At Least One Program Unaffected By Shutdown....

It's not a bill; it's a LAW. It was passed by both houses of congress, signed by the president -- it's in School House Rocks for Christ's sake. And despite your wailing about its unconstitutionality, the SCOTUS decided that it is constitutional. Next.

It is a TAX law, and tax laws are changed all the time. Hopefully, this one will get repealed.


it is a tax law
It's not a bill; it's a LAW. It was passed by both houses of congress, signed by the president -- it's in School House Rocks for Christ's sake. And despite your wailing about its unconstitutionality, the SCOTUS decided that it is constitutional. Next.

It is a TAX law, and tax laws are changed all the time. Hopefully, this one will get repealed.



In a 5-4 decision that was unusual because conservative Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's four liberals and became the deciding vote, the justices ruled that the so-called individual mandate is a tax that Congress can impose on Americans. That undercut the challenge to that provision's constitutionality for allegedly violating the Commerce Clause.
As It Happened: Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law : The Two-Way : NPR

And, if a tax can be imposed on the American people, it can be un-imposed.

In a 5-4 decision that was unusual because conservative Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's four liberals and became the deciding vote, the justices ruled that the so-called individual mandate is a tax that Congress can impose on Americans. That undercut the challenge to that provision's constitutionality for allegedly violating the Commerce Clause.

As It Happened: Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law : The Two-Way : NPR
if this goes on past a few weeks, obamacare will in fact shutdown

the only thing operating now are the exchanges


Actually, all the exchanges are is websites.. and many of them aren't working at all.

nice deflection from your error. it likely won't, but it could.

I wasn't deflecting because I wasn't denying the nature of law, just that it would be repealed.

yes you did, post 16 you cut out all of his post except the part that it was a tax law and then your only response was to give him 4 laugh smilies

you're a horrible liar

This is all of what he said....

It is a TAX law, and tax laws are changed all the time. Hopefully, this one will get repealed.

...and I quoted that and said "Nope", only meaning that to apply to the repeal part. Feel free to keep trolling about it, but I'm not gonna indulge you.
It is a TAX law, and tax laws are changed all the time. Hopefully, this one will get repealed.



In a 5-4 decision that was unusual because conservative Chief Justice John Roberts joined the court's four liberals and became the deciding vote, the justices ruled that the so-called individual mandate is a tax that Congress can impose on Americans. That undercut the challenge to that provision's constitutionality for allegedly violating the Commerce Clause.
As It Happened: Supreme Court Upholds Health Care Law : The Two-Way : NPR

And, if a tax can be imposed on the American people, it can be un-imposed.

It won't be, though.


Good job, Republicans. You really showed 'em


really you mean

obama repealed his waivers to large corporations to be exempt from the mandate

and that legislative staffers are now not exempt from the mandate
if this goes on past a few weeks, obamacare will in fact shutdown

the only thing operating now are the exchanges


if it goes on for a few weeks

the people will discover

that we can manage just fine with a smaller government

about 60 percent smaller government that is
if this goes on past a few weeks, obamacare will in fact shutdown

the only thing operating now are the exchanges


Actually, all the exchanges are is websites.. and many of them aren't working at all.


actually you are right about that, the law doesn't even go into affect until next year

thread fail

Parts of the law are in effect. I never said anything about full implementation.

Reading comprehension fail
Actually, all the exchanges are is websites.. and many of them aren't working at all.


actually you are right about that, the law doesn't even go into affect until next year

thread fail

Parts of the law are in effect. I never said anything about full implementation.

Reading comprehension fail

you said "the program"....meaning the entire program, you never said parts



Good job, Republicans. You really showed 'em


I heard Obama say it today and if it's true, it's pretty funny and makes them look like the Keystone Cops..............
I'm no fan of the mandatory provisions of Obamacare , so far it doesn't affect me because we are already insured through or employer. I think they could have done it better by expanding on the Medicaid/Medicare system and allow people to use those systems through a means testing of income to see how much it would cost for them to VOLUNTARILY contribute to the system to receive affordable health care benefits. I do think that the republicans who tried to unsuccessfully hurt Obamacare, were a bunch of douches for letting the government shutdown. That shutdown affects a lot of people and hurts many small businesses that rely on the government being "open".
If they wanted to de-fund Obamacare they should have simply made that attempt in a separate bill just like they made a bill to fund the paychecks of military personnel.

My Republican Governor agrees:
"Ultimately Obamacare will fail under its own weight," McDonnell said, "but it is absolutely wrong to shut down the government, and to threaten to shut down the government over this issue."
nice deflection from your error. it likely won't, but it could.

I wasn't deflecting because I wasn't denying the nature of law, just that it would be repealed.

yes you did, post 16 you cut out all of his post except the part that it was a tax law and then your only response was to give him 4 laugh smilies

you're a horrible liar

Not to worry since I got the last laugh exposing his ignorance.
Idiot.. the government is not shut down.. this fucking scare tactic myth put forth by your leftist masters is laughable

And yes.. the fight to defund Obamalamacare as well as much more shit needs to be fought.. the federal government is spending beyond its means and is spending on shit that it is not constitutionally charged to spend on

Dumbass, the gov't is shutdown. Thanks to Republicans in the House. Own it. Embrace it. This is what you asked for.

No.. it is NOT shut down.. planes still flying.. drugs still being tested...military still doing its operation.. FBI still investigating.. etc etc etc

VERY SMALL PARTS of the government that are considered nonessential are not open.. but the VAST majority of the government is going just as it was yesterday, and the day before, and the day before...

you sir, are an idiot

Tell that to these people and the business that depend on their patronage.

Shutdown hits Portsmouth Naval Shipyard |

Shipyard workers furloughed by shutdown | | Portsmouth

NASA Langley workers in Hampton sent home | Norfolk - Hampton Roads
actually you are right about that, the law doesn't even go into affect until next year

thread fail

Parts of the law are in effect. I never said anything about full implementation.

Reading comprehension fail

you said "the program"....meaning the entire program, you never said parts


I said, "At Least One Program Unaffected By Shutdown".

Is the ACA affected by the shutdown? Uhhh, no.

You're a fucking idiot.

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