Aspen Brochure: Traffic Democrats [Tourism/ISIS]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a patriotic New Year's tourism-vignette in honor of 9/11 and inspired by the film Patriots Day.

Since it's patriotism-rhetoric, I didn't feel comfy posting it in the Writing section of USMB, but I hope you like it!

Cheers (signing off),


Aspen (Colorado) had become a great hub of tourism and travel and a terrific place for snowboarding and skiing, which is why many flocked there to enjoy the bright lights of the hospitable city shining in the sunset of the snowy surrounding hills/mountains. That's why an FBI agent named Ajay Satan traveled there one Christmas to intercept a possible terrorist-threat from a Cobra agent from Eastern Europe named Phantasm. Ajay used the field-alias Tom Patel so no one'd know he was a law-officer in any way.


Ajay had tracked Phantasm for years (3 to be exact). Ajay dressed himself up as a vigilante and posted on the Internet, pretending to be a pedestrian 'naysayer' about Phantasm's power/authority in the terrorism-arena. After all, Phantasm would perform terrorist-deeds (such as blowing up a restaurant in the Eiffel Tower and a Berlin subway train) and then post messages to media about the symbolic value of his deeds. Ajay believed that the hooded-and-masked ghoul Phantasm (who sometimes wore a hand-plate with attached blade, useful for hand-to-hand combat!) was preparing to make a 'gesture' in Aspen and tracked him there. Ajay was everything Phantasm was not --- valiant, patriotic, and patient.


When Ajay got to Aspen, he decided to blend into the vacationing-crowd there that Christmas by using his alias Tom Patel as a 'snowboard aficionado.' He'd tell people that "he" (Tom Patel) was an amateur snowboarder in Europe for some time, trying to break into the pro-circuit but with little luck. As Tom Patel continued to indulge his snowboarding daydreams in Aspen by spending time in the power with his magical board, "he" (Ajay Satan) kept a close eye out for any signs of the presence of the Phantasm who was surely somewhere there too posed as a tourist from somewhere.


Ajay/Tom went to a chic little party at one of the lodges in Aspen that Christmas. He decided to dress up as a pirate, since it was a costume party. Ajay/Tom noticed a strange tall person with a mustache and glasses who wore a very conspicuously expensive watch on his wrist. Tom approached the man who introduced himself as 'Dr. Kildare.' That's a movie character, so Tom/Ajay wondered if this 'Dr. Kildare' was a persona this stranger had created for this costume party and ominously wondered further if the stranger was in fact the Phantasm at this chic little party at a very nice lodge in Aspen.


Celebrities Tom Hanks and Lori Loughlin were also in attendance at the Aspen party. Ajay/Tom wondered if 'Dr. Kildare' were acquainted with Hanks/Loughlin and offered the stranger a chance to converse together with the two celebrities. When 'Dr. Kildare' accepted the offer, Ajay/Tom and he conversed with Hanks/Loughlin about tourism and terrorism-security in iconic places in America in the 21st Century and how 9/11 frightened many travelers/tourists. Ajay told the group that the FBI was working with the CIA to create Homeland Security measures, which comforted Hanks/Loughlin. 'Dr. Kildare' meanwhile gave an eerie giggle and said, "I wonder if Cobra is allied with ISIS." Ajay became more suspicious of this strange man and noticed Hanks/Loughlin were disarmed too.


A dog at the party named Scraps who showed up dressed as the DC Comics hero-sidekick Robin was barking madly at 'Dr. Kildare.' That was enough for Ajay who concluded that the strange man must be the Phantasm. Ajay ('Tom Patel') pulled 'Dr. Kildare' aside and demanded to know why Scraps kept barking at him. The strange man, 'Dr. Kildare' said, "Don't you know, 'Tom'? I'm the Phantasm...and I know you're FBI agent Ajay Satan!" 'Kildare' then threw Ajay aside and stormed out the door, much to the surprise of the other guests at the party. Even Scraps was shocked. Ajay knew Kildare/Phantasm was now preparing to set off a chemical bomb somewhere in the ski-courses of Aspen that Christmas(!).


While Ajay was tracking Phantasm, a beautiful woman caught his eye. It was an actress named Isabel who was in Aspen that Christmas to enjoy some light powdery-skiing. Ajay couldn't keep his eyes off her and had to meet her. He insisted she spend time with him in Aspen and informed her he wasn't married. Isabel decided to return his interest since she found him pleasant/interesting, and the two courted a romance. Meanwhile, the Phantasm managed to set off a smoke-bomb on one of the Aspen ski-courses. No one was hurt, but the terrorist tweeted, "I did this for Cobra and ISIS, while FBI agent Ajay Satan was busy courting a romance with one of the vacationing actresses in Aspen!"


TRUMP: It's awesome the way Agent Satan apprehended Phantasm.
CARTER: He used his Aspen girlfriend Isabel as a decoy on a ski-slope!
TRUMP: Right; as Ajay was skiing alongside Isabel, Phantasm skied by with a pistol.
CARTER: That's when Ajay surprised Phantasm by pulling out a tranquilizer-gun.
TRUMP: Ajay knew Phantasm would think he was wasting time with a romance!
CARTER: Ajay realized that the fanatical terrorist would not think cheerfully about love.
TRUMP: That's skillful detective-work; a great achievement for the FBI.
CARTER: Yes, Phantasm was a real menace...
TRUMP: I hear Ajay decided to continue courting that romance with Isabel anyway!
CARTER: Yes, I guess they're getting married...
TRUMP: You see, Carter; patriots in the FBI are honored/rewarded for their labors.
CARTER: Phantasm was the worst terrorist from Eastern Europe, Mr. President!
TRUMP: I wonder if Aspen tourism-brochures will talk about Ajay as 'Batman.'
CARTER: Why not? That would surely create tourism and Homeland Security cheer.
TRUMP: It's funny how 9/11 has altered our social sense of 'traffic/customs.'




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