Astral Projection questions.


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2009
Please paraphrase what this is, and how to even do it?>

People swear that it's real, just help me out with it. Tell me what it is exactly, and share stories if you've got them................tell me how to do it on-purpose.:razz:
ahhhh something i know about.....i do this....i can float out of my body...see my body...realize something isnt right.....there is a scientific explanation for it....your mind switches off the body....or else the body would jerk and kick all night as you the men in white coats..tell me..that what happens is the mind wakes up....and kinda forgets to flip the body on and then goes around going what the fuck..why isnt the body moving...then suddenly remembers to flip the body switch back on....

Astral Projection Tips — Experience Astral Projection

Astral Projection For Beginners

as far as my experiences....i never could control just happened and then was over...i never find it romantic or enchanting...just scarey as know your body wont see your body...lifeless...then zoom you rejoin your body....
I knew the "basic" definition, but I was chatting and people say you can induce them on-purpose and I'd like to know the process or any stories people would like to share.
ahhhh something i know about.....i do this....i can float out of my body...see my body...realize something isnt right.....there is a scientific explanation for it....your mind switches off the body....or else the body would jerk and kick all night as you the men in white coats..tell me..that what happens is the mind wakes up....and kinda forgets to flip the body on and then goes around going what the fuck..why isnt the body moving...then suddenly remembers to flip the body switch back on....

Astral Projection Tips — Experience Astral Projection

Astral Projection For Beginners

as far as my experiences....i never could control just happened and then was over...i never find it romantic or enchanting...just scarey as know your body wont see your body...lifeless...then zoom you rejoin your body....

Your first paragraph sounds like sleep paralysis, I've had that happen a few times and it is pretty scary, especially if you're just awaking from a nightmare and it happens. Then you're really fucking scared. But are they not two different things?
there i cant help ya....i cannot control it....i can however enter a zone or state of "floating"....i can do this at will...i do not however leave my body so to speak...i cant really explain what happens...i think its just a deep stage of mediation that i achieve or relaxation...i have talked to people who claim to float about and visit others when they project....others say that the novices cant remember what they saw....only that they sense the rejoining of the body and mind....(that would be me)
no they are different...sleep paralysis is when you are awake and cant move....but this is are over your see your body...that is why people say its just the sensing of the rejoining of the body....when this happens...i can see the room...the cant do that with sleep paralysis
I'd like to do any of this stuff at will, so yea I'd like help with lucid dreaming!!! :)
begin to work on it thru medations then....the mind is powerful...see where it leads ya...i sure the hell wouldnt be looking for any cosmic answers from this group....if you know what i mean
lol I feel you. Check out my indian chant song in the music section ya hard headed ignoramouses!!!!!

called "The Wicked One"
Please paraphrase what this is, and how to even do it?>

People swear that it's real, just help me out with it. Tell me what it is exactly, and share stories if you've got them................tell me how to do it on-purpose.:razz:
Set your alarm for 4 o'clock in the morning.

Allow yourself to drift asleep.

At four in the morning, the alarm will wake you. Get out of bed turn on the light, and splash water on your face. Dry your face with a towel.

After about two minutes, get back in bed. Lie on your back.

You will most likely be feeling groggy and tired. Your mind will be eager to get back to sleep.

Close your eyes, and clear your mind. This should be easy because you are so tired.

Now, imagine you are standing somewhere in your room. Perhaps in the far corner. Vividly see yourself standing there. Know that you are standing there, and that your body is still lying on the bed. Focus your whole mind on this concept.

While working on that, begin a simple affirmation in your head. "I am going to astral travel. I am going to leave my body." Say it in your head, over and over, while imagining you are on the other side of the room.

While you are doing this, you will begin to drift back to sleep. Slowly, your mind will begin to cloud. Make sure that the concept of standing elsewhere in your room is the last thing that goes through your mind before you are asleep.

You may experience one or more of the following sensations:

- Floating
- Sinking
- Vibrations
- A bright white/blue light
- A rushing or popping sound
- Strange noises; someone calling your name
- A jolt

Once you have done this many times people were able to actually go overseas and visit someplace or thing. So I have heard.

Sleep Paralysis is a close component to Astral Travel.
i dont do chants....i went to a solstice party...drum beating....bothers me....

It's not drum beating, it's a fully produced song with Electric guitar, etc.

The fook is a solstice party? Sounds kinky.
lol its our holidays....summer and winter solstice.....have parties...bon fires.....etc....hay rides....drum beating...(the lesbos)...not that there is anything wrong with that.....1/2 the party is engaging in total debaucery while the other half is reading inspirational things around the bon fire....i would tell you what they read...but hey...we both know i aint there
lol its our holidays....summer and winter solstice.....have parties...bon fires.....etc....hay rides....drum beating...(the lesbos)...not that there is anything wrong with that.....1/2 the party is engaging in total debaucery while the other half is reading inspirational things around the bon fire....i would tell you what they read...but hey...we both know i aint there
I feel like these parties need a complete overhaul. GT and his power of persuasion 101. Get in line or get choked wit a d$ck! (ok that part's a joke, but I'd love to see one of these things and add some of my Creative thinking into the whole process and how it works. No photographs allowed.
Please paraphrase what this is, and how to even do it?>

People swear that it's real, just help me out with it. Tell me what it is exactly, and share stories if you've got them................tell me how to do it on-purpose.:razz:

I did it.

When I damned near drowd.

I don't advise taking that route.

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