Attrition Through Enforcement


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Attrition Through Enforcement

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.
Attrition Through Enforcement | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution

Handcuffed prisoner
President Bush and the rest of the open borders crowd constantly tell the American people that there are only two solutions to our nation's illegal alien crisis – give illegal aliens amnesty or round them up and deport them. This is a diversionary tactic to draw public attention away from the most effective and efficient solution – Attrition Through Enforcement.

Attrition Through Enforcement Is the True Middle-ground Solution | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
State / Local Policies

State and local police are badly needed to help overwhelmed federal immigration authorities apprehend and detain illegal aliens in the interior of our country. Illegal aliens currently outnumber federal immigration agents by 5,000 to one, and only 2,000 federal agents are active in enforcing the immigration laws in the interior of our country. Clearly, those numbers indicate that a limited number of federal agents are incapable of apprehending a majority of an estimated 12-20 million illegal aliens currently inside our nation's borders and would benefit from the assistance of the more than 600,000 state and local law enforcement officers nationwide who come into contact with illegal aliens every day. Many police officers routinely observe and even stop illegal aliens for violations of the law, however, those who arrest illegal aliens and proceed to contact federal immigration officials are all too often told to release the offenders unless a non-immigration offense is involved. This practice has commonly become known as "catch and release." Even more troublesome is the fact that some police officers are prohibited by state or local laws or policies from cooperating with federal officials, a tactic adopted by some state and local governments that favor ensuring the well-being of illegal aliens rather than protecting law abiding American citizens from unnecessary harm and the adverse effects of illegal immigration on their communities.
State / Local Policies | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels
Attrition Through Enforcement

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.
Attrition Through Enforcement | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

That's funny. Mexicans are making it difficult for Americans to live in their own neighborhoods by highlighting "MEXICO" wherever those Americans walk.

I was just at my town's health center and a big Aztec symbol is displayed on the wall with an outline of MEXICO near it and half of the US cut out of that outline.

Get the hint. YANKEE, DROP DEAD! And it was payed for with US tax dollars.
Attrition through enforcement is a great idea.... so long as we're talking Aggressive, Active Enforcement and not Passive enforcement.

Aggressive Enforcement entails going out and looking for these people, in order to enforce the legal penalties for their actions on them. Raiding suspected employers. Running sting operations. Things like that.

Passive Enforcement is sitting back and waiting for these people to come to you, and only then enforcing the additional legal penalties for their crimes in addition to (or in place of) the penalties for whatever "mundane" crime brought them into contact with the Law Enforcement community to begin with.
Attrition through enforcement is a great idea.... so long as we're talking Aggressive, Active Enforcement and not Passive enforcement.

Aggressive Enforcement entails going out and looking for these people, in order to enforce the legal penalties for their actions on them. Raiding suspected employers. Running sting operations. Things like that.

Passive Enforcement is sitting back and waiting for these people to come to you, and only then enforcing the additional legal penalties for their crimes in addition to (or in place of) the penalties for whatever "mundane" crime brought them into contact with the Law Enforcement community to begin with.

Mandatory E-Verify system works, but follow up on employers is necessary until they get the message that hiring of illegals are not cheap.
Illegal aliens to apply for jobs that is the time for employers to check if their SS numbers are legit. Start raids on businesses and employers and illegals will get the message.
250,000 employers are now using E-Verify but not nearly enough to make an impact on illegal workers.
Federal immigration authorites need the help of state and local enforcement but that has been hindered by states who are pro-amnesty.
Amnesty and deportation are not the only solutions.
Attrition Through Enforcement

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books. The goal is to make it extremely difficult for unauthorized persons to live and work in the United States. There is no need for taxpayers to watch the government spend billions of their dollars to round up and deport illegal aliens; they will buy their own bus or plane tickets back home if they can no longer earn a living here.
Attrition Through Enforcement | NumbersUSA - For Lower Immigration Levels

That's funny. Mexicans are making it difficult for Americans to live in their own neighborhoods by highlighting "MEXICO" wherever those Americans walk.

I was just at my town's health center and a big Aztec symbol is displayed on the wall with an outline of MEXICO near it and half of the US cut out of that outline.

Get the hint. YANKEE, DROP DEAD! And it was payed for with US tax dollars.

We have the HAWC medical and dental clinic and the client and employers are 95% Hispanic. Then they got stimulus money to built another one in Virginia City Nev. They are treated on a discount basic at the expense of the tax payers. They also take advantage of free medical and dental days. so many that it prohibits Citizens being treated.
Mandatory E-Verify system works, but follow up on employers is necessary until they get the message that hiring of illegals are not cheap.
Illegal aliens to apply for jobs that is the time for employers to check if their SS numbers are legit. Start raids on businesses and employers and illegals will get the message.
250,000 employers are now using E-Verify but not nearly enough to make an impact on illegal workers.
Federal immigration authorites need the help of state and local enforcement but that has been hindered by states who are pro-amnesty.
Amnesty and deportation are not the only solutions.[/COLOR]

E-Verify works, for those companies that can and will use it. The problem is that mandating E-Verify will not stop those business' that use day-workers who are paid in cash under the table.

We need to be actively seeking out these illegals in our society. Raiding the businesses that hire them, the properties that house them, the markets and businesses that supply their prefered food, clothing, etc...

The biggest first step that could be implemented in the US would be a very simple one..... Disallowing the printing of any Government document or employment record in any language other than English.
Hi Lady:

Attrition Through Enforcement

The principle behind Attrition Through Enforcement is that living illegally in the United States will become more difficult and less satisfying over time when the government – at ALL LEVELS – enforces all of the laws already on the books ....

Unfortunately the Illegal Alien Invasion Attrition is growing through non enforcement of perfectly good immigration, employment and document fraud laws already on the books since the mid 1980's. Then stupid Americans vote and illegal alien (Barry) into office to make matters that much worse. You should realize by now that we have a country full of supposed 'law enforcement officers' and a country full of illegal alien foreign nationals. Do the math. Now the economy is imploding and many of those pretender 'law enforcement officers' are being sent to the unemployment line. If they will not enforce our laws to protect the tax base and their own jobs, then what makes you think for one minute they care about protecting your job from illegal aliens?

The whole system is on the brink of collapse and the USA Titanic is preparing for a trip to the bottom of the ocean and anything the corrupt govt does now is much too little and much too late.

[ame=]This is change you can believe in ...[/ame]

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Hi Lost:

Why are we bombing Libya when the real evil is south of the US border?

The real enemy is sitting in the White House and both Houses of Congress who refuse to enforce our laws and allow illegal aliens to run around loose everywhere killing 25 US Citizens every damned day. Those are the same corrupt politicians bombing Libya, because Rothschild wants to open up another central bank and ruin that country too.

[ame=]Welcome To WW3[/ame]

[ame=]Welcome To WW3[/ame]

Mandatory E-Verify system works, but follow up on employers is necessary until they get the message that hiring of illegals are not cheap.
Illegal aliens to apply for jobs that is the time for employers to check if their SS numbers are legit. Start raids on businesses and employers and illegals will get the message.
250,000 employers are now using E-Verify but not nearly enough to make an impact on illegal workers.
Federal immigration authorites need the help of state and local enforcement but that has been hindered by states who are pro-amnesty.
Amnesty and deportation are not the only solutions.[/COLOR]

E-Verify works, for those companies that can and will use it. The problem is that mandating E-Verify will not stop those business' that use day-workers who are paid in cash under the table.

We need to be actively seeking out these illegals in our society. Raiding the businesses that hire them, the properties that house them, the markets and businesses that supply their prefered food, clothing, etc...

The biggest first step that could be implemented in the US would be a very simple one..... Disallowing the printing of any Government document or employment record in any language other than English.

Have you ever visited a day labor camp. They do verify citizenship and are sent out by the camp organizers. Few stand around the camp, but few of them are picked up. Day laborers not a big problem. Many of those workers are Citizens.
Why are we bombing Libya when the real evil is south of the US border?

US is not bombing Libya, We are bombing Qaddafi compounds and military sites. Unlike in Iraq we bombed anything that moved. You obviouly don't know what we are doing in Libya. Obama will not be there for 8 years.
Hi Lost:

Why are we bombing Libya when the real evil is south of the US border?

The real enemy is sitting in the White House and both Houses of Congress who refuse to enforce our laws and allow illegal aliens to run around loose everywhere killing 25 US Citizens every damned day. Those are the same corrupt politicians bombing Libya, because Rothschild wants to open up another central bank and ruin that country too.

[ame=]Welcome To WW3[/ame]

[ame=]Welcome To WW3[/ame]


Radical Right Wing hate and Fear Mongering as usual. You have to know when you say things like this you are giving more power to the Chief than he deserves and has? Obama can do nothing without the approval of Congress.
Those corrupt politicians are 128 members of the UN Security Council that approval these strikes. Headed by France and Britian and supported by Russia and China.
Obama did not let 20 million illegal aliens into this country and he has done more enforcement than has been done the last 50 years. More border security, more raids, enforcement and deportations. Obama did not open the door.:eusa_hand:
I never cease to amaze me how unemformed some of you are. You have got to listen to more the FAUXNEWS.
[ You obviouly don't know what we are doing in Libya. Obama will not be there for 8 years.

You're right. I don't know why we are bombing a country or a leader that is absolutely no threat to the people of the United States whatsoever, yet allow millions of enemy soldiers in plainclothes to invade the US and threaten American citizens and the American way of life.
Hi Lost:

Why are we bombing Libya when the real evil is south of the US border?

The real enemy is sitting in the White House and both Houses of Congress who refuse to enforce our laws and allow illegal aliens to run around loose everywhere killing 25 US Citizens every damned day. Those are the same corrupt politicians bombing Libya, because Rothschild wants to open up another central bank and ruin that country too.


"This is not peace, it is an armistice that will last 20 years."

Marshal Foche after hearing the surrender terms given
Germany at the end of World War One.

He was off by less than a year!


[ You obviouly don't know what we are doing in Libya. Obama will not be there for 8 years.

You're right. I don't know why we are bombing a country or a leader that is absolutely no threat to the people of the United States whatsoever, yet allow millions of enemy soldiers in plainclothes to invade the US and threaten American citizens and the American way of life.

Go to the political forum...
Have you ever visited a day labor camp. They do verify citizenship and are sent out by the camp organizers. Few stand around the camp, but few of them are picked up. Day laborers not a big problem. Many of those workers are Citizens.

No. Then again, I'm not talking about camps. I'm talking about the 12 latin guys standing around outside Home Depot or on some street corner every morning, who get paid CASH at the end of the day, under the table, by contractors, to do sub-standard work with no OSHA safety regulations because they don't belong here to begin with. These groups exist in every city and town across the country. Hell, they exist here in New England, about as far from the Mexican border as you can get. Though most of them around here are Dominican.
[ You obviouly don't know what we are doing in Libya. Obama will not be there for 8 years.

You're right. I don't know why we are bombing a country or a leader that is absolutely no threat to the people of the United States whatsoever, yet allow millions of enemy soldiers in plainclothes to invade the US and threaten American citizens and the American way of life.

And what threat was Saddam who had no WMDs and no connection to terrorist and 9-11.

Qaddfi no threat? Down Pan Am, blew up cafe in Beirut frequented by Americans, trained terrorist. This bombing is not about threat to us but humanity. No one has declared war on Libya YET.
Taliban in Afghanis no threat to us here either. Terrorist in Afghanistan were not a threat either. And we haven't got OBL yet and never will. Both wars was a wast of human lives and money.

I question why We have not gone after Qaddafi before now? OIL?

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