Baby Face Kurz to quit as Austrian chancellor amid corruption probe


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Kurz isn't alone, all carrier 'politicians' are trash and scam puppets in the hands of their puppeteers.
We don't need 'democracy' as system in western countries.
Any 'democracy' is a dictatorship of insane corrupted sexual deviant liars and sadists.
How 'democracies' practically work we can see through the fake Corona scamdemic.
BTW not resign but tribunal would be the best option for the Corona sadist baby face.
His lockdowns and sadistic scamdemic measures have already murdered more as 100,000 in Austria.

Christian Theocracy and mutual governance of Christian Kings and True Churches can be probably the only option to save the Christian civilization.
The Holy Bible shall be both Constitution of the Main Law

BERLIN (AP) — Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz said Saturday that he will step down in a bid to defuse a government crisis triggered by prosecutors’ announcement that he is a target of a corruption investigation.
Kurz, 35, said he has proposed to Austria’s president that Foreign Minister Alexander Schallenberg become chancellor. But Kurz himself will remain in a key political position: he said he will become the head of his conservative Austrian People’s Party’s parliamentary group.
Kurz’s party had closed ranks behind him after the prosecutors’ announcement on Wednesday, which followed searches at the chancellery and his party’s offices. But its junior coalition partner, the Greens, said Friday that Kurz couldn’t remain as chancellor and demanded that his party nominate an “irreproachable person” to replace him. The coalition government took office in January, 2020.
The Greens’ leader, Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler, welcomed Kurz’s decision as “a right and important step.”
“This means that we can continue our work in government,” he said.
Kurz and his close associates are accused of trying to secure his rise to the leadership of his party and the country with the help of manipulated polls and friendly reports in the media, financed with public money. Kurz, who became the People’s Party leader and then chancellor in 2017, denies wrongdoing.
The Greens said the probe created a “disastrous” impression. In a separate case, anti-corruption authorities put Kurz under investigation in May on suspicion of making false statements to a parliamentary commission, an allegation he also rejected.

Opposition leaders had called for Kurz to go and planned to bring a no-confidence motion against him Tuesday in parliament.

Some of the the Australian States and territories are not as authoritarian as others. Based on their leadership.
and you're Trump's youngest son

I'm not Jewish.
And I'm not a Freemason like all of Trump's kinsmen.
Trump supports the scamdemic from the beginning, so together with Biden, Schwab, Gates and Fauci he is guilty on coming death of 200m Americans.

He isn't interesting neither for midterm nor for 2024 elections because USA as we know will gone in this time
Some of the the Australian States and territories are not as authoritarian as others. Based on their leadership.
So intense in watching Australia. I thought that when I started. But then I went on a roll...a hot dog roll.

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