Auto Parts Workers Strike for Recognition, Strategy Is to Shut Down Assembly Plant -


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
UPDATE 5 p.m. Thursday: After workers spent a shift on the picket line, management gave in and recognized the UAW.

Auto parts workers at the Piston Automotive factory in Toledo, Ohio, went on strike for union recognition this morning—a move that could quickly shut down production of the new Jeep Cherokee, built by Chrysler in a plant across town.

Jeep workers said production had been starting and stopping during the first shift. On the picket line, Jim Waingrow, UAW international rep for the region, said he was expecting a call from Jeep management any minute. At 2 p.m. the Piston CEO was spotted conferring with the union’s regional director.

Piston workers said 75-80 percent had signed cards asking for UAW representation, but management had refused to recognize them. The 70 workers make brake systems and struts for the Cherokee.

It’s the norm for companies to refuse to recognize new bargaining units, even when a majority of workers sign cards. These days a union’s typical next step is filing for an election with the National Labor Relations Board—but this gives the boss a chance to drag out the process and put workers through an anti-union wringer. Strikes for recognition, once common, have become rare.

Striker Trina Lawson said the plant normally ships 460 to 500 units a day to Jeep, and her hand is the last to touch them. She said workers approached the UAW when they learned that other supplier plants were paid more than the $12.55 experienced workers make.

Lawson cited instances of managers’ “picky, childish” intimidation and said workers were sometimes made to work through their breaks or lunches. Sarina McLaughlin, who torques the bolts for the knuckles and puts trailing arms on the rear brake line, said sometimes managers tell workers two minutes before quitting time that they have to stay over—and then dismisses them at 12 minutes after the hour, before extra pay would kick in.

Asked why she backed the union, McLaughlin said, “In 1982 I was making $10.54 an hour at a union Safeway bread plant in Houston. They only want to pay us $12.55 and that was 32 years ago; that’s all I got to say.”

Lawson said the plant manager gave a speech inside the plant, threatening workers with points on their record or loss of holiday pay, and warning them that a walkout would shut Jeep down—but at 9 a.m. they all walked out anyway.
- See more at: Auto Parts Workers Strike for Recognition, Strategy Is to Shut Down Assembly Plant | Labor Notes

That's how you get it done!!!
That's how you get it done!!!
Yep, that is how you get your plant moved to South Carolina.

Anyone for shrimp and grits, with a side of boiled peanuts?

Yeah, and Jeep can happily suspend all production on their most profitable vehicle for two years. That Jeep contract has about a two day life expectancy if this strike isn't settled. You obviously know nothing about the auto industry.
If they don't like the terms of employment, let them find work elsewhere.

$12.55/hr. Plus bennies? Fuck, sign me up.

If you think working in an auto parts plant with a maximum wage of $12.55 in a non-union (no benefits) shop in Toledo is a good deal, you are the dumbest idiot in Ohio. You wouldn't last two days anyway. It's obvious you never worked a factory job in your life. Go back to reading Ayn Rand novels and complaining about how you can't get any good help anymore.
That's how you get it done!!!
Yep, that is how you get your plant moved to South Carolina.

Anyone for shrimp and grits, with a side of boiled peanuts?

So, your preference is to make sure that American workers have nothing but low wages. Nice.
Most right wingers on this site want to see the wealthy get as much of the economic benefits as possible. And take those benefits from the working class. Which is what the bat shit crazy con sites support. Just the way they are.
So, your preference is to make sure that American workers have nothing but low wages. Nice.
Didn't say that but man that sure was a nice uppercut you delivered to that strawman.

I'm just pointing out the trend of manufacturing relocating to less labor friendly states.
Most right wingers on this site want to see the wealthy get as much of the economic benefits as possible. And take those benefits from the working class.
And even more attacks on unstated opinions from the resident senile partisan hacktard.

People saying stuff like this is no different than saying left wingers hate success and hard work. It is all bullshit projections of opinions nobody really holds, and the sign of a weak mind and weak argument when you are forced to attack them.
If they don't like the terms of employment, let them find work elsewhere.

$12.55/hr. Plus bennies? Fuck, sign me up.

If you think working in an auto parts plant with a maximum wage of $12.55 in a non-union (no benefits) shop in Toledo is a good deal, you are the dumbest idiot in Ohio. You wouldn't last two days anyway. It's obvious you never worked a factory job in your life. Go back to reading Ayn Rand novels and complaining about how you can't get any good help anymore.

Hey- I'm the dumbest idiot in ILLINOIS, thank you very much.

Just lurking but Fiat's reaction should be quite interesting. They are used to extreme hardball of the Euro-Zone. I expect to see a clinic on how to really bust balls.
Most right wingers on this site want to see the wealthy get as much of the economic benefits as possible. And take those benefits from the working class.
And even more attacks on unstated opinions from the resident senile partisan hacktard.

People saying stuff like this is no different than saying left wingers hate success and hard work. It is all bullshit projections of opinions nobody really holds, and the sign of a weak mind and weak argument when you are forced to attack them.
This is your post from above:
Yep, that is how you get your plant moved to South Carolina.

Anyone for shrimp and grits, with a side of boiled peanuts?
Looks to me like a "they better take it or watch them get screwed" statement, me boy.

This one is from another con, Mr. H:
If they don't like the terms of employment, let them find work elsewhere.

$12.55/hr. Plus bennies? Fuck, sign me up.
Ever try to live on $12.55, and do you like the thought of doing so after years of work in the profession?

Ant those quotes are just from page 1 of one thread. It is everywhere that labor comes up. Minimum wage, income distribution, and on and on. And read the conservative sites. Looks like pure hatred toward workers.
And, I am not forced to attack anyone. Now, believing that is a true sign of a weak mind. But what I said is completely obvious. By what you and your cohorts say, over and over.
If they don't like the terms of employment, let them find work elsewhere.

$12.55/hr. Plus bennies? Fuck, sign me up.

If you think working in an auto parts plant with a maximum wage of $12.55 in a non-union (no benefits) shop in Toledo is a good deal, you are the dumbest idiot in Ohio. You wouldn't last two days anyway. It's obvious you never worked a factory job in your life. Go back to reading Ayn Rand novels and complaining about how you can't get any good help anymore.

Hey- I'm the dumbest idiot in ILLINOIS, thank you very much.

Good for you. We need people who want to live on $25K per year, I guess. But most rational people think workers deserve better.
Looks to me like a "they better take it or watch them get screwed" statement, me boy.
That is because you are narrow-minded pinhead who has preconceptions about what everyone else things, me tard.

It was a statement on the trend for manufacturing to move to less labor friendly states.

This one is from another con
Yup, you can only think of people in terms of con or lib. Other people call me liberal, you call me con, it doesn't make any sense other than demonstrating shallow thinking ideologues like yourself are stuck arguing in a rut.

Must suck for you to lack dynamic though, me tard.

And, I am not forced to attack anyone.
Yet you do in every post, and so others attack back. It is funny when the guy who everyone agrees isn't worth a shit (check your reputation) is so condescending, ain't it me tard?
from the article:
“Cigarettes have tripled, gas has quadrupled. Those people up there in the office couldn't support their family on $12.55 an hour,” McLaughlin said.
Funny stuff.
UPDATE 5 p.m. Thursday: After workers spent a shift on the picket line, management gave in and recognized the UAW.

Auto parts workers at the Piston Automotive factory in Toledo, Ohio, went on strike for union recognition this morning—a move that could quickly shut down production of the new Jeep Cherokee, built by Chrysler in a plant across town.

Jeep workers said production had been starting and stopping during the first shift. On the picket line, Jim Waingrow, UAW international rep for the region, said he was expecting a call from Jeep management any minute. At 2 p.m. the Piston CEO was spotted conferring with the union’s regional director.

Piston workers said 75-80 percent had signed cards asking for UAW representation, but management had refused to recognize them. The 70 workers make brake systems and struts for the Cherokee.

It’s the norm for companies to refuse to recognize new bargaining units, even when a majority of workers sign cards. These days a union’s typical next step is filing for an election with the National Labor Relations Board—but this gives the boss a chance to drag out the process and put workers through an anti-union wringer. Strikes for recognition, once common, have become rare.

Striker Trina Lawson said the plant normally ships 460 to 500 units a day to Jeep, and her hand is the last to touch them. She said workers approached the UAW when they learned that other supplier plants were paid more than the $12.55 experienced workers make.

Lawson cited instances of managers’ “picky, childish” intimidation and said workers were sometimes made to work through their breaks or lunches. Sarina McLaughlin, who torques the bolts for the knuckles and puts trailing arms on the rear brake line, said sometimes managers tell workers two minutes before quitting time that they have to stay over—and then dismisses them at 12 minutes after the hour, before extra pay would kick in.

Asked why she backed the union, McLaughlin said, “In 1982 I was making $10.54 an hour at a union Safeway bread plant in Houston. They only want to pay us $12.55 and that was 32 years ago; that’s all I got to say.”

Lawson said the plant manager gave a speech inside the plant, threatening workers with points on their record or loss of holiday pay, and warning them that a walkout would shut Jeep down—but at 9 a.m. they all walked out anyway.
- See more at: Auto Parts Workers Strike for Recognition, Strategy Is to Shut Down Assembly Plant | Labor Notes

That's how you get it done!!!

Get it done? That's how you get a plant shut down and end up like Detroit.
SteadyMercury states:
That is because you are narrow-minded pinhead who has preconceptions about what everyone else things, me tard.
I actually spend NO time thinking about everyone else's things, me boy. Is that projection on your part? Which things of other people do you have preconceptions about.

It was a statement on the trend for manufacturing to move to less labor friendly states.
OK. So, you would suggest that labor simply lay down and take what the corporate folks offer them. Got it.

Yup, you can only think of people in terms of con or lib. Other people call me liberal, you call me con, it doesn't make any sense other than demonstrating shallow thinking ideologues like yourself are stuck arguing in a rut.
Got it. But, you see, that is just your opinion. And you know how much I value your opinion. But I do think of people also as smart or stupid. Guess where I think you reside?

Must suck for you to lack dynamic though, me tard.
I resent that you say I lack dynamic though. I have as much dynamic though as anyone. Though I am not really sure what the hell it is.
And tard. Are you aware that only cons use the term tard in this site?? You should really find a new word. People will think you are a con.

Yet you do in every post, and so others attack back. It is funny when the guy who everyone agrees isn't worth a shit (check your reputation) is so condescending, ain't it me tard?
Yup. You have not been attacking me. Get a clue, me boy. Oh, I forgot. You are stupid. Really, I thought you were an expert in dynamic though.
Really, me boy, you need to get a life. Only the terminally limited worry in the slightest about their rep. Jesus.
And please understand, me boy, I did not mean to be condescending to you. It is just hard not to. You set such a low bar.
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If they don't like the terms of employment, let them find work elsewhere.

$12.55/hr. Plus bennies? Fuck, sign me up.

If you think working in an auto parts plant with a maximum wage of $12.55 in a non-union (no benefits) shop in Toledo is a good deal, you are the dumbest idiot in Ohio. You wouldn't last two days anyway. It's obvious you never worked a factory job in your life. Go back to reading Ayn Rand novels and complaining about how you can't get any good help anymore.

Hey- I'm the dumbest idiot in ILLINOIS, thank you very much.


I was reared in Illinois. Trust me, you have a long way to fall to contend for that title. I went to school with Otto Kerner's son.
I actually spend NO time thinking about everyone else's things, me boy. Is that projection on your part? Which things of other people do you have preconceptions about.
Sure you do. You tell me I spend my time on "con websites" which is bullshit, you just can't imagine others have actual opinions with being a narrow minded partisan hack like you, me tard.

I have opinions all over the map and vote all over the map, it is always amusing to see idiots try to pigeon hole.

OK. So, you would suggest that labor simply lay down and take what the corporate folks offer them. Got it.
I made no statement on what labor should do, just made a statement on the trend of companies to relocate when faced with labor issues. So no, you still don't got it me tard.

I resent that you say I lack dynamic though. I have as much dynamic though as anyone.
Nope, you've clearly demonstrated you are only capable of seeing the word thru the barrow lens of political ideologue, anyone who's first reaction to an opposing opinion is to accuse them of being a con who reads con websites is just thinking along a set path. You are a partisan hack, me tard.

Yup. You have not been attacking me. Get a clue, me boy. Oh, I forgot. You are stupid. Really, I thought you were an expert in dynamic though.
Really, me boy, you need to get a life. Only the terminally limited worry in the slightest about their rep. Jesus.
And please understand, me boy, I did not mean to be condescending to you. It is just hard not to. You set such a low bar.
lol yeah this is just a paragraph of fail, me tard.
...I see nothing wrong with what the union or the employees have done so far. Furthermore, if those complaints are true, they should have long ago made complaints to the Wage & Hour Division, DoL.

Any smart negotiator will make his play at the time when he has the most power (or perceived power). They don't want to shut down the fucking plant; they want to be recognized and negotiate a CBA. It's the American Way, for God's sake. All the company has to do is to agree to a union election and the union will have to either put up or shut up, and the strike will be over.

For a number of reasons, I'm not a fan of recognition by card check, and there is nothing nefarious about giving the employer time to mount a campaign in the run up toward a recognition election. Remember, they cannot lie, threaten, or make any overtly anti-union statements in their campaign.

I've worked in factories like this, and these poor bastards NEED a union; the company DESERVES one, for the way it's acting.

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