Atrocity propaganda in the media attempting to sway us Americans. How do we react to it?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
9:50 mark

The man in the video says that there are three lies currently being provided to us Americans from Israel. One from a journalist who claims to have seen 40 be headed babies, but then backtrack and said she was told that by Israeli soldiers.

The other claim that israelis were raped. But there’s no evidence of it.

The third - 250 people were killed at a concert in Israel- yet the only videos we have seen are people running away at a concert.

Most, especially how are we American Christians to respond to this. You think of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died on the cross for our sins. And we often hear politicians in America, who are Christians talk a lot about what would Jesus do.

What would Jesus do?
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The Israeli Jewish defense minister says that “we are fighting animals and we act accordingly”

We often hear American politicians talk a lot about Jesus. They say how would Jesus respond to abortion, how would Jesus respond to Poor people?.

Fellow American Christians how would Jesus respond to the Israeli defense minister?
9:50 mark

The man in the video says that there are three lies currently being provided to us Americans from Israel. One from a journalist who claims to have seen 40 be headed babies, but then backtrack and said she was told that by Israeli soldiers.

The other claim that israelis were raped. But there’s no evidence of it.

The third - 250 people were killed at a concert in Israel- yet the only videos we have seen are people running away at a concert.

Most, especially how are we American Christians to respond to this. You think of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died on the cross for our sins. And we often hear politicians in America, who are Christians talk a lot about what would Jesus do.

What would Jesus do?

Jesus would denounce the Devil worshiping goat molesters.
9:50 mark

The man in the video says that there are three lies currently being provided to us Americans from Israel. One from a journalist who claims to have seen 40 be headed babies, but then backtrack and said she was told that by Israeli soldiers.

The other claim that israelis were raped. But there’s no evidence of it.

The third - 250 people were killed at a concert in Israel- yet the only videos we have seen are people running away at a concert.

Most, especially how are we American Christians to respond to this. You think of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died on the cross for our sins. And we often hear politicians in America, who are Christians talk a lot about what would Jesus do.

What would Jesus do?

The video I've been seeing--at least what they can show on television which is only a fraction of the horrors the IDF is finding on the ground in Gaza--all the leftist television stations have confirmed the dead in Israel which is horrendous. A hospital bombed in Gaza is now known to have been via a misfired Hamas rocket and not from the IDF.

War is the most stupid, horrendous, destructive, cruel activity humankind has ever come up with it and it is invariably devastating in property and lives to both militants and the innocent. But there would be no war had Hamas not fired hundreds of rockets into Israel hoping to kill as many men, women and children as it could and then conducted a ground invasion that killed/kidnapped hundreds more.

There is no way to morally take Hamas side in this conflict.
The 40 babies being beheaded I instinctively.felt was inaccurate or outright b.s from the start. I have heard the stories from those who survived the festival attack though and they were very convincing. This attack by Hamas occured so why would you deny it? Hell, Hamas doesn't even deny this and they didn't get 200 hostages by people walking over. It breaks ones heart hearing their loved ones tallk about their dead family members. Hamas has also been livestreaming the last moments of peoples lives to further terrorize and humilitate them. They may be baiting Israeli in but they will face justice for their murders. It is clear that they must go.
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IDF: Palestinian Islamic Jihad Rocket Misfire Caused Hospital Explosion

17 Oct 2023 ~~ By Joel B. Pollak

The Iranian-backed Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) terror organization was responsible for an explosion at the Ahli Baptist Hospital in Gaza City, due to a misfired rocket intended to kill Israeli civilians, according to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).
The explosion, which reportedly killed hundreds of people, sparked outrage, with Palestinian Authority leader Mahmoud Abbas pulling out of a meeting Wednesday with U.S. President Joe Biden over the issue. Biden has backed Israel’s war of self-defense against the Hamas terror group, which rules Gaza and which killed over 1,400 Israelis in a massive terror attack on October 7.
Hamas and critics of Israel rushed to blame an Israeli airstrike. News wires, like the Getty photo service, published unproven claims Israel had “attack[ed]” the hospital, citing the “Gaza Health Ministry,” which is run by Hamas.

Hamas` crack team of forensic bomb experts, run by Three-Fingered Abu Wackadoodle related the info to Baghdad Bob telling us that the trajectory and force of the explosion proves it was a large bomb, not a stupid homemade rocket.
Al Jazeera showed the video of the rocket going up, and turning into the hospital.. Seems it was immediately taken down...

The trolls coming out now are revealing their lying faces.
It's all on Hamas! Israel gave them plenty of time to evacuate.
For a week people debated if Hamas beheaded Israeli babies or just peacefully burned them alive and claimed no women were raped or tortured
Yet, it took exactly 1 minute to spread the lie that Israel bombed a hospital in Gaza, when the evidence show they didn’t do it.
One more thing..
Isn't this conveniently timing by Hamas to blow up Biden’s visit to Israel’s neighbors.
Fortunately there is ample video and satellite evidence that shows exactly when rockets were fired from Gaza and when the hospital exploded. According to reports, rocket shrapnel fell on the hospital and likely ignited the rockets that Hamas had placed there.

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9:50 mark

The man in the video says that there are three lies currently being provided to us Americans from Israel. One from a journalist who claims to have seen 40 be headed babies, but then backtrack and said she was told that by Israeli soldiers.

The other claim that israelis were raped. But there’s no evidence of it.

The third - 250 people were killed at a concert in Israel- yet the only videos we have seen are people running away at a concert.

Most, especially how are we American Christians to respond to this. You think of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died on the cross for our sins. And we often hear politicians in America, who are Christians talk a lot about what would Jesus do.

What would Jesus do?

You raise a good point.

I have seen a few gruesome images, and I really don't want to see more. I've seen enough fucked up shit already in my life. I can't say for certain what I did see was indeed innocent victims of ham-ass. It looks legit, but it's true that people manipulate things.

That's why I'm not howling for moose limb blood like many others. I've just gotten to a point where I don't care what Israel does if it's legitimate reprisals because those ham-ass lunatics really did butcher children.

If it comes out that it was a bullshit excuse to indiscriminately bomb Gaza and carelessly waste innocent people then the Islamic world is justified in wiping out Israel. I so seriously doubt that's even close to reality however, that I just don't care if Israel physically removes every mooselimb from Gaza and resettled the territory.


When world leaders one after another declare that Israel has the right to "self-defense", it is not about self-defense - Israel constantly crosses all red lines of "self-defense" - it is about authorizing ethnic cleansing and genocide. The final solution to the Palestinian question.
I'm not. I ignored those bed wetting lunatics years ago.

They're to be ridiculed mercilessly and otherwise good for nothing. If they were retroactively aborted I would celebrate the increase in global oxygen supplies.
I’ve always criticize their positions because they doesn’t really make sense. Black people were owned by white slaves in the USA , but 1.1 million white people were owned by Black people as slaves from 1520-1790 in North Africa

One of the top propagandists is IM2 When it comes to race relations
9:50 mark

The man in the video says that there are three lies currently being provided to us Americans from Israel. One from a journalist who claims to have seen 40 be headed babies, but then backtrack and said she was told that by Israeli soldiers.

The other claim that israelis were raped. But there’s no evidence of it.

The third - 250 people were killed at a concert in Israel- yet the only videos we have seen are people running away at a concert.

Most, especially how are we American Christians to respond to this. You think of Jesus, our Lord and Savior, who died on the cross for our sins. And we often hear politicians in America, who are Christians talk a lot about what would Jesus do.

What would Jesus do?

But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Matthew 15:24

Clearly, Jesus would side with Israel, and take a very dim view of what you are doing. If you were a Christian you would know that.
You raise a good point.

I have seen a few gruesome images, and I really don't want to see more. I've seen enough fucked up shit already in my life. I can't say for certain what I did see was indeed innocent victims of ham-ass. It looks legit, but it's true that people manipulate things.

That's why I'm not howling for moose limb blood like many others. I've just gotten to a point where I don't care what Israel does if it's legitimate reprisals because those ham-ass lunatics really did butcher children.

If it comes out that it was a bullshit excuse to indiscriminately bomb Gaza and carelessly waste innocent people then the Islamic world is justified in wiping out Israel. I so seriously doubt that's even close to reality however, that I just don't care if Israel physically removes every mooselimb from Gaza and resettled the territory.


Your Bull crap has turned out to be just that because it's been proven that it was a defective Hamas rocket that cause the damage to the hospital.
The only fact is that the disinformation propaganda virus has been launched once again by Hamas and the biased media.
Here is Audio of HAMAS admitting it was their own rocket.


With respect to you and Doc7505

I believe what you’re providing is from Israel?. So they’re not necessarily the most trustworthy people around when it comes to their intelligence agencies after all the people of Israel themselves are questioning. How could the attack have occurred in the first place on oct 7. It makes no sense. All of Gaza is monitored.

We should have a third-party, neutral organization, investigate the hospital attack. Not from Israel not from Gaza. Let’s have a third-party look at it.

And it’s not you or hossfly or some of the others … you folks are definitely cool

but people like DudleySmith Muhammed are acting like BLM supporters. Calling anyone and everyone who criticizes them “jooo” haters. They really look bad in their arguments. They look like complainers just like the BLM supporters do.

And I would hope that follow Trump supporters Don’t go down this hole of acting like a BLM supporter.
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