Aussie STASI Going Door to Door Demanding Answer to "Are You Aware Of Any Planned Protests Or Events Coming Up?"


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
We’ve all seen the videos of the Australian STASI beating people up and shooting them with no fear of reprisals, now their going to people inside their homes.

Haven’t seen this type of stuff since the Berlin Wall came down.

It’s what happens when the government takes your guns away.
We’ve all seen the videos of the Australian STASI beating people up and shooting them with no fear of reprisals, now their going to people inside their homes.

Haven’t seen this type of stuff since the Berlin Wall came down.

It’s what happens when the government takes your guns away.

Saw that myself.
It's like the gov knew what was coming so they took away everyone's firearms.
It's pretty obvious America is going in the same direction.
We’ve all seen the videos of the Australian STASI beating people up and shooting them with no fear of reprisals, now their going to people inside their homes.

Haven’t seen this type of stuff since the Berlin Wall came down.

It’s what happens when the government takes your guns away.
Its hard to believe this is happening in Australia
We’ve all seen the videos of the Australian STASI beating people up and shooting them with no fear of reprisals, now their going to people inside their homes.

Haven’t seen this type of stuff since the Berlin Wall came down.

It’s what happens when the government takes your guns away.

Australians, in general, can still own some firearms—such as single shot rimfire rifles and shotguns, pump shotguns holding five rounds or less, and if they become members of competition shooting clubs, certain handguns. However, in order to use something like an AR-15 an Australian must be a member of wildlife control or an armed government agency, such as the police. Even an Aussie Digger, a soldier, cannot privately own hi-capacity firearms. More on that in a moment. An Australian citizen can't even purchase a milling machine without a special permit, and self-defense is not a valid reason for firearm ownership in much of Australia. I recently read an article about how Aussie special forces operators' shooting skills are languishing because they cannot purchase and privately own AR style weapons, which they could use during their off-duty hours to hone their shooting skills. They can't even own reproductions, which would at least aid with off-duty weapon handling training. Some bullshit, huh?

But back to the subject of your OP: yes, the Aussies are right fucked unless they hand out the supposed tens of thousands of illegally imported AK-47's said to be floating around the streets of their major cities and use them to take back their nation for themselves and the future of their children. However, my guess is they'll continue to take it all right up their asses like good herd animals. Sure, they'll protest here and there but rise up and take back their freedoms? I doubt it. I really do.
Sure, they'll protest here and there but rise up and take back their freedoms? I doubt it. I really do.
If there's a "bright side" at least they won't have much of an adjustment when the CCP comes in and the Chinese are in control. As close as they are and with a disarmed population, their fate is sealed already. Evil is on the march.
If anyone remembers back in the day when we were having discussions about Universal Healthcare, particularly with regards to Obamacare, many of us made the argument that government-controlled healthcare was dangerous because you'll then have the government dictating your medical decisions.

Oh lookie, lookie.

We have governments tell you you will be vaxxed or you will be ostricized. You have Aussie officials enforcing healthcare at the point of a gun.

Only a matter of time before the Democrats start doing the same.

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