

Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. As the old joke goes, 'War is God's way of teaching Americans geography."

Now.....lest any imagine that conservatives are like Liberals, and we also compare our political leaders to God, (remember when they told us that Hussein Obama was Jesus, God, the messiah???) I am in no way comparing this President to the Almighty.....

2. is only the amazing achievements of Donald Trump that accomplished this:

"Bahrain expresses support for Israel’s defending itself
Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa wrote on Twitter that “it is the right of any country in the region, including Israel to defend itself by destroying sources of danger.”

In an unlikely source of support, the Arab Gulf country of Bahrain voiced their backing for Israel’s right to defend itself after Israel launched attacks against Iranian and Syrian targets following an Iranian missile attack on the Jewish state on Wednesday night.

Bahrain’s Foreign Minister Khalid bin Ahmed Al Khalifa wrote on Thursday via Twitter that “it is the right of any country in the region, including Israel to defend itself by destroying sources of danger.”
Bahrain expresses support for Israel’s defending itself

3. "The state religion of Bahrain is Islam and most Bahraini citizens are Muslim. The majority of Muslims are Shiites, although there are no official figures for the proportion of Shia and Sunni among the Muslims of Bahrain.
Bahrain also has a native Jewish community numbering thirty-seven Bahraini citizens (out of 1,425,471)."
Bahrain - Wikipedia

4. Israel-Bahrain
"Relations are generally tense and the two states do not have diplomatic and economic relations. Like most Arab states, Bahrain does not recognize Israel and traditionally supports the creation of an independent Palestinian state. "
Bahrain–Israel relations - Wikipedia
Bahrain–Israel relations - Wikipedia

Can you imagine this during the regime of the crpto-Islamist Obama?????

Seems we finally have competent, well-intentioned, American President.

A modern day miracle.
They don't want to get the shit bombed out of them by Saudi like the Yemenis.

Bahrain is a majority Shiite shit country------however the ruling parties are sunnis----Bahrain is
in danger of being INFESTED with Hezbollah------it is a VERY VERY serious situation
There is ALREADY----sunni Shiite strife in Bahrain-----AND it is also a bit culturally diverse----
even hindus and Buddhists there (imported to do the work). Bahrain is a powder keg------
expect Iran to insert its grubby paws

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