Assad is no defender of Christians


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
The Christians along with any other seeking liberty are being tortured and killed, along with churches, schools and hospitals which are targets of both the Assad regime and Russia. These divisive beasts even staged an event trying to smear "the white helmets" who have been rescuing as many as possible during the attacks from Russia and Assad's regime since the beginning of this mess.

Christians face threats throughout Syria, thanks to its president
Article excerpt: Christians likewise are among victims documented in the “Caesar” photos taken by a regime defector. His 55,000 images present bodies of protesters grotesquely mutilated and tortured almost beyond recognition, if not for the carefully cataloguing practices of Assad’s machinery of death that include identifying numbers for each victim. The photos are the strongest evidence of war crimes since the Nuremberg trials of the Nazis, according to the former U.S. Ambassador for War Crimes Stephen Rapp. Christians are among those whose eyes were gouged out, bodies electrocuted, stomachs starved and throats slit. Assad’s leash of “protection” runs as long as his desire for control, and no further.
But it must be stated clearly: the United States is flailing in its approach toward Syria. It must take stock of its entire Syria policy, and fix it.

We need to get out of Syria, not become more involved.

tramp will do whatever Israel and SA want.
The conflict in Syria is about a natural gas pipeline right of way through Syria.

Our current administration will look the other way.

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