
Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
"Pushback" part 2:
Google illegally pinging people's location when location is turned off, allows for congress to question their execs about foreign employees being involved in interfering & manipulating elections by and through censorship, controlling, burrying, and shadow banning certain commentary, info, websites on it's search engine platform.
Violating privacy of citizens via Sharing data, calendar schedules, locations with feds and foreign agents and people who use it for ill intentions, illegal spying, scraping emails, illegal doxing, political interferences, harassment, psych wars, and intimidation to obstruct.

Microsoft illegal use of peoples data stream to continually use up data plans downloading Edge browser updates when you have it turned off in the browser and in your PC services violates people's rights, breaks it's former stipulated deals with the courts, and causes service issues and expense to unsuspected PC users. This opens the door to question Microsoft execs about it's helping feds with violating rights of it's email users and it's search engines use to manipulate info as a propaganda tool.

Allowing these 2 corps to be questioned opens up the window to see who these Fed agents are in the shadow and who are these foreign agents violating our rights and manipulating availability of info and spokespersons and interfering with elections and private citizens lives as well as politicians themselves being targets of this spying and silencing.

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