At What Percent Taxation Does One Become a Slave?

At what tax percent does one become effectively a slave to the government?

  • 100%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80%

    Votes: 1 16.7%
  • 60%

    Votes: 3 50.0%
  • None; no matter how high you are still free

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • dunno

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Suppose the RINOS and libtards have their way and keep on funding the political patronage system for another century.

Ignoring the practical impacts of such a disaster to America, taxes will climb until they can climb no more.

But at what point do they amount to slavery? Suppose you make $100,000 annually, about twice the average house hold income.

100%? Some would argue that that still does not make one a slave since one can still leave the country, but the feds have passed a law that will tax you for years after you leave.

Expatriation tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

80%? At 20% of remaining income, one could be looking at subsistence level income, meaning you have enough money left, maybe, to be above the poverty rate *if* you make close to $100,000 annually or more. That is a slave that buys his own essentials, and is even cheaper for the slave owners.

70%? A person could survive but not thrive on $30,000, but why make all that money if the government takes it all away about as quickly as you make it? And what of those who have average incomes? Can they be considered able to oay for more than merely surviving at $15,000 a year?

Note: this calculation completely ignores the taxation passed on to consumers by corporations, and some already pay well over 50% net income taxes if they live in New York City.

Americans for Tax Reform : Yankees Pitcher To Lose Over Half of $155 Million Contract to Taxes
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For some reason, there will always be people who want to be rich
Uh at 100% you become a slave. At 50.1% you become a moron for not getting a better accountant. There's a difference between having a high tax rate and actually paying that tax rate. Accountant wizardry results in very few of the highest tax rate individuals actually paying that rate.
Suppose the RINOS and libtards have their way and keep on funding the political patronage system for another century.

Ignoring the practical impacts of such a disaster to America, taxes will climb until they can climb no more.

But at what point do they amount to slavery? Suppose you make $100,000 annually, about twice the average house hold income.

100%? Some would argue that that still does not make one a slave since one can still leave the country, but the feds have passed a law that will tax you for years after you leave.

Expatriation tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

80%? At 20% of remaining income, one could be looking at subsistence level income, meaning you have enough money left, maybe, to be above the poverty rate *if* you make close to $100,000 annually or more. That is a slave that buys his own essentials, and is even cheaper for the slave owners.

70%? A person could survive but not thrive on $30,000, but why make all that money if the government takes it all away about as quickly as you make it? And what of those who have average incomes? Can they be considered able to oay for more than merely surviving at $15,000 a year?

Note: this calculation completely ignores the taxation passed on to consumers by corporations, and some already pay well over 50% net income taxes if they live in New York City.

Americans for Tax Reform : Yankees Pitcher To Lose Over Half of $155 Million Contract to Taxes

at what percent taxation

does the masses turn to the black market for solutions
Uh at 100% you become a slave. At 50.1% you become a moron for not getting a better accountant. There's a difference between having a high tax rate and actually paying that tax rate. Accountant wizardry results in very few of the highest tax rate individuals actually paying that rate.

You are assuming that the tax laws wont be getting modified annually to remove loopholes, exemptions and wont keep climbing as a percentage anyway.

When the feds start the nut cracker, joined by the blue state brigade, no one will be able to simply hire an accountant to escape those taxes.

You will have to be a regular campaign contributor to the Democratic Party, the new 'accountants'.
For some reason, there will always be people who want to be rich

Like in the Soviet Union?

The Nomenklatura got their power not by making wealth but by becoming government bureaucrats who fed off the peoples taxes. Those people were still slaves, IMO, and they had no rich people among them that weren't also criminals.
Suppose the RINOS and libtards have their way and keep on funding the political patronage system for another century.

Ignoring the practical impacts of such a disaster to America, taxes will climb until they can climb no more.

But at what point do they amount to slavery? Suppose you make $100,000 annually, about twice the average house hold income.

100%? Some would argue that that still does not make one a slave since one can still leave the country, but the feds have passed a law that will tax you for years after you leave.

Expatriation tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

80%? At 20% of remaining income, one could be looking at subsistence level income, meaning you have enough money left, maybe, to be above the poverty rate *if* you make close to $100,000 annually or more. That is a slave that buys his own essentials, and is even cheaper for the slave owners.

70%? A person could survive but not thrive on $30,000, but why make all that money if the government takes it all away about as quickly as you make it? And what of those who have average incomes? Can they be considered able to oay for more than merely surviving at $15,000 a year?

Note: this calculation completely ignores the taxation passed on to consumers by corporations, and some already pay well over 50% net income taxes if they live in New York City.

Americans for Tax Reform : Yankees Pitcher To Lose Over Half of $155 Million Contract to Taxes

at what percent taxation

does the masses turn to the black market for solutions

If you count black market illegal labor, then they already are and in massive numbers.
Suppose the RINOS and libtards have their way and keep on funding the political patronage system for another century.

Ignoring the practical impacts of such a disaster to America, taxes will climb until they can climb no more.

But at what point do they amount to slavery? Suppose you make $100,000 annually, about twice the average house hold income.

100%? Some would argue that that still does not make one a slave since one can still leave the country, but the feds have passed a law that will tax you for years after you leave.

Expatriation tax - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

80%? At 20% of remaining income, one could be looking at subsistence level income, meaning you have enough money left, maybe, to be above the poverty rate *if* you make close to $100,000 annually or more. That is a slave that buys his own essentials, and is even cheaper for the slave owners.

70%? A person could survive but not thrive on $30,000, but why make all that money if the government takes it all away about as quickly as you make it? And what of those who have average incomes? Can they be considered able to oay for more than merely surviving at $15,000 a year?

Note: this calculation completely ignores the taxation passed on to consumers by corporations, and some already pay well over 50% net income taxes if they live in New York City.

Americans for Tax Reform : Yankees Pitcher To Lose Over Half of $155 Million Contract to Taxes

at what percent taxation

does the masses turn to the black market for solutions

If you count black market illegal labor, then they already are and in massive numbers.

under the table labor is black market

it was set to get much worse

when the admin early on that anyone

receiving 500 dollars for labor

was to get a 1099
Any income tax is a form of slavery. It is, after all, authorities forcing some men to labor on behalf of others with the threat of incarceration...the very essence of slavery.

There's a reason taxing a man's labor was outlawed in the Constitution. It's immoral.

I understand that idea doesn't fly with those that are just SURE they know what's best or everyone else, despite a century of them proving they do more harm than good. I mean, it's the INTENTION that counts, right???
Uh at 100% you become a slave. At 50.1% you become a moron for not getting a better accountant. There's a difference between having a high tax rate and actually paying that tax rate. Accountant wizardry results in very few of the highest tax rate individuals actually paying that rate.

You are assuming that the tax laws wont be getting modified annually to remove loopholes, exemptions and wont keep climbing as a percentage anyway.

When the feds start the nut cracker, joined by the blue state brigade, no one will be able to simply hire an accountant to escape those taxes.

You will have to be a regular campaign contributor to the Democratic Party, the new 'accountants'.

Considering the 1%'s lobbyists write the tax laws then "convince" politicians to enact or approve it, I wouldn't worry about loopholes vanishing anytime soon.

I do not now, nor have I ever contributed to any American political party, campaign, or individual. In American politics I'm 100% a-political. Last time I voted for something was elementary school class representative. :)
In my opinion, it would be better to tax goods and services instead of income. JMO

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
One or the other I'd agree. Taxing us on income, then that same money again when actually spend it seems like double-jeopardy in a trial. Unjust in simplest terms.
Considering the 1%'s lobbyists the tax laws then "convince" politicians to enact or approve it, I wouldn't worry about loopholes vanishing anytime soon.

So, do you blame the people hoping to convince politicians to enact tax laws to their betterment...or the fascist politicians meddling beyond their strictly enumerated powers? Personally, I would expect a person to advocate for their own good, but I also expect our dear leaders to abide by the law of the land.

Stated differently, overturn the 16th amendment and force government to abide by their Constitutional limitations and the influence of the so called "1%" is rendered mute.

I do not now, nor have I ever contributed to any American political party, campaign, or individual. In American politics I'm 100% a-political. Last time I voted for something was elementary school class representative.

Then what are you bitching about?
Uh at 100% you become a slave. At 50.1% you become a moron for not getting a better accountant. There's a difference between having a high tax rate and actually paying that tax rate. Accountant wizardry results in very few of the highest tax rate individuals actually paying that rate.

You are assuming that the tax laws wont be getting modified annually to remove loopholes, exemptions and wont keep climbing as a percentage anyway.

When the feds start the nut cracker, joined by the blue state brigade, no one will be able to simply hire an accountant to escape those taxes.

You will have to be a regular campaign contributor to the Democratic Party, the new 'accountants'.

Considering the 1%'s lobbyists write the tax laws then "convince" politicians to enact or approve it, I wouldn't worry about loopholes vanishing anytime soon.

I do not now, nor have I ever contributed to any American political party, campaign, or individual. In American politics I'm 100% a-political. Last time I voted for something was elementary school class representative. :)

Lobbyists will be the new devils once the GOP becomes a minor party and the Democrats supreme. Lobbyists will have become irrelevant.

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