At Rabin memorial, Barak calls right-wing extremists 'cancerous growths'


Free: Mudholes Stomped
Jan 8, 2007
Defense Minister Ehud Barak called right-wing Israeli extremists "cancerous growths" during a rally Sunday at the Tel Aviv square where former prime minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated 13 ago.

"The violence is also creeping today, they once called them bad apples in the bunch, but today they are dangerous, metastisizing cancerous growths," Barak said.

Barak added that such extremists pose a serious threat to "democracy, rule of law, the Israel Defense Forces, the police, and all of the ruling authorities in a normal society."
Barak also stressed the importance of peace, saying "we have no other country, and no other way, there is no alternative to peace," Barak said.

President Shimon Peres also addressed the crowd, saying, "Yitzhak, you are missed, but your way has not been lost." Peres implored those gathered to continue coming each year in memory of Rabin, saying that it is people like them who help Israel remaining democratic and safe from anarchy.

Later in the evening, president of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters James Hoffa, addressed the crowd, telling them how much of a friend they have in president-elect Barack Obama and how excited he is to be on his first trip to Israel. He then led the crowd in chants of "Yes we can!"

Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni expressed her sadness at the loss of the beloved Prime Minister, saying "Yitzhak was my prime minister, he was yours, and he was the prime minister of all of those who are not here tonight and weren't there that night," referring to the peace rally 13 years ago where Rabin was murdered.

Saturday's rally in front of the Tel Aviv city hall has become an annual pilgrimage for ordinary Israelis to show respect for the beloved leader. Participants filled Rabin Square and spilled into the surrounding streets, some carrying signs and banners calling for peace and tolerance.

Rabin's government negotiated the first interim peace accord with the Palestinians, and he won a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.

Rabin was gunned down on Nov. 4, 1995, at the end of a peace rally by right-wing extremist Yigal Amir, an opponent of his policy of making peace with Palestinians

At Rabin memorial, Barak calls right-wing extremists 'cancerous growths' - Haaretz - Israel News

Oh that's perfect.

I wonder what would have happened if Bush had referred to the lefties as such?
More interesting, and telling, is the feedbacks..

1. The slainer of so many Jews is honored by leftist dishonorables 21:30 | Genuine Tosefta 08/11/08
2. The Death of Rabin in 1995 was the death of the REAL PEACE!!!!!!! 21:50 | MOE 08/11/08
3. Residual Oslo Psychosis 21:55 | Ken Jurist 08/11/08
4. This is who Peres wanted to make peace with. A Must Read. 21:56 | David Stoler 08/11/08
5. Why does Shimon Peres continue to lie. 21:57 | Ken Johnson 08/11/08
6. Rubitzov legacy 22:07 | Shalom Nguyen 08/11/08
7. Are the Israeli left blind and ignorant 22:09 | Dave Michelin 08/11/08
8. Rabin was slain 13 yrs ago... 22:43 | Esther 08/11/08
9. Barak is wrong 23:13 | Brod 08/11/08
10. MORE CLOWING FROM THE PRINCE OF THE ABSURD 23:23 | victor hardman 08/11/08
11. The Axis of Evil: Meretz-Kadima-Labor Must be Ousted From Power 23:30 | Joseph.E 08/11/08
12. Barak is 23:31 | Robert Haymond 08/11/08
13. ANy comment to satisfy the pali extremists! 23:40 | Arie 08/11/08
14. Good.Finally they`re called what you are 23:51 | Northern 08/11/08
15. Barak would never call the Islamists that! 23:56 | spade 08/11/08
16. Barak, the defender of democracy 00:02 | Moshe 09/11/08
17. outrageous language from barak 00:08 | Cipora Julianna Kohn 09/11/08
18. to have peace you need a partner 00:09 | observer 09/11/08
19. Rabin`s Gut Feeling 00:20 | ron 09/11/08
20. I wonder if the syrians, egyptians or iranians will ever advance? 00:20 | Allon 09/11/08
21. All extremists are dangerous 00:23 | Brad 09/11/08
22. Rabin was a statesmen and true leader 00:27 | the world misses him 09/11/08
23. Barak is the defender of Barak 00:29 | Simha 09/11/08
24. Saudi Arabia`s Man in TA 00:30 | George W. 09/11/08
25. On dividing the Jewish People. 00:38 | Stephen. 09/11/08
26. Barak must be PM of all Israelis or not at all 01:15 | dmgold 09/11/08
27. Barak has just buried himself politically 01:38 | ChanahS 09/11/08
28. Brod: Barak is wrong? 01:57 | Lady X 09/11/08
29. Desire to expel 100k jews from their homes is extreme 01:57 | Lemmings Hotline 09/11/08
30. Right Wing Cancerous !!??!! 02:04 | Fortune 09/11/08
31. well gee moshe if you got g-d on your side 02:26 | you dont need 09/11/08
32. #12 Moshe: Victory? 02:56 | Realist 09/11/08
33. Iran`s language 02:57 | ron 09/11/08
34. Barak confuses right and left... dyslexia? 03:02 | AniAshkeloni 09/11/08
35. Livni and Barak are both defeatist and extreme leftists 03:11 | Herry Mann 09/11/08
36. Go ahead Barak. Whip up hatred against your fellow Jews... 04:11 | bat yam 09/11/08
37. Mr. Ehud Barak 04:36 | Mark Lincoln 09/11/08
38. would anyone like to post on Rabin and a life 04:41 | and peace 09/11/08
39. "James Hoffa"? 06:05 | Bill 09/11/08
40. Response to Barak`s "cancerous growths" 06:54 | Mrs. Roxanne Stethem 09/11/08
41. Passing interest in the propellers 07:14 | Ilan 09/11/08
42. LABOR IS THE CANCER that will be expunged come election day!!!! 07:47 | Ben Yeppi 09/11/08
43. Amazing! Disgusting! 08:27 | Esther 09/11/08
44. Will wonders never cease! 08:33 | Jim 09/11/08
45. Cipora #13 08:40 | Esther 09/11/08
46. Arabs and Israel need to make peace, not Obama 08:42 | Jon 09/11/08
47. all the bad weeds are popping up after the rain 08:49 | peace ship 09/11/08
48. #2 Ken Jurist 08:49 | Jim 09/11/08
49. Moreover, Rabin continues to be a beacon... 08:57 | Esther 09/11/08
50. #8 Esther 09:04 | Jim 09/11/08
51. # 16 alas cipora; are your true colors beginning to show? 09:06 | eric 09/11/08
52. Barak, you belong to opposition already 09:12 | Nora 09/11/08
53. "Jews have no other Country" says Barak 09:16 | The Threadmill 09/11/08
54. #14 Northern 09:17 | Jim 09/11/08
55. Mourning one of the Left`s sacred cows 09:19 | Yaakov K. 09/11/08
56. The Palestinian `Hero`...... 09:22 | charlie 09/11/08
57. regarding "cancerous growths" 09:31 | eric 09/11/08
58. #17 Moshe 09:31 | Jim 09/11/08
59. #25, Stephen, right again 09:34 | Cipora Julianna Kohn 09/11/08
60. # 49 to esther re: faith 09:35 | eric 09/11/08
61. Finnaly someone spaks the truth 09:41 | sj 09/11/08
62. #29 Lemmings hotline 09:43 | Jim 09/11/08
63. #51, eric 09:46 | Cipora Julianna Kohn 09/11/08
64. #33 AniAshkeloni 09:49 | Jim 09/11/08
65. 55 Yaakov K ....... from Yerushalayim???? 09:52 | Ari ben Yisrael 09/11/08
66. Jim #50... your emblematic $has$ right-on... 09:54 | Esther 09/11/08
67. #39 Bill 10:01 | Jim 09/11/08
68. # 25 Stephen "Our country...????" 10:01 | Swiss (Dino) 09/11/08
69. #68, Dino 10:11 | Cipora Julianna Kohn 09/11/08
70. # 35 to herry mann re: livni, barak, and reality 10:12 | eric 09/11/08
71. #70 the az sun blinds eric to historical reality 10:19 | victor hardman 09/11/08
72. Barak is right on this one 10:22 | Benjamina 09/11/08
73. #72 is israel A JEWISH state benjamina? 10:31 | victor hardman 09/11/08
74. 15 YEARS FROM NOW 10:39 | indrajaya 09/11/08
75. Presumptious Esther 43 10:42 | ChanahS 09/11/08
76. ChanaS #75 11:25 | Esther 09/11/08
77. right- wing is more than cacerous 11:30 | dani.a 09/11/08
78. # 75 Chanah, we will see how many votes Mr. Netanyahu + Co.... 11:34 | Swiss (Dino) 09/11/08
79. Esther 76 11:46 | ChanahS 09/11/08
80. Dino - 78 you are wrong 11:51 | ChanahS 09/11/08
81. ChanahS #79 12:05 | Esther 09/11/08
82. Barak - use the scalpel or shut up 12:21 | Ussishkin 09/11/08
83. Chanah #80 12:27 | Esther 09/11/08
84. Good article,but? 12:44 | David Nigel Braham 09/11/08
85. for esther 12:57 | dani.a 09/11/08
86. `Peace` at the price of Israel`s existence... 12:58 | Dagma 09/11/08
87. Ussishkin #82... right-on! 13:18 | Esther 09/11/08
88. # 63 to cipora re: stephan`s post 13:19 | eric 09/11/08
89. Barak 13:42 | Ralph 09/11/08
90. The death of Yitzhak Rabin 13:49 | Chris Linthwaite 09/11/08
91. Mr Barak right-wing extremists an answer your political stupityy 14:04 | soldier 09/11/08
92. #63 Kohn They are not part of the citizenry--they are 14:12 | Labhras 09/11/08
93. Chris #90 14:26 | Esther 09/11/08
94. Rabin - Barak 14:29 | iletzter 09/11/08
95. That`s exactly what Khomeini called them 15:04 | Maryam 09/11/08
96. #.88. eric. a bit long winded, are we not.? 15:36 | Stephen. 09/11/08
97. A desperate politician 15:57 | Realist 09/11/08
98. The REAL Definition of CANCER 16:00 | Barry S. Roffman 09/11/08
99. Yitzhak Rabin`s son Yuval Rabin supports Netanyahu for PM! 16:08 | Realist 09/11/08
100. # 90 Chris L : you enjoy prophetizing "the death of Israel" 16:48 | Israeli citizen 09/11/08
101. Yes, Ari ben Israel (#65), I really DO live iin Yerushalayim! 16:58 | Yaakov K. 09/11/08
102. Cancerous growth stemming from another cancer: the settlements 17:07 | John 09/11/08
103. At Rabin memorial, Barak calls right-wing extremists `cancerous g 17:34 | TJNY 09/11/08
104. #100 Israeli Citizen 18:11 | Chris Linthwaite 09/11/08
105. I agree, as everywhere right wing extremists... 18:21 | Edith 09/11/08
106. Rabin called Barak "dangerously stupid". 18:22 | Jacob 09/11/08
107. Cipora Julianna Kohn #63 18:55 | examiner 09/11/08
108. To Chris Linthwaite # 90 - The Palestinian Question 19:56 | Dagma 09/11/08
109. The Question of a PROPOSED PALESTINIAN STATE..... 20:29 | Dagma 09/11/08
110. #108 Dagma 21:13 | Chris Linthwaite 09/11/08
111. To # 109 Dagma - A Proposed Palestinian State 21:22 | dotcom 09/11/08
112. Barak may be the cancer these days 22:34 | Dwido 09/11/08
113. #107, examiner 23:04 | Cipora Julianna Kohn 09/11/08
114. Chris Linthwaite 110 - where do you get this bunkum? 00:30 | ChanahS 10/11/08
115. Addendum re Ehud Barak... 00:48 | Esther 10/11/08
116. Cipora Julianna Kohn #113 00:56 | examiner 10/11/08
117. #115, Esther, well put 01:37 | Cipora Julianna Kohn 10/11/08
118. The danger with right-wing extremism is it becomes facism 03:55 | Alicia 10/11/08
119. Radical seclusion and/or elitist rightism from the mainstream... 04:45 | Akiva P 10/11/08
120. # 71 to victor hardman re: old age (2nd try) 10:41 | eric 10/11/08
121. # 96 to stephan re: "terrorists" (2nd try) 10:42 | eric 10/11/08
122. #121.eric. Good post. 12:36 | Stephen. 10/11/08
123. Peace is not an option. 18:19 | Demir Tosun 10/11/08
shut the fuck up, dogma junkie. no one cares about your end of times opinion.

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