Bain Sources: Romney Wouldn't Have Run If He Had Foreseen Tax Controversy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney has been determined to resist releasing his tax returns at least since his bid for Massachusetts governor in 2002 and has been confident that he will never be forced to do so, several current and former Bain executives tell The Huffington Post. Had he thought otherwise, say the sources based on their longtime understanding of Romney, he never would have gone forward with his run for president.

Bain executives say they've been instructed to keep company and Romney-specific information completely confidential, tightening the lockdown on an already closed company.

More: Mitt Romney Never Thought He'd Have To Release Tax Returns: Bain Sources
If he's not REQUIRED to release them he shouldn't. If that's all the MSM is concerned about (recall Halliburton?!) the MSM only helps Mitt's case.

What about :
Budget cuts and Balancing the Budget?
Fiscal cliff?
Military cuts?
Fed Department cuts?
The National Debt?
Rebuilding the economy
Taxing Wall Street?
Replacing Obamacare with what? The Ryan Plan?

The MSM are trying to "gin-up" a controversy when the electorate has much larger concerns, like the 2010 election results redux...
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I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Good idea. That way you don't have to face up to the FACTS.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That is why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Good idea. That way you don't have to face up to the FACTS.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That is why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Wasserman say wha...?
How many records has Obama still got hidden away? The solution is simple. For every year of tax returns that Romney releases Obama has to release one of these. Tax returns would never be mentioned again.
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Good idea. That way you don't have to face up to the FACTS.

Using an offshore account to avoid taxes is like getting paid in cash and not reporting it to the IRS. It is cheating on your taxes. That is why, once the IRS was aware of peoples' accounts, it didn't shield taxes any more. That was a nice way to say that people couldn't cheat.

Wasserman say wha...?

Wasserman? Anyone can buy and sell foreign stocks. I do it almost every day - and I pay taxes on them. None of them are tax havens.
One day the ghost of Jacob Marley is going to appear to Mitt Romney.
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Negging people with delusions feels great, but mocking them feels even better. There is a guy that lives around the corner from me that has a sign in his window that says that 9/11/01 was a Zionist Coup. I think he is a bit smarter and more attached to reality than Lakhota, at least he know HuffPo is not a source.
I've decided that, rather than ignoring the idiots that start Bain threads, I'm just going to start negging their one-tracked asses


Who cares? A quick look shows that a lot of Rep is nothing more than a CON circle jerk, anyway. Sometimes I'll keep posting pointed, but not obscene or off-topic, messages until I see it go down. Then I know I've done my job and log off. :mm:

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