrant if they wanted the city to keep him. It's not legal to hold someone on a request to detain. This is not just us. This is a widely adopted position."

I'm not clear on this. Is Horne saying it is ILLEGAL to keep this creep in custody, or just not legally required to do so (but the jail could keep him if they chose to) ? Perhaps a California attorney could chime in here with a clarification.

Hard to believe that in 2015, after all that has gone on, (thousands of Americans killed by illegal aliens), this kind of shit is actually being tolerated. Sanctuary city practice needs to be outlawed in every square foot of the USA. These people who are perpetrating this sanctuary city crap, need to be identified as the traitors to the American people that they are, and held accountable for it.

San Francisco No legal basis to hold shooting suspect The Sacramento Bee

Sanctuary cities are already in violation of the law. Federal law trumps state and or city laws in regards to immigration laws.

Also, this woman's family should sue the Sheriff's Department , I'm sure they would win.
Sanctuary cities are already against federal law. Obozo just doesn't enforce the law . He has effectively repealed all immigration laws.
These states and territories are proud to say that they do not allow sanctuary cities. If your's is not on this list, call your state representitives and tell them to get your state on the list.




New Hampshire
North Dakota
Rhode Island
South Carolina

South Dakota
West Virginia


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Taking On Sanctuary City Lawlessness
Can Kate's Law succeed in Congress?
October 9, 2015
Arnold Ahlert

The American left’s contemptuous disregard for laws it doesn’t like is metastasizing. Despite the public outrage that attended the murder of Kate Steinle by Juan Francsico Lopez-Sanchez, a seven-time convicted felon who had been deported five times, the number of illegal alien protection centers known as sanctuary cities has increased. The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reports the number of these law-obstructing entities has grown to 340, compared to only 276 identified as recently as last July. CIS’s analysis is based on new information released by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that covers the months of January through September of 2014.
It is far worse than that. In her book "Adios, America!” Ann Coulter reveals the insidiousness of the federal government's effort to conceal this information from both Congress and the public. She reveals that in 2011, when Congress “expressly requested" data on immigrant crime, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) estimated there were approximately 351,000 incarcerated criminal aliens in the United States—before saying the state and local portions of that total were “partial.”

How partial? The GAO omitted counting: all legal immigrants in those prisons; convicted illegal aliens for whom the states did not submit federal reimbursement requests; prisoners whose country of birth could not be determined; immigrants who have been naturalized; children born to illegal immigrants on American soil (aka, anchor babies); immigrants without at least one felony or two misdemeanor convictions; immigration “detainees;” and former illegal aliens who committed crimes after being granted amnesty via the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act.

Coulter reaches an obvious conclusion. “Knowing how many criminals are immigrants might affect our opinion of our current immigration policies,” she writes.

So would part of a sanctuary city bill requiring the federal government to provide regular and public statistics on illegal aliens who commit crime. That particular addition to a bill virtually certain to be vetoed by Obama—if Congressional Democrats, along with some weak-kneed Republicans, don’t kill it first—would clarify the fault lines between members of our political ruling class still looking out for Americans, and those beholden to special interest groups more than willing to abide the “fundamental transformation of the United States”--into a sanctuary nation.

What may be the most critical election in modern history will occur less than 13 months from now. Americans need to know which politicians are willing to embrace American exceptionalism—or American decline.

Taking On Sanctuary City Lawlessness

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