Backdoor healthcare for illegals


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

Obama is providing HC for illegal aliens when he just gave $480 billion to medical clinics around the country. These clinics are predominantly used by illegal aliens and staffed by Hispanics because they speak Spanish. Illegal aliens receive medical care and pay according to their income, but all their income is not declared so they pay the minimum. One of those clinics is the HAWC clinic here in Reno, NV. That clinic have already received some of the stimulus money, taxpayers money, to expand their services. 90% of the patients and staff are Hispanic.
Obama did not give them healthcare by way of the healthcare plan, but is sneaking it in by wary of the $480 billion. Do not tell me this man do not know what he is doing. We are the ones who do not know what he is doing. We have been paying and we continue to pay for healthcare for illegal aliens. And we will continue to pay until enforcement is taken seriously.
Even if affordable healthcare is made available to illegal aliens they would not enroll because it would cost them and they can get it free by using emergency rooms as a primary medical care. Many pregnant women go to ER and do not declare that they are not married when they are and receive free delivery. Just look at the birth announcements in your local paper. Another expense is when a gang member get shot or stabbed, paramedics pick them up and they are treated in ER and often hospitalized. Another expense to the American taxpayer.
Illegal immigration is a homeland security problem because it is harming Americans and more of a threat than foreign terrorist.
In the past 10 years, 70 hospitals alone in California have closed because of treating those who do not have medical care. Many are illegal aliens. When those hospitals close, thousands of Americans lose their jobs.
We cannot see the forest for the trees. We are so busy hating Obama because of his color, that we fail to see what he is really doing.
Don't expect anything less from Obama. He is a bleeding heart radical liberal that believes in give-away programs as long as it's somebody else's money paying for it. He does not care whether he serves another term or not. If he can do as much damage as he can in four years, that is fine with him. You can expect amnesty for the illegals; you can expect more social programs paid for by the american taxpayers; you can expect more freebies ALL the way around. That is the nature of the 'beast' who the american people put in office. God help us all!!!
Don't expect anything less from Obama. He is a bleeding heart radical liberal that believes in give-away programs as long as it's somebody else's money paying for it. He does not care whether he serves another term or not. If he can do as much damage as he can in four years, that is fine with him. You can expect amnesty for the illegals; you can expect more social programs paid for by the american taxpayers; you can expect more freebies ALL the way around. That is the nature of the 'beast' who the american people put in office. God help us all!!!

Beleive me, he may appear not to care about re-election, but you will see him break out in a cold sweat come 2012 after he has lost the house and the senate in 2010. He's much too arrogant to go down without putting up a major battle for re-election in 2012. No one wants to be know as a one-termer, but a one-termer is what he is going to be.:clap2:
Illegals get treatment right now.

They get it in Emergency rooms everywhere in the country.

It is the MOST expensive care there is.

There is a medical reason for treating people no matter who they are, its called disease control.

There is another reason for treating people no matter who they are an its a moral reason, are you willing to allow a child to bleed to death because they dont have identification on them?

Your insistance in refusing the facts is costing this country a shit load of money.
This of course is the fault of our Govt which WILL NOT SECURE our border. Both parties are so busy courting the Hispanic vote they don't care how much it costs us taxpayers.

I did read that there are hospitals closing all over Cali because they are going broke treating these illegals. Heck. By law they can't even ask them if they are a US citizen. They have to treat em.
Don't expect anything less from Obama. He is a bleeding heart radical liberal that believes in give-away programs as long as it's somebody else's money paying for it. He does not care whether he serves another term or not. If he can do as much damage as he can in four years, that is fine with him. You can expect amnesty for the illegals; you can expect more social programs paid for by the american taxpayers; you can expect more freebies ALL the way around. That is the nature of the 'beast' who the american people put in office. God help us all!!!

I am not afraid at all of amnesty being pass at any time in the future. I believe we will see more deportation by attrition. Enforcement of our immigration laws and not the change illegal aliens were promised during the campaign. We can depend on enough our elected officials, both democratic and republicans, to fight any type of path to citizenship.
Obama has not seen nothing until he try to legalize 20 million illegal aliens. You think healthcare was opposed?:evil:
Those clinics are essential and critical to have for all the American here in maine....our citizens in rural Maine need them for their own care and we DO NOT have illegal immigrants here.

Why don't the states that have problems with illegals entering them, take care of their own problem and keep the illegal's from entering at their borders? I guess I don't understand why those states that have a kazillion illegals have to punish states like mine who desperately need health care clinics for THEIR CITIZENS?

If anyone is sick and in need of help, illegal or legal, they should be helped....this is the only humane thing to do.

Border control should be addressed....NOT through a back door manner by denying someone who is sick, the care needed to make them better....or to save their life.

We all pay fro illegals to get health care right now.

They use the most expensive form of healthcare their is. Its called emergency care.

If you want no illegals to recieve ANY care then you have to be willing to let a 5 year old girl bleed to death in the street.

The really sad thing is she could be an American citizen but unable to prove it at the moment she needed care.

This is why you guys always fail to fix anything, you do nothing but knee jerk react and NEVER think things all the way through.
We all pay fro illegals to get health care right now.

They use the most expensive form of healthcare their is. Its called emergency care.

If you want no illegals to recieve ANY care then you have to be willing to let a 5 year old girl bleed to death in the street.

The really sad thing is she could be an American citizen but unable to prove it at the moment she needed care.

This is why you guys always fail to fix anything, you do nothing but knee jerk react and NEVER think things all the way through.

Some pretty good points TM.

The MOST expensive health care is through the Emergency rooms, and it is actually saving us money by having more clinics through out the united states. It would help the Hospitals as well, because our government does NOT reimburse them for all of their emergency room costs, which makes them raise their hospital treatment costs, which in turn makes them charge insurance companies MORE, which in turn makes us PAY MORE for insurance.
'There is another reason for treating people no matter who they are an its a moral reason, are you willing to allow a child to bleed to death because they dont have identification on them?'

This country will continue to treat those who are in need of medical treatment - it has in the past, it does now, it will in the future - but - this is not the only expense that is carried by the american taxpayer. Do your own research and then get back to me. The USA is a caring and generous country - but it too has its limits.
Why doesn't the bleeding five year old have a Medicare card? We all need our insurance cards when we go to the ER. Why shouldn't they? That's a dishonest argument. Its like saying people shouldn't show I'd to vote because Hispanics are too irresponssible to keep papers in order. Quite bigoted if you ask me.
Let me also ADD to my statement about these clinics and their need in rural America....the Clinics are NOT free....they means test the folk, and they pay and are charged, according to what their ability is....
Why doesn't the bleeding five year old have a Medicare card? We all need our insurance cards when we go to the ER. Why shouldn't they? That's a dishonest argument. Its like saying people shouldn't show I'd to vote because Hispanics are too irresponssible to keep papers in order. Quite bigoted if you ask me.

This is so stupid I can hardly believe you are claiming it as an arguement.

If your child is ever in a car accident do you think the parramedics should look for her ID before treating her?
There is a protocol. I've never called the paramedics for my "dying child" but have had many trips to the ER. We must show proof of insurance -If we all started saying "No ingles" could we get out of our deductible? You said the child could be a citizen. If so, the parents would have proof. Unless they are fucking retards in which case they should lose custody. I am so sick of the "dying children" guilt trip the libs love to use to justify stealing other people's money.. We should treat them and then ship them off to the nearest detention center. Got a problem with that?
They can not deny you treatment in the ER.

You show your card so they can charge your insurance for the visit.

That charge includes the money they lose in treating people who have no way to pay.

Why do you not already know this?
There is a protocol. I've never called the paramedics for my "dying child" but have had many trips to the ER. We must show proof of insurance -If we all started saying "No ingles" could we get out of our deductible? You said the child could be a citizen. If so, the parents would have proof. Unless they are fucking retards in which case they should lose custody. I am so sick of the "dying children" guilt trip the libs love to use to justify stealing other people's money.. We should treat them and then ship them off to the nearest detention center. Got a problem with that?

If the parents DIED in the accident or cant be found what happens?

Its NOT a guilt trip, its reality.

You want life to be simple,it is not.

Being a heartless asshole will not transform the world into the simple place you
"wish" for.
Annie (Truthmatters) and channel are both correct.

Denying any kind of emergency medical assistence to anyone is beyond cruel.

But the repatriation of illegal mexicans after they get patched up at the hospital is not "cruel" by any stretch of the imagination.

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