Australians trapped in strife-torn South Sudan


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
THE Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has confirmed there are a number of Australians still in South Sudan, where the threat of all-out civil war looms.

There are reports Australians are among 3000 foreigners trapped in a South Sudan city experiencing bouts of heavy machine gun fire. The city of Bor is in one of the most violent areas of the week-long conflict in which more than 1000 people are thought to have been killed.

South Sudan soldiers in 'massacre'

Witness accounts are emerging of house-to-house killings and massacres along ethnic lines.

The fighting is said to be between troops loyal to President Salva Kiir, of the majority Dinka tribe, and those loyal to his rival Riek Machar, a former vice president who was sacked in July and who is a member of the Nuer tribe.

A DFAT spokesperson told AAP on Tuesday that the security situation continued to be exceptionally volatile and the department recommended all Australians leave immediately.

"We are aware of a number of Australians who remain in South Sudan," the spokesperson said, without elaborating.

DFAT recommends that any Australians who cannot safely leave take refuge indoors and make contact with the Australian High Commission in Nairobi (+254 204 277 100) or DFAT's 24-hour consular emergency centre (+61 2 6261 3305).

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One might ask;

"What the hell are Aussies even doing in South Sudan in the first place"?

Could be aid workers trying to good.
Could be missionaries trying to do good[and spread the Gospel]..."Go ye into all the world and spread the Gospel to every creature".
Trouble is...dead missionaries can't spread the Gospel to anyone.
Could be tourists who just throw caution to the wind and travel anywhere for a look...and call me 'negative' because I won't do the same.

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