Bachmann: Media, Not Voters, Picking Winners


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Who govern America, the people or dishonest liberal medias. There were only two true winners of CBS ( Christian Bashing System ) "debates": Bachmann and Cain.

Nevertheless hippie-dippie communist mainstream "medias" push to voters their favorable "candidates": the weak-willed politically correct impotent RINOs.

If America want a true change, it must vote for True Republicans, not for fluffy-bunny RINOs.And to flush the opinion of liberal "medias" down the toilet.

Bachmann: Media, Not Voters, Picking Winners - Washington Whispers (

What Bachmann really is saying is that neither the media or the voters is picking her.
Sort of a thread-killer, eh?

America need true independent medias, unfortunately almost 95 % are hijacked by liberals who push to voters their perverse communist opinions.Without free medias all elections are fake.Sure the voters know very few about Bachmann because homer "medias" pervert the Truth.
Hey Michelle, love ya, love your message, but it's over girl. No you are becoming a caricature.

The media might try to pick the winners, but unfortuately if Romney wins the GOP nom, it will be the voters that put him there.
Hey Michelle, love ya, love your message, but it's over girl. No you are becoming a caricature.

The media might try to pick the winners, but unfortuately if Romney wins the GOP nom, it will be the voters that put him there.

We will see who win the nomination.
Of course they are .. Look at the love affair the media had with Obama .. I think Chris Mathews had a few orgasms on his show talking about Obama

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