Authorities Showing Weak Leadership About Olympics In Japan!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
Hearing stories of the upsetment of the Japanese people over their hosting of the Olympics this summer and how it might be a major spreader event for Covid 19 in Japan it seems to me that the leaders of Japan and the Olympic committee aren't optimally using their brains in this matter. Hey guys you know they have vaccines to protect against catching this disease. What do you have 100,000 to 300,000 athletes and their staff from around the world descending on Japan this summer to compete in the games. America vaccinates over a million people a day; America can spare 600K doses of these vaccines. These leaders need to have a conference call with President Biden and explain the turmoil having the Olympics in Japan with a Pandemic is causing the Japanese public there is a ninety percent chance he will donate this quantity of vaccines to the International Olympic Committee and if he does just get medical teams together and charter planes and fly to countries sending teams to Japan for the games and vaccinate the athletes and their staff. For such individuals that refuse vaccination they will have to undergo a two week quarantine when they arrive in Japan to prove they don't have the Covid 2 virus, workout opportunities will be provided during this period but it will not be as good as for those athletes that have been vaccinated!
The world sees professional sports league operating during the pandemic, athletes are good about cooperating with authorities on this issue, so one has to have confidence that the vast majority of Olympic athletes and their staff will cooperate with these steps to protect the Japanese people from being subjected to coronavirus spread arising out of the Olympic games! The leadership of Japan has an important opportunity for the world here they can hold the Olympics and help people throughout the world believe the Pandemic didn't beat us, we are defeating this coronavirus disease, we the world are on a trajectory of being back to normal -have hope and be optimistic everyone; or Japanese leaders can cancel the games insuring the Japanese people will not be subject to an increase in risk of spread of the coronavirus through their citizenry. I guess it boils down to the question do they want to play it safe or play it good!

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