As The Sun Sets....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
....on the oaf in the Oval Office, and he gives self-aggrandizing 'Farewell' speeches.... is appropriate to review just a bit of his....tenure.

On his website, Bill O'Reilly....who has been far too kind to the snake lo this 8 years, makes these persuasive points:

1. ".... inexplicably, the president has not improved the economic or social situation of most poor, minority Americans.
There is now more poverty in the USA than there was when he took office.
Black homeownership - down under his administration.
And racial division - way up. Groups like Black Lives Matter have polarized blacks and whites, and Mr. Obama welcomed that radical group to the White House.
It's kind of a mystery to me why Barack Obama did not concentrate more on solving the poverty problem.
The key to that is keeping families intact.

2. ... the healthcare situation.
Mr. Obama's vision is good - that all Americans should have access to quality healthcare.
But the execution of Obamacare put a steep burden on working-class families.
As we all know, health insurance premiums are up, deductibles are up, and doctors accepting the health mandate are becoming fewer and fewer.
There is no question Obamacare will be repealed under President Trump and we all have to hope that the Republicans have a better plan.

3. On the economic front, Mr. Obama did a good job in his first year stabilizing the economy, which was in a free fall because of the mortgage-con that led to recession.
For example, he made the right decision bailing out some of the American carmakers, who have since repaid the feds.
But then Mr. Obama shifted into massive income redistribution mode.
That meant that taxes went up, regulations went up, welfare payments went up and the economy stagnated.
For eight years, the wages and the economy stagnated.
That's why Donald Trump won the election.

4. ...overseas. There the president made five major mistakes.
The worst one - withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq.
That led to the rise of ISIS, which Mr. Obama ignored and now we have a disaster, not only inside Iraq, but worldwide.
Second was Syria.
After the tyrant Assad used poison gas on innocent people, Mr. Obama threatened Assad.
But the threat was hollow. Mr. Obama did nothing.
And so hundreds of thousands of Syrians have been killed, brutalized or have fled.
That has destabilized Europe and led to even more terrorism.
On the Russia front, Mr. Obama was totally impotent in the face of the tyrant Putin.
The former KGB officer did exactly what he wanted to do, including invading countries and hacking into the American political system.
Also, the Chinese do not fear Barack Obama and have now made the South China Sea international water their own.
The Chinese have also undermined the American economy, as Donald Trump has so often pointed out.
Finally, the nuke treaty with Iran is still debatable.
What is not debatable is that Iran is the primary sponsor of terrorism in the world, including the direct destabilizing of countries in the Mideast and Afghanistan.
The Iranians do not fear Barack Obama.
In international matters, it is clear that President Obama believes that global warming is more important than stabilizing and protecting the world in the face of a global jihad.

5. warming is real, climate change is occurring. But Mr. Obama's vision of hurting certain economic sectors in order to lessen fossil fuel intrusion cannot possibly work unless countries like India and China do the same thing.
And they are not.
So, Mr. Obama imposed regulations that hurt the American economy knowing full well that climate change would not improve worldwide.
Does that make any sense?"
Bill O'Reilly: Talking Points Memo - President Obama's Job Performance

A pretty good job, O'Reilly.

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