Attagirl, Ann!!


Ummm, shitting bull, unions do not provide teachers with their salaries or their benefits, which are it always that affordable. Taxpayers do that.
What's so damn funny is that the romney's shit on the very people defending them. You know - the Little People. The rw's would not let a Dem get away with this incredible level of dishonesty but, coming from Norquist's boy, its just fine.

Nice to see them showing their true colors and they are NOT RED WHITE AND BLUE!

Who said Romney paid no taxes?

Rooney's tax accountants.

No, what's funny is "YOU PEOPLE" are some of the pettiest shallowest around
What's so damn funny is that the romney's shit on the very people defending them. You know - the Little People. The rw's would not let a Dem get away with this incredible level of dishonesty but, coming from Norquist's boy, its just fine.

Nice to see them showing their true colors and they are NOT RED WHITE AND BLUE!

Who said Romney paid no taxes?
Rooney's tax accountants.
We're talking about this instance, luddly, in which case Mrs. Romney was speaking to a paid partisan attack cat conveniently masquerading as a news anchor. Her commentary was in response to a partisan attack.

Stop trying to smear Mrs. Romney with First Lady Michelle (all this for a damn flag) Obama's gaffes.

"The chit don't stick when you're a dick."


Did I say that right? :lmao:

People are losing homes, can't find a job, trying to live on unemployment and food stamps or welfare, and all these syncophants can talk about is crap that no one gives a damn about. People are struggling and don't have time to worry about false claims by lefties. This is going to blow up in their face.

Has a conservative conversion taken place that I just haven't heard about? I have to ask that question because the last time I checked, conservatives never let the lack of veracity of any accusation prevent them from wholeheartedly making it. In fact, they were perfectly willing to scream it from the rooftops. You and everyone else knows this to be true. After all, need I really go into any detail about The Clinton Chronicles video tape hawked by Jerry Falwell which accused BC of murder (I guess he didn't have a problem with bearing false witness), or the supposed 'murder' of Vince Foster, or the accusation that Kerry betrayed his country?

So the more recent accusation that Obama was foreign-born or Michele Bachmann's latest foray into the national news by claiming that Hillary Clinton's aide, Huma Abedin, is a Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator shouldn't really come as a surprise to anyone. It's disappointing without question. And it certainly makes a mockery of conservatives' claims to be motivated by principle since honesty is the beginning of any principled philosophy.

But it's not a surprise.

Ummm, shitting bull, unions do not provide teachers with their salaries or their benefits, which are it always that affordable. Taxpayers do that.

You sound like you "own" teachers - which you do not. Teachers and other municipal employees perform services for negotiated compensation. Once they have "earned" it - it belongs to THEM - not taxpayers. BTW, teachers pay for their unions via union dues - not taxpayers.

Ummm, shitting bull, unions do not provide teachers with their salaries or their benefits, which are it always that affordable. Taxpayers do that.

You sound like you "own" teachers - which you do not. Teachers and other municipal employees perform services for negotiated compensation. Once they have "earned" it - it belongs to THEM - not taxpayers. BTW, teachers pay for their unions via union dues - not taxpayers.

I do not "own" teachers. If your head was not so full of shit it would not sound like that. I did however, correctly point out to your wee brain that the salaries and benefits that you believe are provided by unions are indeed provided by taxpayers. Are all Indians as stupid as you? No wonder we were able to convince them all to give up good lands in lieu of a reservation. And we got you dumbphucks to walk! hAHAHAHA
What does the color anyone's skin have to do with the fact that Obama is a collosal, glittering failure? More people went on disability last month than found a job, and Obama's junkies want to talk about tax returns. Tell the IRS to get on it and move on with fixing our economy. Obama has attended 106 fundraisers in the last 6 months. Tell us how many times his "Jobs Council" has met in the last 6 months. You want to talk about Bias?

We also have a massive aging baby boomer population so yeah, if they're not able to keep up with the times and they lost their job, they may go on disability. I don't get why you RightyTighties think that's some kind of blast on Obama. In fact, I'd love to see those numbers for the last 36 years to see if there's been that significant an increase in Obama's disability numbers compared to other President's. My guess? In proportion, it's no different.

Oh my God, man. Almost 400,000 people applied for unemployment last week. Even Bernanke said things are getting worse. Wake up. We're in trouble.
Buford, meet Conservaderrps at his finest moment: :lalala:
What's so damn funny is that the romney's shit on the very people defending them. You know - the Little People. The rw's would not let a Dem get away with this incredible level of dishonesty but, coming from Norquist's boy, its just fine.

Nice to see them showing their true colors and they are NOT RED WHITE AND BLUE!

Who said Romney paid no taxes?

Rooney's tax accountants.

Talk about shitting on people, high gas prices under this President affect the little people, not the rich. Lack of jobs affect the little people, not the rich. Mortgage forclosures affect the little people, not the rich. Higher taxes under Obamatax affect the little people, not the rich.
Ummm, shitting bull, unions do not provide teachers with their salaries or their benefits, which are it always that affordable. Taxpayers do that.

You sound like you "own" teachers - which you do not. Teachers and other municipal employees perform services for negotiated compensation. Once they have "earned" it - it belongs to THEM - not taxpayers. BTW, teachers pay for their unions via union dues - not taxpayers.

I do not "own" teachers. If your head was not so full of shit it would not sound like that. I did however, correctly point out to your wee brain that the salaries and benefits that you believe are provided by unions are indeed provided by taxpayers. Are all Indians as stupid as you? No wonder we were able to convince them all to give up good lands in lieu of a reservation. And we got you dumbphucks to walk! hAHAHAHA

Please show me WHERE I even hinted/suggested that teacher's salaries and benefits are provided by unions. Since teachers make up the the unions, and the unions negotiate teachers' salaries and benefits, of course the funds to do this comes from taxpayers.
Well I still don't get it. ABC has Anne Romney saying "our people" and the transcript at Newsbusters with the original video says "all people". So are the liberal websites lying, or is ABC who did the interview lying or is Newsbusters lying?

ANN ROMNEY: Because so many things that will be open, again, to attack. You don't want to give more material for more attack. That's just the answer. And we have given all people need to know and understand about our financial situation and how we live our life.

Robin Roberts, Who Got 'Chills' From Obama, Pushes Ann Romney: 'Why Not Release' Taxes? |
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.
And that's exactly what Mint Raw Money DOESN'T want.
You sound like you "own" teachers - which you do not. Teachers and other municipal employees perform services for negotiated compensation. Once they have "earned" it - it belongs to THEM - not taxpayers. BTW, teachers pay for their unions via union dues - not taxpayers.

I do not "own" teachers. If your head was not so full of shit it would not sound like that. I did however, correctly point out to your wee brain that the salaries and benefits that you believe are provided by unions are indeed provided by taxpayers. Are all Indians as stupid as you? No wonder we were able to convince them all to give up good lands in lieu of a reservation. And we got you dumbphucks to walk! hAHAHAHA

Please show me WHERE I even hinted/suggested that teacher's salaries and benefits are provided by unions. Since teachers make up the the unions, and the unions negotiate teachers' salaries and benefits, of course the funds to do this comes from taxpayers.

If you did not suggest that teachers salaries and benefits are provided by the unions why would you post a graphic that explicitly states as such?

Again I will ask, are all Indians as stupid as you are?
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.
And that's exactly what Mint Raw Money DOESN'T want.

Thanks for the insight, you race-bating bigot.
You sound like you "own" teachers - which you do not. Teachers and other municipal employees perform services for negotiated compensation. Once they have "earned" it - it belongs to THEM - not taxpayers. BTW, teachers pay for their unions via union dues - not taxpayers.

I do not "own" teachers. If your head was not so full of shit it would not sound like that. I did however, correctly point out to your wee brain that the salaries and benefits that you believe are provided by unions are indeed provided by taxpayers. Are all Indians as stupid as you? No wonder we were able to convince them all to give up good lands in lieu of a reservation. And we got you dumbphucks to walk! hAHAHAHA

Please show me WHERE I even hinted/suggested that teacher's salaries and benefits are provided by unions. Since teachers make up the the unions, and the unions negotiate teachers' salaries and benefits, of course the funds to do this comes from taxpayers.

WHO is posting under your name?
don't be so dishonest
Way to go, Mrs. Romney!!

Ann Romney “We’ve given all You People Need to Know”. In an interview on Good Morning America with Robin Roberts, Ann Romney referred to the rest of America as “You People”.

She even referred this “you people” business, to Robin Roberts as if as a woman who has also suffered from breast cancer, she was a meaningless entity reporter that did not have any value, and that she did not respect.

You don’t call your interviewer “You people”, and it showed great disrespect to Robin Roberts.

Ann Romney also mentioned that her husband gives to the church, so that proves he is not hiding anything in his taxes.

Again, if that were truly the case, he should release his 23 years of tax returns since heÂ’s such an honest guy. But just donating to a church doesnÂ’t prove your being truthful, it was a spin attempt by Ann Romney that just doesnÂ’t fly with the public.

Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the RomneyÂ’s feel about the rest of America.

People are suffering terrible losses, terrible unemployment, terrible times trying to feed their families and Mrs. Romney canÂ’t have one iota of feeling for those less fortunate than herself. She offers nothing to the narrative of how Romney would suddenly reverse a global recession all by himself.

Read more: Ann Romney “We’ve Given Enough to You People” ABC GMA | Politicol Commentary News

What a hatchet job. You are really bottom feeding with this one BD. Like the IRS doesn't have access to Romney's Returns. This Opinion OP does make the Writer look like a Jackass, I don't have any respect for her either.
Ann did not help Willard out with that interview.

If you were applying for a job and your prospective employer asks for more than 1 or 2 years of returns, is "that's all I'm going to give you people" a response that would get you that job? Would you hire someone that gave that response?