"Assumptions of equality lead to poorer decision making"


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
Assumptions of equality lead to poorer group decisions

"People of differing competence tend to give each other's views equal weight, preventing them from making the best group decisions, finds new UCL-led research.

This suggests that people with similar levels of competence make the best decision-making groups, as otherwise the tendency to assume equal competence can give undue weight to the opinions of less capable members.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigated how pairs of people with differing competence weighted their own judgements against each other's.


"People are incredibly bad at taking differences in competence into account when making group decisions," says senior author Dr Bahador Bahrami (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). "Even when we showed them exactly how competent they each were, they still gave each other more or less equal say. Incredibly, this still continued when people were rewarded with real money for making correct decisions."

My interpretation: respecting religious delusions in politics and law results in bad political decisions and laws.
Assumptions of equality lead to poorer group decisions

"People of differing competence tend to give each other's views equal weight, preventing them from making the best group decisions, finds new UCL-led research.

This suggests that people with similar levels of competence make the best decision-making groups, as otherwise the tendency to assume equal competence can give undue weight to the opinions of less capable members.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigated how pairs of people with differing competence weighted their own judgements against each other's.


"People are incredibly bad at taking differences in competence into account when making group decisions," says senior author Dr Bahador Bahrami (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). "Even when we showed them exactly how competent they each were, they still gave each other more or less equal say. Incredibly, this still continued when people were rewarded with real money for making correct decisions."

My interpretation: respecting religious delusions in politics and law results in bad political decisions and laws.
Please explain. What religious delusions are you talking about here? And, which delusion were injected into policies and law? What bad political decisions were made?
That is beautiful. But that could be applied to the mindset on gay rights, "Racism" or illegal immigration.
Assumptions of equality lead to poorer group decisions

"People of differing competence tend to give each other's views equal weight, preventing them from making the best group decisions, finds new UCL-led research.

This suggests that people with similar levels of competence make the best decision-making groups, as otherwise the tendency to assume equal competence can give undue weight to the opinions of less capable members.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigated how pairs of people with differing competence weighted their own judgements against each other's.


"People are incredibly bad at taking differences in competence into account when making group decisions," says senior author Dr Bahador Bahrami (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). "Even when we showed them exactly how competent they each were, they still gave each other more or less equal say. Incredibly, this still continued when people were rewarded with real money for making correct decisions."

My interpretation: respecting religious delusions in politics and law results in bad political decisions and laws.
Please explain. What religious delusions are you talking about here? And, which delusion were injected into policies and law? What bad political decisions were made?

All religious beliefs are in fact a mental illness. From delusions to extreme narcissism (God loves me more than you,) to positively psychopathic behaviours as evidenced by ISIS and religious terrorism.

Incorporating mental illness into our national documents (all men are created equal and imbued by the Creator...,) "in God we trust" on our currency, swearing a witness on a Bible or applicable reliigous text as if that assures them being honest, etc.

Current gay marriage debate opposition all hinges on religious beliefs. But since religious beliefs are mental illness from ignorant people, why would we give it any weight at all?
Assumptions of equality lead to poorer group decisions

"People of differing competence tend to give each other's views equal weight, preventing them from making the best group decisions, finds new UCL-led research.

This suggests that people with similar levels of competence make the best decision-making groups, as otherwise the tendency to assume equal competence can give undue weight to the opinions of less capable members.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigated how pairs of people with differing competence weighted their own judgements against each other's.


"People are incredibly bad at taking differences in competence into account when making group decisions," says senior author Dr Bahador Bahrami (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). "Even when we showed them exactly how competent they each were, they still gave each other more or less equal say. Incredibly, this still continued when people were rewarded with real money for making correct decisions."

My interpretation: respecting religious delusions in politics and law results in bad political decisions and laws.
Please explain. What religious delusions are you talking about here? And, which delusion were injected into policies and law? What bad political decisions were made?

All religious beliefs are in fact a mental illness. From delusions to extreme narcissism (God loves me more than you,) to positively psychopathic behaviours as evidenced by ISIS and religious terrorism.

Incorporating mental illness into our national documents (all men are created equal and imbued by the Creator...,) "in God we trust" on our currency, swearing a witness on a Bible or applicable reliigous text as if that assures them being honest, etc.

Current gay marriage debate opposition all hinges on religious beliefs. But since religious beliefs are mental illness from ignorant people, why would we give it any weight at all?
Ha Ha Ha Ha. Very funny. So, we have many billions of people in this world that have faith, practice their religion, that are mentally disturbed? Having a religion, having faith, is a mental disorder? Pleeeeeeease.
Assumptions of equality lead to poorer group decisions

"People of differing competence tend to give each other's views equal weight, preventing them from making the best group decisions, finds new UCL-led research.

This suggests that people with similar levels of competence make the best decision-making groups, as otherwise the tendency to assume equal competence can give undue weight to the opinions of less capable members.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigated how pairs of people with differing competence weighted their own judgements against each other's.


"People are incredibly bad at taking differences in competence into account when making group decisions," says senior author Dr Bahador Bahrami (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). "Even when we showed them exactly how competent they each were, they still gave each other more or less equal say. Incredibly, this still continued when people were rewarded with real money for making correct decisions."

My interpretation: respecting religious delusions in politics and law results in bad political decisions and laws.
Please explain. What religious delusions are you talking about here? And, which delusion were injected into policies and law? What bad political decisions were made?

All religious beliefs are in fact a mental illness. From delusions to extreme narcissism (God loves me more than you,) to positively psychopathic behaviours as evidenced by ISIS and religious terrorism.

Incorporating mental illness into our national documents (all men are created equal and imbued by the Creator...,) "in God we trust" on our currency, swearing a witness on a Bible or applicable reliigous text as if that assures them being honest, etc.

Current gay marriage debate opposition all hinges on religious beliefs. But since religious beliefs are mental illness from ignorant people, why would we give it any weight at all?
Ha Ha Ha Ha. Very funny. So, we have many billions of people in this world that have faith, practice their religion, that are mentally disturbed? Having a religion, having faith, is a mental disorder? Pleeeeeeease.

Majority of people used to believe the world was flat too.
Assumptions of equality lead to poorer group decisions

"People of differing competence tend to give each other's views equal weight, preventing them from making the best group decisions, finds new UCL-led research.

This suggests that people with similar levels of competence make the best decision-making groups, as otherwise the tendency to assume equal competence can give undue weight to the opinions of less capable members.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, investigated how pairs of people with differing competence weighted their own judgements against each other's.


"People are incredibly bad at taking differences in competence into account when making group decisions," says senior author Dr Bahador Bahrami (UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience). "Even when we showed them exactly how competent they each were, they still gave each other more or less equal say. Incredibly, this still continued when people were rewarded with real money for making correct decisions."

My interpretation: respecting religious delusions in politics and law results in bad political decisions and laws.
Please explain. What religious delusions are you talking about here? And, which delusion were injected into policies and law? What bad political decisions were made?

All religious beliefs are in fact a mental illness. From delusions to extreme narcissism (God loves me more than you,) to positively psychopathic behaviours as evidenced by ISIS and religious terrorism.

Incorporating mental illness into our national documents (all men are created equal and imbued by the Creator...,) "in God we trust" on our currency, swearing a witness on a Bible or applicable reliigous text as if that assures them being honest, etc.

Current gay marriage debate opposition all hinges on religious beliefs. But since religious beliefs are mental illness from ignorant people, why would we give it any weight at all?
Ha Ha Ha Ha. Very funny. So, we have many billions of people in this world that have faith, practice their religion, that are mentally disturbed? Having a religion, having faith, is a mental disorder? Pleeeeeeease.

Majority of people used to believe the world was flat too.
Pleeeease. Bashing religion, bashing one's faith, and saying that the vast majority of people on this planet are delusional, is nothing more than an opinion based on a lack of understanding. It's already been established that the reality of GOD, or a GOD, can neither be proven to exist, nor proven not to exist. There are believers, and there are non-believers. But, bashing and brow-beating either side of the issue is done without evidence to support one claim or the other.

While I fully respect your right to express your opinion, on this issue, we totally disagree. I may not agree with everyone's religious belief, but I do respect their right to believe as they wish, and do so without disrespect.

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