Balaclava/Cowgirl: Yale Admissions [P.C. Door-Tax?]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does media inspire you to think of the pedestrianism-daydream symbolism of pro-capitalism films like Citizen Kane and Jerry Maguire?

Is TrumpUSA worth a dose of capitalism-hyperbole?


Ethan always wore balaclavas (ski-masks) while snowboarding in Colorado while making stick-figure doodles about Christmastime consumerism spirit in America (and Western civilization). These doodles were invented avatars like 'Evil Elf' who were basic/silly and symbolized commercial vanities in a light-hearted fashion, poking light fun at the ornamenting of shopping-season pedestals. Why was the Easter Bunny a terrific sales-spokesman for Cadbury creme-eggs or Yale hard-candies? Ethan's 'Evil Elf' was featured in an editorial in New Yorker magazine.


Standing in the way of Ethan becoming a celebrity was a dastardly and diabolical Texan cowgirl named Emmma. Emma wore a large yellow trench-coat and usually a large and stylish black cowboy/cowgirl hat. Emma always carried her 'magic lasso' with her and was chaperoned by her guardian-god Anyds. Ethan wanted to use consumerism iconography to promote capitalism as an American Idealist, but Emma blogged on the Internet about the incorrect but pervasive view that commerce was ornament-based (rather than governance-based!). Emma believed in the NRA, Western Union, Facebook, and Hollywood and what they revealed about 'American aesthetics.' It wasn't just a kids' show for the conscious Emma (the world's most hip/iconic cowgirl).


To help Ethan, an underground club of American urban bureaucrats began making anti-establishment protest-stunts modeled after the incendiary concepts in the David Fincher anarchism-adapted film Fight Club. This ski-mask wearing (or balaclava-wearing) club called itself the 'Democrat Club' and insisted that brand-mascots/avatars such as Green Giant, Aunt Jemima, Bob's Big Boy, Chuck E. Cheese (etc.) revealed a side to commercial market-grids which were not necessarily 'trend-based' but rather 'cartoon-based'(!). You see, to the Democrat Club, pedestrian daydreams about colorful brand-shopping avatars such as Cap'n Crunch reflected a civilization-investment in pro-magazine thinking.


COWGIRL (Emma): You'd never get a teaching-position at Yale!
ETHAN: Perhaps, but I'd get an internship with Amnesty International...
COWGIRL: Do they offer internships?
ETHAN: I'm not sure, but I'm sure they offer some 'equivalent.'
COWGIRL: Pluralism-politics makes Amnesty recruitment an intrigue!
ETHAN: Sure; we want to see all ethnic groups represented...
COWGIRL: How is Tony the Tiger (Frosted Flakes) intelligent capitalism?
ETHAN: We want commercial brands to at least aspire to be youth-oriented.
COWGIRL: So consumerism is about reaching the students?
ETHAN: Well, when students use Internet at schools, they learn traffic.
COWGIRL: I suppose Facebook business-ads are part of 'modern traffic.'
ETHAN: In that case, a Yale wristwatch is an iconic Facebook post...
COWGIRL: Yes, if a Facebook-user posted a photo of his/her Yale watch, it'd be smooth.
ETHAN: Facebook does not perturb the standard flow of online advertising.
COWGIRL: It's a very 'user-friendly' generation, no?
ETHAN: That's why multiculturalism becomes so symbolic (in times of shopping).
COWGIRL: I'd wear an Ivy League cheering Yale wristwatch to promote consumerism.
ETHAN: Are you a fan of the sports-culture film Jerry Maguire (Tom Cruise)?
COWGIRL: I like how that film 'spotlights' Americans' love of media-based learning.
ETHAN: You can learn a lot about society from its forms of communication/markets.
COWGIRL: Perhaps it's all a 'jewelry-demographic.'


Ethan conceded that consumerism was potentially very organized (at least in principle/doctrine). However, Emma (the iconic American/Texan cowgirl) conceded that consumerism was 'emergently iambic' enough to create forms of socially-hyped patriotism (e.g., Lucky Charms breakfast cereal, Captain America fridge-magnets). The Democrat Club continued to assist the idealist Ethan in the Internet with ideas about ethnic consumer brands (e.g., Uncle Ben's Rice) while staging more and more urban protest stunts (e.g., pasting Jesus-stickers on parked cop-cars) designed to promote free-speech. Was capitalism and the potential pluralism-dialogue it might create in TrumpUSA a presentation of yellow-journalism?




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