Audit of Obama Fundraising Unlikely


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Obama likely to escape campaign audit

By KENNETH P. VOGEL | 11/11/08 11:14 AM EST

The Federal Election Commission is unlikely to conduct a potentially embarrassing audit of how Barack Obama raised and spent his presidential campaign’s record-shattering windfall, despite allegations of questionable donations and accounting that had the McCain campaign crying foul.

Adding insult to injury for Republicans: The FEC is obligated to complete a rigorous audit of McCain’s campaign coffers, which will take months, if not years, and cost McCain millions of dollars to defend.

Obama likely to escape campaign audit - Kenneth P. Vogel -

I guess this means that we don't have to worry about ethics coming back to Washington anytime soon. This means we the people will never know who actually bought the Whitehouse.
Obama likely to escape campaign audit

By KENNETH P. VOGEL | 11/11/08 11:14 AM EST

The Federal Election Commission is unlikely to conduct a potentially embarrassing audit of how Barack Obama raised and spent his presidential campaign’s record-shattering windfall, despite allegations of questionable donations and accounting that had the McCain campaign crying foul.

Adding insult to injury for Republicans: The FEC is obligated to complete a rigorous audit of McCain’s campaign coffers, which will take months, if not years, and cost McCain millions of dollars to defend.

Obama likely to escape campaign audit - Kenneth P. Vogel -

I guess this means that we don't have to worry about ethics coming back to Washington anytime soon. This means we the people will never know who actually bought the Whitehouse.
get used to it

all the crap that the dems accused the republicans of doing, they do in SPADES
There is no way he raised the amount of money he did as quickly as he did without violating the law. Either purposefully or with out proper oversight on his methods.
or maybe they're not investigating it because he didn't do anything wrong?

that would be the logical conclusion

the logical conclusion? Why would it be the logical conclusion? because he is incapable of wrong-doing?
because when people don't investigate stuff it usually means there's nothing to investigate...common sense tells you that

Sure thing. The amount of money and the speed he raised it is a single good reason to investigate. The laws on amounts and from whom money can be collect are stacked against that amount of money that quickly. Add in he had to return money to Arabs early on ( only after being forced to) that he comes from the most corrupt political machine in the entire country and the press gave him a free pass and it adds up to sloppy bookkeeping and probably illegal activity. Probably from foreign Governments and from Business and Individual wealthy supporters.
because when people don't investigate stuff it usually means there's nothing to investigate...common sense tells you that

It doesn't mean he's done nothing wrong, only that they don't think they could find anything.
the logical conclusion? Why would it be the logical conclusion? because he is incapable of wrong-doing?

You must understand that your logical conclusion is vastly different than a liberal logical conclusion!
The Federal Election Commission is not likely to conduct a potentially embarrassing audit of Barack Obama’s record-breaking fundraising campaign despite allegations of questionable donations and accounting.

That’s the disclosure from, which reports that Obama will probably escape scrutiny in large part because unlike John McCain, he declined to accept $84 million in public financing.

Accepting that money automatically triggers an audit, meaning that the FEC is obligated to thoroughly audit the McCain campaign’s coffers, which will take months and cost McCain millions to defend.

Another factor that will discourage an Obama audit by the FEC is the sheer size of his fundraising haul — more than $650 million — which minimizes the significance of any errors.

“If a House campaign makes a $100,000 error, that’s huge and they’re likely to get audited,” David Mason, a former GOP appointee to the FEC, told Politico.

“If a campaign the size of the Obama campaign has a $100,000 error, then maybe not.”

Another factor: The FEC is comprised of three Democrats and three Republicans, and “is prone to deadlock on partisan issues,” such as “approving a messy and high-profile probe of a sitting president,” the Web site observed.

Nevertheless, over the course of the campaign FEC analysts have written more than a dozen letters to Obama citing hundreds of cases in which the campaign did not supply adequate information regarding contributors or accepted donations exceeding the legal limit.

“The media — first conservative outlets then mainstream publications — seized on the FEC letters to Obama, singling out donations from apparently fictitious donors as well as from foreign addresses,” Politico reported.

One of the first to focus on the Obama campaign’s questionable fundraising tactics was Newsmax correspondent Kenneth R. Timmerman.

As long ago as Sept. 29, Timmerman first disclosed that more than half of the $426.9 million Obama had raised at that point came from small donors whose names the Obama campaign would not disclose — making it impossible to verify that donors were not surpassing the $2,300 an individual can contribute to a candidate for the general election.

The Federal Election Commission cited a series of $25 donations from a contributor identified as “Will, Good” from Austin, Tex., and a Newsmax analysis of the master file for the Obama campaign discovered 1,000 separate entries for Mr. Good Will, totaling $17,375.

Timmerman also disclosed at the time that the FEC compiled a database of potentially questionable overseas donations totaling $3.38 million. The funds came from such places as Abu Dhabi, Beijing, and Ethiopia.

Timmerman published a new report on Oct. 8, disclosing that an investigation of Obama’s campaign finance reports turned up more than 2,000 cases in which individuals made donations far above the legal limit of $2,300 per election.

He followed up with a new report on Oct. 19, disclosing that more than 37,000 Obama donations appeared to be conversions of foreign currency, totaling as much as $63 million.

On Oct. 21, Timmerman revealed among other things that the Obama campaign had accepted contributions from donors identifying themselves as King Kong, Daffy Duck, and Bart Simpson — without any apparent effort by the campaign to screen them out as suspect donors.

Then on Oct. 29, Timmerman reported: “A Newsmax investigation of Obama/Biden campaign contributors, undertaken in conjunction with a private investigative firm headed by a former CIA operations officer, has identified 118 donors who appear to lack U.S. citizenship.”

According to Politico, FEC spokeswoman Mary Brandenberger declined to comment on the likelihood of an Obama audit. – Audit of Obama Fundraising Unlikely
Obama Still Getting Free Pass. Even with all of the questions surrounding his fundraising. – Audit of Obama Fundraising Unlikely

All that this tells me is that either there is no reason to audit or the republican opposition is now so politically weak that it can't.

How about it republicans... is your party that impotent?

Seriously... when the opposition party in America becomes that weak, we are in danger of electing the likes of Nancy Pelosi and George W. Bush; it should concern all of us.

Obama likely to escape campaign audit

By KENNETH P. VOGEL | 11/11/08 11:14 AM EST

The Federal Election Commission is unlikely to conduct a potentially embarrassing audit of how Barack Obama raised and spent his presidential campaign’s record-shattering windfall, despite allegations of questionable donations and accounting that had the McCain campaign crying foul.

Adding insult to injury for Republicans: The FEC is obligated to complete a rigorous audit of McCain’s campaign coffers, which will take months, if not years, and cost McCain millions of dollars to defend.

Obama likely to escape campaign audit - Kenneth P. Vogel -

I guess this means that we don't have to worry about ethics coming back to Washington anytime soon. This means we the people will never know who actually bought the Whitehouse.

All that this tells me is that either there is no reason to audit or the republican opposition is now so politically weak that it can't.

How about it republicans... is your party that impotent?

Seriously... when the opposition party in America becomes that weak, we are in danger of electing the likes of Nancy Pelosi and George W. Bush; it should concern all of us.

Obama Still Getting Free Pass. Even with all of the questions surrounding his fundraising. – Audit of Obama Fundraising Unlikely

People forget that Obama is Black (well, half-black), so questioning him and his minions on anything is considered racist. Just the mere fact that some are questioning this means that they are 'rednecks who voted for Bush' who 'cling to their guns and religion' and are probably late for their 'Klan meeting'. Nothing to see here. It's just a poor black man trying to make his way through life.
People forget that Obama is Black (well, half-black), so questioning him and his minions on anything is considered racist. Just the mere fact that some are questioning this means that they are 'rednecks who voted for Bush' who 'cling to their guns and religion' and are probably late for their 'Klan meeting'. Nothing to see here. It's just a poor black man trying to make his way through life.

I love watching all of the racism ooze out of people....

If there were any reason to investigate, I have no doubt that the REPUBLICAN FEC would investigate. And the fact that the wingnuts at newsmax are whining about it tells me how pathetic you guys are.

Sore losers.... it's so funny.
Actually I think every campign is audited becasue every campaign has to report its funding.
All that this tells me is that either there is no reason to audit or the republican opposition is now so politically weak that it can't.

How about it republicans... is your party that impotent?

Seriously... when the opposition party in America becomes that weak, we are in danger of electing the likes of Nancy Pelosi and George W. Bush; it should concern all of us.


Either weak or spineless, take your pick. The Republican party SHOULD have demanded an investigation back when the questions started occurring about foreign currency conversions and the removal of security features during credit card transactions. The Republican party has become so fearful of offending someone that they can't be effective stewards of the publics trust.
I love watching all of the racism ooze out of people....

If there were any reason to investigate, I have no doubt that the REPUBLICAN FEC would investigate. And the fact that the wingnuts at newsmax are whining about it tells me how pathetic you guys are.

Sore losers.... it's so funny.

Ah, the ever present race card. The last time we spoke, it was you who were 'oozing' racism. You don't believe that? You had no trouble slamming white women on welfare. And why would you even consider race?

Word to the wise: don't play the race card with a minority. It doesn't work with me.
Either weak or spineless, take your pick. The Republican party SHOULD have demanded an investigation back when the questions started occurring about foreign currency conversions and the removal of security features during credit card transactions. The Republican party has become so fearful of offending someone that they can't be effective stewards of the publics trust.
Damn straight. They need to elect a true, red-blooded, throat-grabbing conservative to the Party Chairmanship. Someone who can shake up the Party and steer it in the right direction.

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