ATF allows more guns to be sold to drug Florida...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
Crime pays...especially if you are a government agency dependent on crime, as the ATF is. always SUCKS.

In a sane nation, Obama gets impeached and removed for F&F. In an insane nation, nothing happens to Obama and most Americans have no clue what he did.
Crime pays...especially if you are a government agency dependent on crime, as the ATF is. always SUCKS.

In a sane nation, Obama gets impeached and removed for F&F. In an insane nation, nothing happens to Obama and most Americans have no clue what he did.
Some americans have no clue that this is what goes on regardless of who you put in the white house.
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.
We arm the Wahabist Saudi's son, profit is profit.

Can't argue that can ya son.

Yeah...I can...we also armed fight hitler.......
And Saddam, and Osama, and nuclear reactors to North Korea, and on, and on, and on .....

The arming of socialist mass murderers wit nuclear weapons is a left wing thing...from the rosenbergs giving nuclear secrets to stalin, to clinton giving nuclear weapon secrets to North Korea, to obama giving the glide path to nuclear weapons to Iran...that is all on you nut jobs........conventional arms to fight conventional wars is the price of doing business in the real the most destructive weapons ever created to monsters....that is the left wing all day long....
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

We arm the Wahabist Saudi's son, profit is profit.

Can't argue that can ya son.

Yeah...I can...we also armed fight hitler.......
And Saddam, and Osama, and nuclear reactors to North Korea, and on, and on, and on .....

The arming of socialist mass murderers wit nuclear weapons is a left wing thing...from the rosenbergs giving nuclear secrets to stalin, to clinton giving nuclear weapon secrets to North Korea, to obama giving the glide path to nuclear weapons to Iran...that is all on you nut jobs........conventional arms to fight conventional wars is the price of doing business in the real the most destructive weapons ever created to monsters....that is the left wing all day long....
Sorry pard, it's utterly bipartisan and reasoned observers know this. Selling nuclear reactors to North Korea from a company Rumsfeld once sat on the board of directors of was initiated under Clinton and completed under Bush. And the US taxpayer kicked in some of the funding to assist NK in completing the deal. You partisanshitheads are willfully ignorant.

We just made an arms deal with Wahabists, but we can't figure out where "terrorism" comes from.
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?
because of our freedoms and assholes who exploit those freedoms and use them against us.....and our very mildly enforced sentences against many of the violent people who do violent things....use a gun to commit a crime,even if it isnt discharged,you should get automatic 25 years minimum,and you serve every fucking minute of it,no time off for "good" behavior,and more time added if it is discharged and how much damage is done.........own a gun thats fine,but with it comes great responsibility,you abuse that right,you suffer the consequences.......
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?

Because people educated in government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party keep voting democrats into local offices...
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?
because of our freedoms and assholes who exploit those freedoms and use them against us.....and our very mildly enforced sentences against many of the violent people who do violent things....use a gun to commit a crime,even if it isnt discharged,you should get automatic 25 years minimum,and you serve every fucking minute of it,no time off for "good" behavior,and more time added if it is discharged and how much damage is done.........own a gun thats fine,but with it comes great responsibility,you abuse that right,you suffer the consequences.......
I disagree. We need better aqueducts, better roads, and more well regulated militia. We have a Second Amendment.
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?

Because people educated in government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party keep voting democrats into local offices...
I disagree. It is just lousy leadership on the part of the right wing in red States.
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?

Because people educated in government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party keep voting democrats into local offices...
I disagree. It is just lousy leadership on the part of the right wing in red States.

The big cities in these red states...are all run by democrats........try again.
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?

Because people educated in government schools controlled by the education wing of the democrat party keep voting democrats into local offices...
I disagree. It is just lousy leadership on the part of the right wing in red States.

The big cities in these red states...are all run by democrats........try again.
We have a Second Amendment. Are you claiming right wing governors and commanders in chief of that which is declared Necessary to the security of a free State, not a free City, are useless?
The ATF doesn't seem to learn from it's mistakes.....under eric holder, the obama minion, the ATF forced gun stores to sell guns to Mexican drug the hope that those guns would be found at the site of Mexican drug arrests. Why would they do this...? Because the anti gun movement was stuck....democrats did not want to push gun control for fear of losing elections....and the gun crime rate was going down, not is hard to run gun control when the crime rate is going down......

So....these guns were supposed to be found at the sites of Mexican drug arrests.....and typical of a government program...the unforseen consequences started showing up...thousands of dead Mexican Citizens from these ATF guns....

And now the ATF decided to do locally, that which failed internationally....

ATF Repeats Fast and Furious (a.k.a., "Gunwalker") in Jacksonville, Florida - The Truth About Guns

Once the ATF had Mr. Golik in their sights, they made him their bitch informant. Guess what happened next?

As his drug problem became more severe, he became unable to retrieve his firearms. Golik and his attorney brokered a deal with the U.S. Attorney’s Office and ATF. Court records say he became a confidential informant for ATF in May of 2015. Part of the deal included staying sober and telling ATF about guns he placed on the streets of Jacksonville

“After he approached ATF and we worked together to try and recover these firearms, Mr. Golik continued his illegal activities and behaviors,” Mutz said.

Yup, you read right. The ATF let their informant continue providing criminals with firearms. Who then “worked with” the ATF to “try” to recover the guns. And how did that work out?

According to a search warrant obtained by First Coast News, Golik didn’t stay clean and didn’t tell ATF about every gun he had traded, including one gun that turned up at a BP gas station on Philips Highway during a traffic stop.

“We thought we had a good grasp on the firearms on Mr. Golik introduced into the community only to find out that this firearm and others later on,” Mutz said. “It took us off guard and at that point we realized the scope and magnitude of what Mr. Golik had done.“

I wonder how many of Mr. Golik’s post-ATF informant guns were used in violent crime? Like we’ll ever know . . .

Once again, as in the Fast and Furious scandal involving ATF-enabled sales to known Mexican drug cartel members, we have the ATF letting guns “walk” without tracking, supervision or subsequent arrests. A fact that the ATF agents admitted in open court.

“The hardest part is not knowing who the defendants were. At the beginning, we were sort of at the mercy of Mr. Golik to tell us and direct us because only he knew who had the firearms,” says Mutz.

Lawyers for the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Middle District of Florida wouldn’t comment on this case. But check this comment from ATF Agent Fox:

“This case…it touches everyone in Jax [Jacksonville] and I feel strongly about that. Young woman are being taken advantage of and coerced into prostitution. The individuals that are preying on these ladies and controlling them with drugs are also controlling them with these firearms. And they are using these firearms to control their turf and assert their power in a criminal fashion.”
The Truth About Guns is, we have a Second Amendment.

Why do we have Any security problem in our free States, gun lovers?
because of our freedoms and assholes who exploit those freedoms and use them against us.....and our very mildly enforced sentences against many of the violent people who do violent things....use a gun to commit a crime,even if it isnt discharged,you should get automatic 25 years minimum,and you serve every fucking minute of it,no time off for "good" behavior,and more time added if it is discharged and how much damage is done.........own a gun thats fine,but with it comes great responsibility,you abuse that right,you suffer the consequences.......
I disagree. We need better aqueducts, better roads, and more well regulated militia. We have a Second Amendment.
what do better roads and aqueducts have to do with your question about any security problems we have?......and a militia is not a police force....

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