Attacks On Cambridge Analytica And Facebook Are Hypocritical


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Many years ago, when my wife and I were first dating, her mother died and she inherited her mother's house.

Not long after, she adopted a black Labrador retriever mix from the local dog pound.

A few years later, we married and moved to another state.

A week after our arrival in our new home, we received some mail addressed to her deceased mother from a veterinarian just a few blocks from our new house! The vet mentioned our dog by name and asked to be our new vet.

You can imagine our shock at receiving mail addressed to my wife's dead mom addressed to our new house.

So I called this vet and told them they had freaked out my wife. Because of this, they readily coughed up the name of the company from which they had received our data.


I then called Epsilon and asked WTF. They informed me that when you fill out a change of address form at the UNITED STATES POST OFFICE, the USPS sells your name to data collection agencies. And small businesses like our old vet are in that network and provide the names and personal data about their clients, and in turn they receive similar information when a potential new client moves to town.

And this is still going on.

So...yeah. All this faux outrage over Cambridge Analytica and Facebook is hypocritical bullslhit.

Remember how the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT SELLS YOUR PERSONAL DATA TO CORPORATIONS FOR PROFIT the next time you see some Congressman putting on theater for the rubes over Facebook and Cambridge Analytica.

And now for the prediction portion of our program: If and when Congress writes legislation to prevent these breaches of privacy by online companies, you can be sure they will word that legislation very carefully so as to exclude the decades long practice of violating your privacy through our mail system.
I don't follow how being against some entity collecting data amounts to "hypocrisy" on the basis that they're not the only entities who do it. What am I missing here?
I don't follow how being against some entity collecting data amounts to "hypocrisy" on the basis that they're not the only entities who do it. What am I missing here?
Why the sudden outrage? Because Trump won?

That's what it smells like to me.

Why isn't the Post Office or Epsilon being hauled in front of Congress?

Remember Richard Viguerie? He invented political direct mailing. What Cambridge Analytica did is no different.
I don't follow how being against some entity collecting data amounts to "hypocrisy" on the basis that they're not the only entities who do it. What am I missing here?
Why the sudden outrage? Because Trump won?

That's what it smells like to me.

Why isn't the Post Office or Epsilon being hauled in front of Congress?

Remember Richard Viguerie? He invented political direct mailing. What Cambridge Analytica did is no different.

None of this shit is new. Just minutes ago I got yet another spam call on my cellphone, and similar invasions are countless.

But I don't see how singling out any one (or two) of them for criticism amounts to "hypocrisy". The fact that "somebody else did it too" doesn't excuse the act. Especially since the perps in the current spotlight are only recently known, unlike spam phone-bots and other more established methods. It's never a bad thing to expose such wrongdoing to the sunlight.

Fecesbook should have been a screaming red flag from the start. I never got into it myself. But we consumers (of anything, including and maybe especially information) need to continually ask themselves "what's in it for them?".
I don't follow how being against some entity collecting data amounts to "hypocrisy" on the basis that they're not the only entities who do it. What am I missing here?
Why the sudden outrage? Because Trump won?

That's what it smells like to me.

Why isn't the Post Office or Epsilon being hauled in front of Congress?

Remember Richard Viguerie? He invented political direct mailing. What Cambridge Analytica did is no different.

None of this shit is new. Just minutes ago I got yet another spam call on my cellphone, and similar invasions are countless.

But I don't see how singling out any one (or two) of them for criticism amounts to "hypocrisy". The fact that "somebody else did it too" doesn't excuse the act. Especially since the perps in the current spotlight are only recently known, unlike spam phone-bots and other more established methods. It's never a bad thing to expose such wrongdoing to the sunlight.

Fecesbook should have been a screaming red flag from the start. I never got into it myself. But we consumers (of anything, including and maybe especially information) need to continually ask themselves "what's in it for them?".
My very point is that this invasion of our privacy is not new.

So why is ONE particular "offender" being suddenly singled out?

It smacks of political opportunism.

The fact one particular entity is the target indicates all this noise is in no way motivated by a true concern for our privacy.

It's theater for the rubes.
I see the hypocrisy from congress calling zuckerman to testify while NSA (a gov agency ) does much worse .
Good questions. Let's start cracking down on all of these motherfuckers. All in favor?
I see the hypocrisy from congress calling zuckerman to testify while NSA (a gov agency ) does much worse .
The US postal service does much worse than Facebook.
Good questions. Let's start cracking down on all of these motherfuckers. All in favor?
I'm totally in favor.

But it will never happen. Selling your information is a huge revenue source for the USPS. And they actively promote this service to data-gathering companies.

So for our government to criticize a company for doing the same thing our government does is the epitome of hypocrisy.
I don't follow how being against some entity collecting data amounts to "hypocrisy" on the basis that they're not the only entities who do it. What am I missing here?
Why the sudden outrage? Because Trump won?

That's what it smells like to me.

Why isn't the Post Office or Epsilon being hauled in front of Congress?

Remember Richard Viguerie? He invented political direct mailing. What Cambridge Analytica did is no different.

I find this all really amusing.

Free is never free. See those targeted adds. How the hell did the public think that they got them?

I've never been a facebook user, for more than privacy reasons, but anyone who didn't think they used the data collected for a retail purpose is beyond insane.
I don't follow how being against some entity collecting data amounts to "hypocrisy" on the basis that they're not the only entities who do it. What am I missing here?
Why the sudden outrage? Because Trump won?

That's what it smells like to me.

Why isn't the Post Office or Epsilon being hauled in front of Congress?

Remember Richard Viguerie? He invented political direct mailing. What Cambridge Analytica did is no different.

I find this all really amusing.

Free is never free. See those targeted adds. How the hell did the public think that they got them?

I've never been a facebook user, for more than privacy reasons, but anyone who didn't think they used the data collected for a retail purpose is beyond insane.

Facebook is free. How do these people think a free web site makes someone a multi-billionaire?

Of course he has to sell access to his customers.

It is on the user to be careful with what information they provide to Facebook.

I don't let my wife post photos of me or the kids on Facebook. I saw a British documentary which showed how some really creeping pedophile sites harvest photos of kids from the web and post them on their sites as the photos of kids you can have sex with.

Your kids' photos could end up on a pedo web site on the other side of the world.

We live on a fucked up planet.
I don't follow how being against some entity collecting data amounts to "hypocrisy" on the basis that they're not the only entities who do it. What am I missing here?
Why the sudden outrage? Because Trump won?

That's what it smells like to me.

Why isn't the Post Office or Epsilon being hauled in front of Congress?

Remember Richard Viguerie? He invented political direct mailing. What Cambridge Analytica did is no different.

I find this all really amusing.

Free is never free. See those targeted adds. How the hell did the public think that they got them?

I've never been a facebook user, for more than privacy reasons, but anyone who didn't think they used the data collected for a retail purpose is beyond insane.

Facebook is free. How do these people think a free web site makes someone a multi-billionaire?

Of course he has to sell access to his customers.

It is on the user to be careful with what information they provide to Facebook.

I don't let my wife post photos of me or the kids on Facebook. I saw a British documentary which showed how some really creeping pedophile sites harvest photos of kids from the web and post them on their sites as the photos of kids you can have sex with.

Your kids' photos could end up on a pedo web site on the other side of the world.

We live on a fucked up planet.

If I'm not mistaken, and maybe the terms of use changed IDK, but once you post a photo on Facebook, it becomes their property. Why in gods name would anyone post their childs photo on that thing in the first place, especially if those reading it could easily find out where your child is?

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