Attn: Oregon Standoff / LaVoy supporters


Gold Member
Sep 18, 2012
Say several years down the road, a few people in your ranks will start talking about 'payback' -- they'll likely be military washouts, losers, loners, gun nutters who read The Turner Diaries... (like mass murderer Timmy McViegh)

How about giving the rest of us a heads up this time?

You know, save some lives. If you call yourself American, act like it.
Yeah if these people need to wave guns at other people why don't they join up and fly over to fight IsiL? Why do they always try to intimidate someone's grandma in Small Town America.
Why don't the protesters join the military and go fight ISIL? Simple.............they want to wave the guns, but they don't want to invest the time and effort that it takes to be a part of the military.

I'd be willing to guess that most of these Oregon protesters wouldn't be able to qualify for the military. You've gotta be a high school graduate, you have to be healthy, and you have to be mentally qualified. Or, if you're not a graduate, you have to score a 50 or better on the ASVAB and get a HP3 waiver (High Performance Profile Predictor).

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