As the left likes to say, Elections have consequences.


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
The people returned to the house a safe majority of Republicans. In other words a majority of Americans agree with the House on its policies and bills. Or at least the left would have us believe that because Obama was reelected his policies and bill proposals were approved by the majority.

GOP makes new 'fiscal cliff' offer to Obama - First Read

Unless Obama and the dems get serious about cuts, real cuts not pretend ones 10 years from now, they will get very little from the House.

Obama promised to compromise, yet to date he has done no such thing. Making outrageous demands, trying to claim his election somehow allows him to gain powers no President has EVER had. The people will grow tired of his stonewalling long before the 2014 elections. Te press can't cover for him all the time.
This is not true. President Obama (and other democrats) had millions of more votes than the republicans this past election. The notion that republicans still hold the house is because not enough viable seats where up for grabs. However, president Obama did win again, the democrats gained seats in the senate AND house, and the democrats won big. So taxes are going up, Medicare and social security will not be touched because in the end, poll after poll shows Obama's plan is the favorite of the country and will blame the republicans if we go over the fiscal cliff wether you or any other republicans like it or not.
This is not true. President Obama (and other democrats) had millions of more votes than the republicans this past election. The notion that republicans still hold the house is because not enough viable seats where up for grabs. However, president Obama did win again, the democrats gained seats in the senate AND house, and the democrats won big. So taxes are going up, Medicare and social security will not be touched because in the end, poll after poll shows Obama's plan is the favorite of the country and will blame the republicans if we go over the fiscal cliff wether you or any other republicans like it or not.

Wrong as usual for a lefty. It is 2 years to another election, Obama won't change his spots and will be undone in 2 years as he attempts to brow beat his opinion over those duly elected to pass legislation.

The House has proposed 1.4 trillion in new revenue just like the President did. And they did it without raising taxes. At no point has Obama proposed any cuts. Ohh they talk about cuts in 10 YEARS. Which is no cut since it would require a new bill be passed in 10 years to actually do it. No cuts after promising the American people he would use a balanced approach. He got elected on the claim he would use a BALANCED approach. Nothing he has offered or proposed has been balanced yet. Even with the press soft balling that he is going to get owned on it.

So the Republicans stumble their way through the campaign and are able to hold the House. The Democrats keep the Senate and the White House, much to the shock of the Republicans, who had convinced themselves that they were gonna clean up.

And Obama has to bend over for the GOP.

Check. Got it.


So the Republicans stumble their way through the campaign and are able to hold the House. The Democrats keep the Senate and the White House, much to the shock of the Republicans, who had convinced themselves that they were gonna clean up.

And Obama has to bend over for the GOP.

Check. Got it.


Obama ran on a claim he would seek a BALANCED approach to the deficit and the budget. Please explain what that means?
The people returned to the house a safe majority of Republicans. In other words a majority of Americans agree with the House on its policies and bills. Or at least the left would have us believe that because Obama was reelected his policies and bill proposals were approved by the majority.

GOP makes new 'fiscal cliff' offer to Obama - First Read

Unless Obama and the dems get serious about cuts, real cuts not pretend ones 10 years from now, they will get very little from the House.

Obama promised to compromise, yet to date he has done no such thing. Making outrageous demands, trying to claim his election somehow allows him to gain powers no President has EVER had. The people will grow tired of his stonewalling long before the 2014 elections. Te press can't cover for him all the time.

That is not true, and reveals your political ignorance. Democrats got more votes in the House of Representatives this year, but Republicans maintain their majority because after the 2010 election they rammed through redistricting, reshaping their districts to ensure electoral victory.

So the Republicans stumble their way through the campaign and are able to hold the House. The Democrats keep the Senate and the White House, much to the shock of the Republicans, who had convinced themselves that they were gonna clean up.

And Obama has to bend over for the GOP.

Check. Got it.


Obama ran on a claim he would seek a BALANCED approach to the deficit and the budget. Please explain what that means?

It means he was bullshitting and the voters still voted for him with unemployment at 8%.

The alternative was lousy, from top to bottom.

Not much to brag about there.


So the Republicans stumble their way through the campaign and are able to hold the House. The Democrats keep the Senate and the White House, much to the shock of the Republicans, who had convinced themselves that they were gonna clean up.

And Obama has to bend over for the GOP.

Check. Got it.


Obama ran on a claim he would seek a BALANCED approach to the deficit and the budget. Please explain what that means?

Why? You're a dumb ass wingnut who was already shown in this thread that you don't have a clue what happened in the election. So you will still not have a clue after I explain to you how Obama has already lowered the deficit.
The people returned to the house a safe majority of Republicans. In other words a majority of Americans agree with the House on its policies and bills. Or at least the left would have us believe that because Obama was reelected his policies and bill proposals were approved by the majority.

GOP makes new 'fiscal cliff' offer to Obama - First Read

Unless Obama and the dems get serious about cuts, real cuts not pretend ones 10 years from now, they will get very little from the House.

Obama promised to compromise, yet to date he has done no such thing. Making outrageous demands, trying to claim his election somehow allows him to gain powers no President has EVER had. The people will grow tired of his stonewalling long before the 2014 elections. Te press can't cover for him all the time.

You made the same mistake in 2010, incorrectly presuming the midterms were a ‘portent’ of 2012.
The people returned to the house a safe majority of Republicans. In other words a majority of Americans agree with the House on its policies and bills. Or at least the left would have us believe that because Obama was reelected his policies and bill proposals were approved by the majority.

GOP makes new 'fiscal cliff' offer to Obama - First Read

Unless Obama and the dems get serious about cuts, real cuts not pretend ones 10 years from now, they will get very little from the House.

Obama promised to compromise, yet to date he has done no such thing. Making outrageous demands, trying to claim his election somehow allows him to gain powers no President has EVER had. The people will grow tired of his stonewalling long before the 2014 elections. Te press can't cover for him all the time.

That is not true, and reveals your political ignorance. Democrats got more votes in the House of Representatives this year, but Republicans maintain their majority because after the 2010 election they rammed through redistricting, reshaping their districts to ensure electoral victory.

Talk about someone who has no freaking idea what happened in the election. Those mean ole republicans in the state houses that were voted in by those mean ole republican voters some how did something the voters didn't want and deprived the commies house seats. REALLY? You haven't figured out that the majority of state houses are controlled by republicans because that's what the people voted for at the local level. So take your cry baby ass tale some where else, only other commies will buy it. The American people voted for divided government, get over it.
The House has proposed 1.4 trillion in new revenue just like the President did. And they did it without raising taxes. At no point has Obama proposed any cuts. Ohh they talk about cuts in 10 YEARS. Which is no cut since it would require a new bill be passed in 10 years to actually do it. No cuts after promising the American people he would use a balanced approach. He got elected on the claim he would use a BALANCED approach. Nothing he has offered or proposed has been balanced yet. Even with the press soft balling that he is going to get owned on it.

The Republicans proposed increasing revenues by closing loopholes which will hurt the middle class, not tax the wealthy. They did this so they wouldn't break their "no new taxes pledge". What part of "tax cuts for the wealthy must end" do you not understand? That is what people voted for - an end to tax cuts for the highest earners in the country.

Obama doesn't want to close loopholes on the middle class, he wants the wealthy to start paying taxes they can well afford, and which they haven't been doing since Bush Jr. was elected. The Republicans are trying desperately to avoid new taxes because the Tea Party won't stand for it.

Simply "raising revenues" is not what Americans voted for. Taxing the wealthy is what they voted for. Make no mistake about it. The Tea Party and their "no new taxes" mantra lost. You don't get to do it your way and save face when you lost.
Talk about someone who has no freaking idea what happened in the election. Those mean ole republicans in the state houses that were voted in by those mean ole republican voters some how did something the voters didn't want and deprived the commies house seats. REALLY? You haven't figured out that the majority of state houses are controlled by republicans because that's what the people voted for at the local level. So take your cry baby ass tale some where else, only other commies will buy it. The American people voted for divided government, get over it.

The Republicans won big in a few red states and now they get to do to those states with their conservative fiscal policies, what Bush did to the nation from 2000 to 2008. Sheldon Adelson tells us that he plans to turn those states into conservative utopias. Riiiiight. Did anyone vote for Sheldon Adelson????? Why is he running things in the Republican States?

Nationally, people were smarter, so I'm sorry, but the House, the Senate and the Presidence all elected more Democrats than Republicans. The make up of the state legislatures, while worthy of discussion, is not germain to the discussion of the House, the Senate, and President Obama and federal income taxes.

Nice try at diverting the discussions, but really irrelevant.
The House has proposed 1.4 trillion in new revenue just like the President did. And they did it without raising taxes. At no point has Obama proposed any cuts. Ohh they talk about cuts in 10 YEARS. Which is no cut since it would require a new bill be passed in 10 years to actually do it. No cuts after promising the American people he would use a balanced approach. He got elected on the claim he would use a BALANCED approach. Nothing he has offered or proposed has been balanced yet. Even with the press soft balling that he is going to get owned on it.

The Republicans proposed increasing revenues by closing loopholes which will hurt the middle class, not tax the wealthy. They did this so they wouldn't break their "no new taxes pledge". What part of "tax cuts for the wealthy must end" do you not understand? That is what people voted for - an end to tax cuts for the highest earners in the country.

Obama doesn't want to close loopholes on the middle class, he wants the wealthy to start paying taxes they can well afford, and which they haven't been doing since Bush Jr. was elected. The Republicans are trying desperately to avoid new taxes because the Tea Party won't stand for it.

Simply "raising revenues" is not what Americans voted for. Taxing the wealthy is what they voted for. Make no mistake about it. The Tea Party and their "no new taxes" mantra lost. You don't get to do it your way and save face when you lost.

Yep some voted for Maobamas lies, not all. I told my rep if Maobama doesn't want to play nice, to just let all the rates expire. Then we'll see how the commies like real equal protection under the law. I'm starting to be ashamed of being an American, where so many people are envious of success, they want to punish it. It's a damn shame some folks want to punish others because they made bad personal choices for themselves.
Talk about someone who has no freaking idea what happened in the election. Those mean ole republicans in the state houses that were voted in by those mean ole republican voters some how did something the voters didn't want and deprived the commies house seats. REALLY? You haven't figured out that the majority of state houses are controlled by republicans because that's what the people voted for at the local level. So take your cry baby ass tale some where else, only other commies will buy it. The American people voted for divided government, get over it.

The Republicans won big in a few red states and now they get to do to those states with their conservative fiscal policies, what Bush did to the nation from 2000 to 2008. Sheldon Adelson tells us that he plans to turn those states into conservative utopias. Riiiiight. Did anyone vote for Sheldon Adelson????? Why is he running things in the Republican States?

Nationally, people were smarter, so I'm sorry, but the House, the Senate and the Presidence all elected more Democrats than Republicans. The make up of the state legislatures, while worthy of discussion, is not germain to the discussion of the House, the Senate, and President Obama and federal income taxes.

Nice try at diverting the discussions, but really irrelevant.

Really, I didn't bring up redistricting, which is done by the state legislatures, so yes it was relevant to this particular response. Red states also picked house seats because people are moving to them to get the hell out of the high tax and high unemployment blue states.

As for Sheldon Adelson, this is the first time I've heard the name so he must not be very influential here in TX. I did do a search and he claims to be a social lib, not really one the red states might look up to.
This is not true. President Obama (and other democrats) had millions of more votes than the republicans this past election. The notion that republicans still hold the house is because not enough viable seats where up for grabs. However, president Obama did win again, the democrats gained seats in the senate AND house, and the democrats won big. So taxes are going up, Medicare and social security will not be touched because in the end, poll after poll shows Obama's plan is the favorite of the country and will blame the republicans if we go over the fiscal cliff wether you or any other republicans like it or not.

Wrong as usual for a lefty. It is 2 years to another election, Obama won't change his spots and will be undone in 2 years as he attempts to brow beat his opinion over those duly elected to pass legislation.

The House has proposed 1.4 trillion in new revenue just like the President did. And they did it without raising taxes. At no point has Obama proposed any cuts. Ohh they talk about cuts in 10 YEARS. Which is no cut since it would require a new bill be passed in 10 years to actually do it. No cuts after promising the American people he would use a balanced approach. He got elected on the claim he would use a BALANCED approach. Nothing he has offered or proposed has been balanced yet. Even with the press soft balling that he is going to get owned on it.

Yep. Two years and another election. In the meantime the GOP continues to double down on insults to women, hispanics, blacks, and disabled Vets. Now they have added past and present union members. 2014 will be interesting.
I'm starting to be ashamed of being an American, where so many people are envious of success, they want to punish it. It's a damn shame some folks want to punish others because they made bad personal choices for themselves.

People who voted for Obama are not ashamed of success. Lots of rich, successful people voted for Obama. I even know people who make more than $250K a year who have no issues with paying more in taxes and who voted for Obama. Some of them started out poor too, and they know how much harder it is for young people today.

And the "legitimate rape" guys. Why would any right-thinking woman vote Republican? It's like black people voting for the KKK. What a bunch of misogynistic assholes. It would be sad if the Republican Party ran even one man who believed in the idea that women don't get pregnant if it's "legitimate rape". Instead they had a trio of them, including the man who ran for vice-president.

Any party who shows such little regard for women that they must have "informed consent" for abortion, which promotes the idea that women lie about rape to obtain abortions, that suggests that access to birth control promotes the wrong kind of sex, and says that my employer gets to decide whether or not my medical plan covers women's health care issues based on their religious beliefs, is not a party which has my best interests at heart. I have been making adult decisions about my body, my birth control and my sex life for quite some time now, and I'm not even the slightest bit interested in having some asshole politician from some lunatic fringe right-wing Christian cult tell me what I can and cannot do with my own body.

40% of the people Mitt Romney called "takers" who don't want to take responsibility for their lives, and feel entitled to government money, voted Republican. I guess the elderly white folks didn't realize Mitt talking about them when he called them "takers" content to live off government plans and feeling entitled to their Medicare Part D. Or maybe that "traditional American values" stuff resonated. I know my 80+ year old parents would never vote for a black man. Maybe racism was a factor for some who voted Republican.

So tell me again that only stupid selfish people voted for Obama and that rich successful people voted for Mitt, because the numbers just don't bear out that theory at all.

So the Republicans stumble their way through the campaign and are able to hold the House. The Democrats keep the Senate and the White House, much to the shock of the Republicans, who had convinced themselves that they were gonna clean up.

And Obama has to bend over for the GOP.

Check. Got it.


reality is a static thing for rightwingnuts.
The people returned to the house a safe majority of Republicans. In other words a majority of Americans agree with the House on its policies and bills.

Actually, Democrat candidates received 500,000 more votes than Republicans. The reason Reps held control of the House is that Rep state legislatures gerry mandered districts to keep Dems from winning. So, yeah, you cheating.

And BTW, Obama won re-election and Dems kept the Senate. But I'm sure you knew that already.

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