Automatic Birthright Citizenship


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Automatic Birthright Citizenship
Makes controlling illegal immigration and securing the border impossible. If we are ever going to control who enters and who stays we have to take another look at repealing Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens. It separates families and creates a multi-citizenship families. Some Mexicans and some Americans. The status quo continues because seldom does a parent of an anchor baby get deported. Comprehensive Immigration Reform is nothing more than another amnesty leading to yet another amnesty. To fix our broken immigration system we have to first take a look at repealing Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens.
Automatic Birthright Citizenship broke our immigration system. Anchor baby is the wrong way to citizenship.

But opponents worry about the children, saying they didn't break any laws, yet would have no rights and nowhere to go.

That’s a concern but not the primary issue. Repealing the 14th Amendment will jeopardize not only the citizenship of all Americans, it will also place in the hands of partisan politicians the power to determine who is or is not a citizen – the last thing we want to have happen.

As to the children born to undocumented immigrants, they indeed will have no place to go; the birth country of their parents won’t accept them, as those countries will consider the children to be American.

Others claim the whole issue isn't about babies, but rather about politics and using immigration as a wedge issue headed into the midterm elections.
Indeed, it’s nothing but partisan politics, along with ignorance, fear, and hate.
riiiiiiiight.... there are two ways to determine citizenship... blood and birthplace. we know what happens when it's blood from nazi germany.

thanks but no thanks.

Automatic Birthright Citizenship
Makes controlling illegal immigration and securing the border impossible. If we are ever going to control who enters and who stays we have to take another look at repealing Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens. It separates families and creates a multi-citizenship families. Some Mexicans and some Americans. The status quo continues because seldom does a parent of an anchor baby get deported. Comprehensive Immigration Reform is nothing more than another amnesty leading to yet another amnesty. To fix our broken immigration system we have to first take a look at repealing Automatic Birthright Citizenship for children of Illegal Aliens.
Automatic Birthright Citizenship broke our immigration system. Anchor baby is the wrong way to citizenship.


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