Ban concealed guns

This is my opinion
I don’t feel safe
I want the guns to be openly displayed

You can have your opinion.
Fortunately level heads disagree.

I'm afraid you will live the rest of your life afraid....because even if concealed carry was outlawed in all 50 states......there would still be TONS of concealed guns.....difference is only those actually wanting to harm you will have them.

I don't think you are very smart.
What you want conflicts with reality
I am very pro gun
I greatly support even AR guns

I have great fear I will get into argument and the guy will pull out a gun and shoot me !!
I live in one of the most chaotic cities on earth and life is cheap here

I'd recommend that you not be confrontational.
A person with a CHL is highly unlikely to draw down on you unless you threaten his or his families lives.
I am very very non-confortatiional
At my store of horrors : I get cursed it all the time and I ignore it
I do train in mma and kickboxing as a hobby

Yeah...I've heard about your MMA prowess.
It appears to be seriously lacking.

Me? I have a very well trained trigger finger.
I am a hobbyist and that’s that

That'll protect you for sure......
This is my opinion
I don’t feel safe
I want the guns to be openly displayed

You can have your opinion.
Fortunately level heads disagree.

I'm afraid you will live the rest of your life afraid....because even if concealed carry was outlawed in all 50 states......there would still be TONS of concealed guns.....difference is only those actually wanting to harm you will have them.

I don't think you are very smart.
What you want conflicts with reality
I am very pro gun
I greatly support even AR guns

I have great fear I will get into argument and the guy will pull out a gun and shoot me !!
I live in one of the most chaotic cities on earth and life is cheap here

I'd recommend that you not be confrontational.
A person with a CHL is highly unlikely to draw down on you unless you threaten his or his families lives.
I am very very non-confortatiional
At my store of horrors : I get cursed it all the time and I ignore it
I do train in mma and kickboxing as a hobby

Yeah...I've heard about your MMA prowess.
It appears to be seriously lacking.

Me? I have a very well trained trigger finger.
Real men fight with their hands !!

Real men fight to survive.
This is my opinion
I don’t feel safe
I want the guns to be openly displayed

Take that wrestling class, and fear no man!

Unless he has a .45....
A .40 would kill me In a single shot !!
I may survive a 9mm
That stupid statement alone proves that you don't know a damned thing about firearms. Therefore you have no damned business talking about them.
I shot a .40 and the power was unreal ..

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously....
My Wife can shoot my .45 without issue and she has Her own 12 gauge 870 sawed off to just the legal limit......and can take beer cans out of the air from the hip.
Your constant claims of being a girly man have come to the point of being rather creepy and I think you've taken on MMA and wrestling so you can fondle sweaty men.
Maybe you can teach me how to shoot
I offer $ 75 per hour to you

I'd do it for free.
Contact me.
This is my opinion
I don’t feel safe
I want the guns to be openly displayed

Take that wrestling class, and fear no man!

Unless he has a .45....
A .40 would kill me In a single shot !!
I may survive a 9mm
That stupid statement alone proves that you don't know a damned thing about firearms. Therefore you have no damned business talking about them.
I shot a .40 and the power was unreal ..

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously....
My Wife can shoot my .45 without issue and she has Her own 12 gauge 870 sawed off to just the legal limit......and can take beer cans out of the air from the hip.
Your constant claims of being a girly man have come to the point of being rather creepy and I think you've taken on MMA and wrestling so you can fondle sweaty men.
Maybe you can teach me how to shoot
I offer $ 75 per hour to you

I'd do it for free.
Contact me.
I would pay $$$$
I am in Vegas
This is my opinion
I don’t feel safe
I want the guns to be openly displayed

Take that wrestling class, and fear no man!

Unless he has a .45....
A .40 would kill me In a single shot !!
I may survive a 9mm
That stupid statement alone proves that you don't know a damned thing about firearms. Therefore you have no damned business talking about them.
I shot a .40 and the power was unreal ..

And you wonder why nobody takes you seriously....
My Wife can shoot my .45 without issue and she has Her own 12 gauge 870 sawed off to just the legal limit......and can take beer cans out of the air from the hip.
Your constant claims of being a girly man have come to the point of being rather creepy and I think you've taken on MMA and wrestling so you can fondle sweaty men.
Maybe you can teach me how to shoot
I offer $ 75 per hour to you

I'd do it for free.
Contact me.
I would pay $$$$
I am in Vegas

I live in Texas. So???
I really don’t have a problem with open carry but I think any concealed gun must be banned !!

I see too many insane guys with concealed permits
Maybe if buffoon Biden wins : he will use executive action to outlaw all concealed guns

I don’t feel safe !!

I disagree wholeheartedly. Some people freak out when you open-carry in some locations. Just less of a scene for a civilian patron in a bar or a church to keep his firearm concealed.
This is my opinion
I don’t feel safe
I want the guns to be openly displayed

You can have your opinion.
Fortunately level heads disagree.

I'm afraid you will live the rest of your life afraid....because even if concealed carry was outlawed in all 50 states......there would still be TONS of concealed guns.....difference is only those actually wanting to harm you will have them.

I don't think you are very smart.
What you want conflicts with reality
I am very pro gun
I greatly support even AR guns

I have great fear I will get into argument and the guy will pull out a gun and shoot me !!
I live in one of the most chaotic cities on earth and life is cheap here

I'd recommend that you not be confrontational.
A person with a CHL is highly unlikely to draw down on you unless you threaten his or his families lives.
I am very very non-confortatiional
At my store of horrors : I get cursed it all the time and I ignore it
I do train in mma and kickboxing as a hobby

Yeah...I've heard about your MMA prowess.
It appears to be seriously lacking.

Me? I have a very well trained trigger finger.
Real men fight with their hands !!

Oh please. Real men? If you get in a fight, and do not use every means at your disposal to win, you are a fool. Real men, if they expect violence, prepare to end the violence as quickly and efficiently as they can, with the lowest risk to themselves and those they seek to protect.

BTW, with over 18 million people able to carry concealed, they are probably your best bet to end a dangerous situation in which you would die.
I really don’t have a problem with open carry but I think any concealed gun must be banned !!

I see too many insane guys with concealed permits
Maybe if buffoon Biden wins : he will use executive action to outlaw all concealed guns

I don’t feel safe !!

I disagree wholeheartedly. Some people freak out when you open-carry in some locations. Just less of a scene for a civilian patron in a bar or a church to keep his firearm concealed.

I have always thought that freaking people out was the main reason guys open carry, especially a rifle.
I really don’t have a problem with open carry but I think any concealed gun must be banned !!

I see too many insane guys with concealed permits
Maybe if buffoon Biden wins : he will use executive action to outlaw all concealed guns

I don’t feel safe !!

Feel free to move your commie ass to North Korea, they've already banned them.

I really don’t have a problem with open carry but I think any concealed gun must be banned !!

I see too many insane guys with concealed permits
Maybe if buffoon Biden wins : he will use executive action to outlaw all concealed guns

I don’t feel safe !!
It will never happen in Tennessee.

Or TX.

I am a good guy and always keep the advantage. What are you asking?
I’m asking why you think good guys should have to show their weapon
They should not, ever until they have to. Very bad tactic, serving no benefit. If you look back you will find some of my combat tactics. Not sure where you got the wrong idea. I carry concealed, locked and loaded and cocked, not even requiring thumbing a safety. If a bad gut comes in to rob a 7/11 the dude with the hardware is the first one to shoot. Don't make yourself a target until time for actions on contact. Let them find out you have one, after it is too late for them. Remember PT Barnum if not a student of tactics. Never give a sucker and even break.
I really don’t have a problem with open carry but I think any concealed gun must be banned !!

I see too many insane guys with concealed permits
Maybe if buffoon Biden wins : he will use executive action to outlaw all concealed guns

I don’t feel safe !!
The number of unlawful shooting by Concealed Carry holders is shockingly low

I don’t see any Jewish guys carrying them

You wouldn't dumb ass, they're concealed.

I really don’t have a problem with open carry but I think any concealed gun must be banned !!

I see too many insane guys with concealed permits
Maybe if buffoon Biden wins : he will use executive action to outlaw all concealed guns

I don’t feel safe !!

so, you actually think a law prohibiting concealed carry....and criminals will go "AW MAn! I can't carry this 45 concealed because they passed a law" !!!
I don’t have any problems with open carry
I am well aware of bad guys packing ; however , I think you’re far more likely to get kills by a crazy guy with a permit

Actually folks with permits tend to make fewer mistakes than the police. You might want to educate yourself before you make a bigger fool of yourself.

You underestimate Texans. I don't know how old or young you are, but it won't be in your lifetime.

Then why have Texans already allowed Democrats to take control of so many Texas cities already?
it has even been discussed that Texas may turn Blue.
See, talk is cheap....but I am correct
You overestimate Texans.

They fly this pretty 'Don't tread On Me" flag...but ALL Texans stood by shaking in their boots when the Feds raided Waco.
Nah...Texans are not gonna do anything.
The Waco people were wacko.
This is my opinion
I don’t feel safe
I want the guns to be openly displayed

Take that wrestling class, and fear no man!

Unless he has a .45....

Yeah, I hate malt liquor.

Yesterday we worked on smashing the guy from half guard top with strikes and keeping him down
In mma..many things are set up with strikes while in BJJ / wrestling it’s very more complex
Then from half guard top we trap their arm with kegs or grab a wrist behind their back and drop bombs
I talked to one coach who is an expert in everything
He said many just never grasp the intricate set ups in bjj and wrestling and quit !!!

In mma ..we smash and smash then worry later
Much easier to grasp

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