Baghdad wants U.S. to pay $1 billion for damage to city


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
Baghdad wants U.S. to pay $1 billion for damage to city

(Reuters) - Iraq's capital wants the United States to apologize and pay $1 billion for the damage done to the city not by bombs but by blast walls and Humvees since the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein.

The city's government issued its demands in a statement on Wednesday that said Baghdad's infrastructure and aesthetics have been seriously damaged by the American military.

"The U.S. forces changed this beautiful city to a camp in an ugly and destructive way, which reflected deliberate ignorance and carelessness about the simplest forms of public taste," the statement said.

"Due to the huge damage, leading to a loss the Baghdad municipality cannot afford...we demand the American side apologize to Baghdad's people and pay back these expenses."

Where are all the NeoCon apologists? Hiding in shame, no doubt.

Apologize for what?

They can take their request and stick in a camel butt.... they owe us for getting them on the path to prosperity.

So fuck off with your stupid idiot idea that we owe them jackshit!

Oh.... and I thought it was all for oil (i.e. NO BLOOD FOR OIL)
Well, where is all that oil money that was supposed to be going straight to evil America?

Huh??? Where is it jackass????
Where are all the NeoCon apologists? Hiding in shame, no doubt.

Apologize for what?

They can take their request and stick in a camel butt.... they owe us for getting them on the path to prosperity.

So fuck off with your stupid idiot idea that we owe them jackshit!

Oh.... and I thought it was all for oil (i.e. NO BLOOD FOR OIL)
Well, where is all that oil money that was supposed to be going straight to evil America?

Huh??? Where is it jackass????

all the women who were previously free but now live under sharia thank you
all the women who were previously free but now live under sharia thank you


Ummmmm who took your leash and helmet off?

OMG... Your going to get yourself hurt :eek:
My mom always said to clean up after myself, I guess that doesn't apply to the military. We spend all this money on our military and forget that we have to clean up our mess.
My mom always said to clean up after myself, I guess that doesn't apply to the military. We spend all this money on our military and forget that we have to clean up our mess.

Its cleaner there than it was under Saddam.... but whatever.

Im not arguing with idiots about it.... Its like walking up to a wall and asking it for directions :cuckoo:

Laterz Suckerz!
My mom always said to clean up after myself, I guess that doesn't apply to the military. We spend all this money on our military and forget that we have to clean up our mess.

"we" certainly do clean up the mess, and by "we" I mean taxpayers who pay for the same corporations who pushed us into war and who built the bombs to get paid while desctrucing the place the same as when they rebuild it...

the entire war on terror is simply a way to funnel money from the dept of treasurey to govt contractors
Where are all the NeoCon apologists? Hiding in shame, no doubt.

Apologize for what?

They can take their request and stick in a camel butt.... they owe us for getting them on the path to prosperity.

They are now prosperous?

So fuck off with your stupid idiot idea that we owe them jackshit!

No, you fuck off for your lack of comprehension skills. It's not my idea - it's Baghdad's . . .you know . . . our grateful 'allies'. BTW: where are all those people who were supposed to greet us as liberators, with flowers and candy?


Oh.... and I thought it was all for oil (i.e. NO BLOOD FOR OIL)
Well, where is all that oil money that was supposed to be going straight to evil America?

Huh??? Where is it jackass????

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You are too fucking stupid to be on this message board - and that's saying something!
Where are all the NeoCon apologists? Hiding in shame, no doubt.

Apologize for what?

They can take their request and stick in a camel butt.... they owe us for getting them on the path to prosperity.

So fuck off with your stupid idiot idea that we owe them jackshit!

Oh.... and I thought it was all for oil (i.e. NO BLOOD FOR OIL)
Well, where is all that oil money that was supposed to be going straight to evil America?

Huh??? Where is it jackass????

In actuality, the USA is still owed money from the FIRST Gulf War:

"The cost of the [First Gulf War (1990-1991)] to the United States was calculated by the United States Congress to be $61.1 billion. About $52 billion of that amount was paid by different countries around the world: $36 billion by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf States; $16 billion by Germany and Japan."

So the USA is STLL owed 9 BILLION Dollars of the cost that was incurred in liberating Kuwait from Iraqi Occupation. Don't you think that Iraq should apologise for starting the FIRST Gulf War and also compensate the US Treasury with 9 Billion dollars that would be derived from its oil revenue? The US national debt is becoming so large that the US taxpayer deserves all the help he can get in paying it off. I think that this would be a good issue for the "Tea-Party" Republicans to push.:wink_2:
Where are all the NeoCon apologists? Hiding in shame, no doubt.

Apologize for what?

They can take their request and stick in a camel butt.... they owe us for getting them on the path to prosperity.

So fuck off with your stupid idiot idea that we owe them jackshit!

Oh.... and I thought it was all for oil (i.e. NO BLOOD FOR OIL)
Well, where is all that oil money that was supposed to be going straight to evil America?

Huh??? Where is it jackass????

In actuality, the USA is still owed money from the FIRST Gulf War:

"The cost of the [First Gulf War (1990-1991)] to the United States was calculated by the United States Congress to be $61.1 billion. About $52 billion of that amount was paid by different countries around the world: $36 billion by Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf States; $16 billion by Germany and Japan."

So the USA is STLL owed 9 BILLION Dollars of the cost that was incurred in liberating Kuwait from Iraqi Occupation. Don't you think that Iraq should apologise for starting the FIRST Gulf War and also compensate the US Treasury with 9 Billion dollars that would be derived from its oil revenue? The US national debt is becoming so large that the US taxpayer deserves all the help he can get in paying it off. I think that this would be a good issue for the "Tea-Party" Republicans to push.:wink_2:

Good point, Bill, but it should be Kuwait paying us back. It's their ass who was saved.

I do indeed believe that we SHOULD be payed back for what we did... the sacrifices our dear soldiers payed with in blood and God knows what else. I have always heard from the left NO BLOOD FOR OIL, and if we were to tell I raq you owe us this.... we'd look bad for doing it, and YES kuwait owes us big time.
I was one of these folks who were not happy at all with the way Bush conducted the entire campaign... both Bush Sr & Bush Jr.
Neither one of them do I hold in great regard when it come to the ways in which they conducted warfare.

Why should we the American taxpayer and those great men and women who are in our militaries have to be saddled with the debt it takes to "spread democracy" around the world?

I think we may be more on the same page than not...
I think that this would be a good issue for the "Tea-Party" Republicans to push.:wink_2:

I wanted this to stand on its own... YES the Tea Party endorsed candidates should be behind this.
Get that money we are owed.

Hell, the IRS (US Gov't ) has no problem squeezing us for what they are owed... I know, I've fought with them and lost BIG TIME!

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