Atheism is anti science...point blank


Dec 29, 2015
Atheists are anti science....
Point blank....nuff said

The proven fact of the expanding universe and the earth remaining stable is in and of itself evidence of God Almighty
...President Jimmy Carter...
Man From Plains. 2006
Atheists are anti science....
Point blank....nuff said

The proven fact of the expanding universe and the earth remaining stable is in and of itself evidence of God Almighty
...President Jimmy Carter...
Man From Plains. 2006
Most nonbelievers are not Atheists. and people like Jimmy Carter are self-deluded fools clinging to the supernatural and superstitious
I don't know where you get the idea that just because we Atheists don't believe in invisible fairies, invisible trolls, invisible leprechauns and invisible deities, that we somehow reject science. If anyone rejects science, it's more likely to be religious fundamentalists/evangelicals. Between fossil evidence, genetics and DNA, evolution is no longer a theory, yet the fundamentalists/evangelicals continue to reject it. Stars have a life span and eventually burn out. Our own star is no exception and will eventually die and earth will die along with it. To believe that the earth is permanently stable is naïve. Our planet has experienced massive extinctions via volcanic and stellar disasters and there is no guarantee that such things won't happen again.
I'm trying to wrap my head around the universe expanding and earth stable thing.
Kind of a silly statement by Carter, if it is his statement.

However, given that Carter (through his foundation) is on the verge of eradicating Guinea Worm, a horrible parasitical disease, from the planet, we can cut him some slack.

Dogs Thwart Effort to Eradicate Guinea Worm
The Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia, is leading the global campaign to eradicate Guinea worm. Next week, it will announce that case numbers for the excruciatingly painful infection are at a record low, with approximately 25 cases reported in 2015 in just 4 countries: Chad, Ethiopia, Mali and South Sudan. But infections in dogs are soaring in Chad, where officials will meet at the end of January to grapple with the canine epidemic. The central African nation recorded more than 450 cases of Guinea worm in domestic dogs last year—an all-time high
The title of this thread is reminiscent of George Costanza's "I will do the opposite".

Religion, or the belief in a supernatural entity that controls nature at its whim, is the definitive of anti-science.

Science, when it finds it made an incorrect conclusion, admits its mistake and corrects it to better reflect reality.

Religion never changes its view of anything regardless of evidence. It just 'modifies' its core statement to all of a sudden accommodate new knowledge that obliterates the core belief.

Demons possess people. Wait we've found out about mental illness, that is why people act weird. Oh, did we say demons? We meant you should go to your priest for psychiatric counseling.

A burning ball streaking across the sky is a bad omen and god's wrath will soon befall us. Wait, science discovered what asteroids, meteors, and comets are. ... Nevermind, we were just kidding.
Atheists are anti science....
Point blank....nuff said

The proven fact of the expanding universe and the earth remaining stable is in and of itself evidence of God Almighty
...President Jimmy Carter...
Man From Plains. 2006

Dear Lewis31407

It is possible to believe in the stability and laws of the universe
without perceiving or believing in a personified God.

Lots of people I know believe in NATURE, forces of creation, of life etc.
All the same things Theists would attribute to God.
But attribute this to the source of LIFE without making a personal entity out of the relationship.

It is perfectly fine to be NONTHEIST and still follow and respect the same laws
of Nature and the Universe. We don't have to call it GOD for these laws to work for us.

We can still believe in Equal Justice Under Law, while Christians may understand
this as the authority of Jesus that makes us equal children under one Lord.

The principle and meaning is still the same behind the religious symbolism,
whether we are religious or secular, Jew or Gentile, theist or nontheist, left or right of center.

Just like we don't have to agree what causes the laws of gravity to work,
in order to agree how to make gravity work for us instead of fighting against it.

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