AZ cops admit they cooked up Loughner connection to white nationalist group


Jan 23, 2010
Watching you in my profile page
Goes to show you who is really priming the blogoshpere pumps. And the talking heads.

Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

David Denlinger, commander of the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center acknowledged that the document came from his agency, but contained errors and overstated the link between Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old charged with shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson supermarket, and American Renaissance.

“I do have no reason to believe in anything that we did that (Loughner) had any direct connection or was being directed by American Renaissance,” Denlinger, an Arizona state police major, told POLITICO Tuesday.

Read more: Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -
If Loughner is a racist he must be a Democrat, because he only shot white people.
ARIZONA has a MONSTER CORRUPTION problem, that apparently has a: WELL DEFINED point of

ORIGIN, emmanating from Washinton District of CRIMINALS!

The WIDE spread Practice of: SPECIAL TREATMENT, for those on the "INside of Governance" and

EXHONERATION, from: Force or Effects of LAW, to the: PRIVILEDGED OFFICIOS, from the Conflicted

ASSOCIATIONS, by: "assimilation", of ALL Three Branches of Purportedly Separated POWERS,

Obligated by: FINANCIALLY Dependent, entangling Alliances, CRAFTED by: "Boards of Supervisors"-

"STAR CHAMBERS," Circe-churches of SATAN, Oriental, ancient Roman Civil, SummarYAHin,

BaBa'alonian DESPOTISM, have Fostered a: CAHba'al- (assembly of WARshippers of Ba'al), of

RACKETEERS, masquerading as "Publick Servants," in a WAR of DESTRUCTION (jus "fetiales")

ENDANGERING the PUBLICK SAFETY of the Citizenry of the Once Great REPUBLIC of Arizona!
Goes to show you who is really priming the blogoshpere pumps. And the talking heads.

Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

David Denlinger, commander of the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center acknowledged that the document came from his agency, but contained errors and overstated the link between Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old charged with shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson supermarket, and American Renaissance.

“I do have no reason to believe in anything that we did that (Loughner) had any direct connection or was being directed by American Renaissance,” Denlinger, an Arizona state police major, told POLITICO Tuesday.

Read more: Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

Damage done, as planned. Everyone heard the story...few will hear the retraction.
ARIZONA has a MONSTER CORRUPTION problem, that apparently has a: WELL DEFINED point of

ORIGIN, emmanating from Washinton District of CRIMINALS!

The WIDE spread Practice of: SPECIAL TREATMENT, for those on the "INside of Governance" and

EXHONERATION, from: Force or Effects of LAW, to the: PRIVILEDGED OFFICIOS, from the Conflicted

ASSOCIATIONS, by: "assimilation", of ALL Three Branches of Purportedly Separated POWERS,

Obligated by: FINANCIALLY Dependent, entangling Alliances, CRAFTED by: "Boards of Supervisors"-

"STAR CHAMBERS," Circe-churches of SATAN, Oriental, ancient Roman Civil, SummarYAHin,

BaBa'alonian DESPOTISM, have Fostered a: CAHba'al- (assembly of WARshippers of Ba'al), of

RACKETEERS, masquerading as "Publick Servants," in a WAR of DESTRUCTION (jus "fetiales")

ENDANGERING the PUBLICK SAFETY of the Citizenry of the Once Great REPUBLIC of Arizona!
holy shit dude, calm down and tell the orderly its time for your meds now
Goes to show you who is really priming the blogoshpere pumps. And the talking heads.

Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

David Denlinger, commander of the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center acknowledged that the document came from his agency, but contained errors and overstated the link between Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old charged with shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson supermarket, and American Renaissance.

“I do have no reason to believe in anything that we did that (Loughner) had any direct connection or was being directed by American Renaissance,” Denlinger, an Arizona state police major, told POLITICO Tuesday.

Read more: Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

Damage done, as planned. Everyone heard the story...few will hear the retraction.

This is MSNBC's ACORN child trafficking slavery story :eusa_whistle:
Goes to show you who is really priming the blogoshpere pumps. And the talking heads.

Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

Damage done, as planned. Everyone heard the story...few will hear the retraction.

This is MSNBC's ACORN child trafficking slavery story :eusa_whistle:

Must have missed this one...was the source of that story the FBI and Department of Homeland Security?
Goes to show you who is really priming the blogoshpere pumps. And the talking heads.

Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

David Denlinger, commander of the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center acknowledged that the document came from his agency, but contained errors and overstated the link between Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old charged with shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson supermarket, and American Renaissance.

“I do have no reason to believe in anything that we did that (Loughner) had any direct connection or was being directed by American Renaissance,” Denlinger, an Arizona state police major, told POLITICO Tuesday.

Read more: Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

Damage done, as planned. Everyone heard the story...few will hear the retraction.

Yep. That's exactly why they do it. And, every damed time you remind them you will get the same response..... "Link?"


This is playing out exactly as predicted.
Are you sure it was the Cops that cooked up the lie? It sounds like political activists and sleazy media types. It wouldn't be the first time fraudulent documents were promoted by the media would it?
good catch.

thanks for the correction , I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.

I never did see in this article if the susspect indeed talked about this mag on his site like it was origionally claimed.

I think that is why the memo was written, to check out the suspects connection to the group he mentioned.
Goes to show you who is really priming the blogoshpere pumps. And the talking heads.

Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

David Denlinger, commander of the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center acknowledged that the document came from his agency, but contained errors and overstated the link between Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old charged with shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson supermarket, and American Renaissance.

“I do have no reason to believe in anything that we did that (Loughner) had any direct connection or was being directed by American Renaissance,” Denlinger, an Arizona state police major, told POLITICO Tuesday.

Read more: Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

The sheriff, who is supposed to INVESTIGATE instead of politically PONTIFICATE - should immediately lose his job for his political ploy and lying ass stunt! What an asshole! Who the fuck does this liar think he is to doctor up a phony connection like that? When I heard that I immediately thought it sounded fishy -and MIGHTY convenient given the fact the guy's absolutely insane ramblings from Facebook had already been found and released by the media and had nothing in common with the political views of this group whatsoever! This is the kind of stuff that will only make people angry for the despicable bullshit it really is.

So many of the VERY same people who insisted no one should jump the gun and assume any terrorist motive to the Ft. Hood shooting by a Muslim with known ties to a radical Islamofascist who preaches violence and advocates the killing of Americans. OH NO -can't make that "leap" it was a terrorist act when it was nothing but a baby step to know it was! But when it comes to someone who is clearly a fucking LOON who left ramblings about government destroying grammar and incomprehensible crap about currencies and currencies changing and WOW, let's make an insane leap to jump off a cliff and insist he was motivated by rightwing political rhetoric! Hey, who needs proof to know THAT once we found out the dude was rambling about government destroying GRAMMAR! After all we've all heard those horrible conservatives obsess about GRAMMAR! Mind you there is no problem with the utterly HATEFUL and DESPICABLE leftwing political rhetoric that takes place all the time -oh and certainly not when they were targeting Bush with their INSANE levels of sheer vitriol and hatred, including making a movie portraying his assassination (as art of course! Yeah lol). But because Palin put up a page on her web site regarding the races she believed Democrats were vulnerable, she has been accused of being an accomplice to MURDER!!! Even though Democrats put up pages showing a bulls-eye target on races where he thought Republicans were vulnerable. Oh but THAT'S different! And let's ignore the fact you have to be crazy yourself to believe either one were advocating taking a gun and shooting someone in those races! Everyone just KNOWS how "noble and pure" liberals are no matter how much they lie and incite class and racial hatred so its acceptable for them to spew whatever verbal vomit they want because THEIR hatred cannot possibly inspire the violent act of anyone! Just those on the right. Even though THE most violent demonstrators in this country are ALWAYS leftists! If these assholes keep it up they will only infuriate Americans -the overwhelming vast majority of whom say they do NOT believe there is ANY connection to the level of ANYONE'S political rhetoric and that the guy is fucking NUTS! And the fact people like O'Reilly, Palin and Beck have to hire bodyguards because of nonstop threats is irrelevant -why they DESERVE them, right?

There is no evidence whatsoever that this guy was even a politically aware person (as opposed to being schizophrenic which often involves crazy ideations involving government plots of thought control and the like). He doesn't vote and didn't vote even this last election so if he is SO driven by political rhetoric and political ANGER and political HATRED -then isn't it JUST amazing he didn't give a shit enough to even VOTE just three months ago if that really had a damn thing to do with it! What, he went from political apathy to a level of politically motivated homicide in a matter of WEEKS? Yeah right. His own gibberish writing proves he cannot be a liberal OR a conservative because he is so clearly a FUCKING LUNATIC! But if I had to pick -I say he's a liberal and have JUST as much proof of that as anyone claiming this guy was a conservative!

Watch how the left will try to use this to push their EXTREMIST, anti-freedom agenda once again and it has already started with the planned introduction to ban all "hateful and violent-inducing" words and symbols like a cross-hair symbol, the re-introduction of the most stringent gun restriction laws ever. Are these people for real? The idea that if we take all the guns from sane, law abiding people too and had just had the correct combination of symbols and touchy-feely words the mentally ill would never commit an irrational or violent act is insane in itself -and NOT based in reality or anything of substance to even suggest it is true. Which is no part of the left's agenda here in the first place! They don't care there is no connection -they care that they believe they have an opportunity to ram through unwanted legislation by exploiting it in any way they can. Do you understand what these lying ass liberals are REALLY saying by trying to link it to conservatism when there is no connection at all? They really mean YOU have too much FREEDOM -and for your own "good", it needs to be restricted. Because if YOU are "too" free in THEIR "expert" opinion, even though there is NO link between freedom and the percent of the insane who commit violent acts -THEY have claimed the "right" to make a "connection" between freedoms and the violent acts of the mentally ill. For which YOU bear responsibility until you forfeit more of YOUR rights. You buy into THAT lying ass anti-freedom pile of shit? But that IS what they mean.

Gee, does this mean if some lunatic sees this picture below, it will drive him to put a hunting arrow into his lover's chest? According to the lying ass DECEITFUL left mentality it would have to be -YES! Gee, does that mean the government needs to eliminate Jodie Foster too since a would-be assassin was motivated to try and kill Reagan as a way of impressing her? Or anyone else whackos become obsessed about celebrity or not? It is actually just when it comes to the speech of their political opponents -which they declare to always be hateful for NO reason but the fact they don't agree with it! Calling speech they disagree with "hate speech" is a liberal stunt to try and silence political opponents. Oh gee, what will be the next kind of speech that must be banned from the public square by pretending doing so will prevent the insane from committing insane acts? Look how long the list is now of Democrats who think this is the perfect thing to exploit for their own political agenda as a means to try and remove their political opponents from talk radio and other forms of media! NO connection between talk radio and this insane man -but hey, don't let the facts get in the way of trying to silence your political opponents by any means possible anyway! People the left will always insist are dangerous for no reason but the fact they have different political views! Want to know just how far the left can be willing to take their FEAR of free speecht? In the Soviet Union having political opinions that didn't fall in line with communism was considered to be proof of insanity in and of itself -and full justification for throwing the person into a mental institution and drugging them into a vegetative state. Liberals can never be trusted to safeguard your individual rights and they are jumping in line to prove it right now!


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good catch.

thanks for the correction , I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.

I never did see in this article if the susspect indeed talked about this mag on his site like it was origionally claimed.

I think that is why the memo was written, to check out the suspects connection to the group he mentioned.
wait, the guy admits he released dishonest info, and somehow you blame FNC?
good catch.

thanks for the correction , I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.

I never did see in this article if the susspect indeed talked about this mag on his site like it was origionally claimed.

I think that is why the memo was written, to check out the suspects connection to the group he mentioned.
wait, the guy admits he released dishonest info, and somehow you blame FNC?
The original reporter of the story was FOX's Getta Facelift.

Latest on shooting of Congresswoman Giffords…motivation: anti Semitic and she was the target Gretawire

Below is a note from my FNC colleague Jennifer Griffin: (by the way, the fact that my blogs focus on Congresswoman Giffords in no way is meant to take away from the other victims and their families. The tragedy is immeasurable and words inadequate.)
Per Griffin
This is an internal memo obtained by Fox News put out by DHS compiling facts known so far about the case - new - shooter's mother worked for Pima board of supervisers and the suspected anti-Semitic motivation of the shooter.

Intervention by someone?* no direct connection - but strong suspicion is being directed at AmRen / American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this group. (through videos posted on his myspace and YouTube account.).
good catch.

thanks for the correction , I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.

I never did see in this article if the susspect indeed talked about this mag on his site like it was origionally claimed.

I think that is why the memo was written, to check out the suspects connection to the group he mentioned.
wait, the guy admits he released dishonest info, and somehow you blame FNC?

C'mon Dive, this is truthiness we're talking about here.
good catch.

thanks for the correction , I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.

I never did see in this article if the susspect indeed talked about this mag on his site like it was origionally claimed.

I think that is why the memo was written, to check out the suspects connection to the group he mentioned.
wait, the guy admits he released dishonest info, and somehow you blame FNC?
The original reporter of the story was FOX's Getta Facelift.

Latest on shooting of Congresswoman Giffords…motivation: anti Semitic and she was the target Gretawire

Below is a note from my FNC colleague Jennifer Griffin: (by the way, the fact that my blogs focus on Congresswoman Giffords in no way is meant to take away from the other victims and their families. The tragedy is immeasurable and words inadequate.)
Per Griffin
This is an internal memo obtained by Fox News put out by DHS compiling facts known so far about the case - new - shooter's mother worked for Pima board of supervisers and the suspected anti-Semitic motivation of the shooter.

Intervention by someone?* no direct connection - but strong suspicion is being directed at AmRen / American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this group. (through videos posted on his myspace and YouTube account.).

ARE YOU SHITTING ME? THIS is why you blame Fox? The link you provide to the memo is NOT a Fox memo -but Fox's copy of a memo that came from the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center, a division of the Arizona Department of Homeland Security!

Are you SERIOUSLY suggesting Fox should have REFUSED to report on the memo it received from someone inside this agency and just ASSUMED a government agency charged with this kind of investigative powers was LYING in its memo that claimed this LYING ASS CONNECTION? Are you for real? LOL

Jared Loughner?s supremacists tie debunked - Kenneth P. Vogel -

"David Denlinger, commander of the Arizona Counter Terrorism Information Center acknowledged that the document came from his agency, but contained errors and overstated the link between Jared Loughner, the 22-year-old charged with shooting Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and others outside a Tucson supermarket, and American Renaissance."

I'd say it was far worse than "overstating the link" since there was NO LINK AT ALL! Fox didn't sneak into the center and STEAL their memo -someone on the inside RELEASED IT -and OBVIOUSLY did so for the purpose of having the PUBLIC BE TOLD ABOUT IT as if true. And undoubtedly wanted the public to see in the hopes it would help poison the opinion of the public about conservative political views and in the hopes of trying to get them to associate conservatism with mass murder! Meaning it was probably released by a fucking LIBERAL trying to manipulate the public with some more LIES. Probably another LYING ASS DEMOCRAT released that piece of bullshit memo to the public - to go along with the LYING ASS bullshit story told by the LYING ASS DEMOCRAT sheriff.

As for that LYING ASS DEMOCRAT sheriff who decided to use the authority of his office to LIE TO THE PUBLIC -that isn't Fox's fault either. Their job is to report on what authorities are saying about a crime they are investigating. The sheriff's job was NOT TO LIE and make false accusations for partisan political reasons -which is what he did!

On top of which it was FOX that got the ball rolling on tearing his LIES to shreds for the partisan bullshit story it really was when Megan Kelly got him to admit ON AIR that he had absolutely no evidence at all to back up his LIES he decided to tell the public.

Your comments only prove what I've been saying for a long time now. To be a liberal you must have a severe shortage of critical thinking skills. Because anyone with even the bare minimum would have instantly recognized what a pile of IRRATIONAL NONSENSE your comments are.
I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.
Of course you know this, but you're lying again. Fox affiliate stations "ran with it" right along with ABC affiliates, NBC affiliates, and CBS affiliates. FNC, MSNBC and CNN followed suit.

Because it came off of AP, you fucking lying imbecile.

The source LIED to the AP, but somehow media outlets reporting it are to blame?
Impeachment or court ordered CAT scan for Sheriff Clarence "the dupe" Dupnik? The Sheriff thinks talk radio and Sarah Palin and Sharon Angle's campaign in Nevada are responsible for the crimes perpetrated by a maniac living in his jurisdiction? Did the former governor of Alaska send brain waves to cause Loughner to build a bizarre altar with a facsimile human skull? Did Dupnik ignore the death threats allegedly made by Loughner and did he fail to investigate the break-in into Gifford's office? Is Dupnik criminally liable for not furnishing a deputy to monitor the meeting? What else do Pima County sheriff's deputies have to do on a Saturday morning?
I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.
Of course you know this, but you're lying again. Fox affiliate stations "ran with it" right along with ABC affiliates, NBC affiliates, and CBS affiliates. FNC, MSNBC and CNN followed suit.

Because it came off of AP, you fucking lying imbecile.

The source LIED to the AP, but somehow media outlets reporting it are to blame?

Oh no, he's only blaming ONE media outlet. These nutjobs couldn't care less about reality and will NEVER let something as silly as FACTS get in the way of their lies. Which is how the public got fed LYING ASS government memos claiming a NONEXISTENT link to some group most people never heard of anyway undoubtedly released by a LYING ASS liberal trying to poison the public against conservatism and a LYING ASS DEMOCRAT sheriff who was also trying to poison the public against conservatism with his bald-face lies. Liberals feel justified in lying because in their world, the ends always justifies the means.
I should have known it was wrong when ONLY fox was running with the story.
Of course you know this, but you're lying again. Fox affiliate stations "ran with it" right along with ABC affiliates, NBC affiliates, and CBS affiliates. FNC, MSNBC and CNN followed suit.

Because it came off of AP, you fucking lying imbecile.

The source LIED to the AP, but somehow media outlets reporting it are to blame?
filter for TneverM: correction OUTLET
only one does she bother to accuse

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