Bachmann to give her own rebuttal

Who gets to rebut Bachmann??

I know a second grader who could take her out
The over/under for how many less lies she'll tell than Obama is starting at 23 .......
So that explains the 'breaking news' on CNN. A little 'shoot the messenger' before we hear the message move. *Yawn*
Who gets to rebut Bachmann??

I know a second grader who could take her out

Kids don't tell that many lies. This could be the beginning of a major battle between Bachmann and Palin. Sarah is not going to take kindly to being upstaged. She is probably preparing some new crosshairs as we speak.
I'm more interested in what Paul Ryan has to say. :)
Bachman's might as well come out her butt, the Obamas will be coming out of his ass while he blows smoke up ours.
why on earth do we do these stupid rebuttals? Especially right afterwards.

I mean seriously. If we are going to do a proper rebuttal shouldnt we listen to what the President says first?
The GOP insiders seems to be squabbling over the political power they have yet to grasp.

January 25, 2011

Michele Bachmann's Alternate Universe

"The president was lofty.

The official Republican response, too, aimed high.

And then there was Michele Bachmann.

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor, for one, was not pleased. <oooooooo...chick-fight!!> "Paul Ryan is giving the official Republican response," he said when asked earlier about her dueling response. "Michele Bachmann, just as the other 534 members of the House and Senate, are going to have opinions as to the State of the Union."

For Republican leaders, it's more than a one-night problem. Bachmann is bidding to become the new voice of the opposition, replacing the titular leaders of the GOP.

Two dozen reporters chased her down a hall in the Capitol complex this week, seeking an explanation for the speech. "I never took this as a State of the Union response, necessarily," she said innocently. The title above the text of her speech her office released Tuesday night: "Bachmann's Response to State of the Union."



I think the facts that

1) she was talking to the wrong camera, and

2) they lighted her in a way that made her look positively ghoulish

combine to be a perfect symbol of the Tea Party.

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