As Part Of Settlement With Nick Sandmann, CNN Hosts Must Wear MAGA Hats During All Broadcasts

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Babylon Bee ^ | 7/8/20

Oh yes, Leak from court says Nick's settlement was for $25 million....and he has lawsuits against iver half a dozen others....gonna be a VERY RICH BOY!

ATLANTA, GA—According to a report, as part of the settlement with Nick Sandmann, CNN hosts will be required to wear MAGA hats throughout every broadcast.

"Let the punishment fit the crime," counsel for Sandmann said as Don Lemon, Chris Cuomo, Anderson Cooper, and Wolf Blitzer all solemnly donned Make America Great Again caps.

Hosts were seen with downcast expressions as they commented on the day's events, MAGA hats in place.

Sandmann says the hosts will be forced to wear the hats until they've learned their lesson, which could take a while. "Just be careful you don't make an expression some could construe as 'smug.' Wouldn't want you to get punched or your lives to get ruined, or anything like that."

CNN hosts must also finish every broadcast by saying, "Good night, and I am a big, fat dummy, while Trump is the best president we've ever had."

Brian Stelter requested an exemption and was allowed to wear a clown nose instead, as usual.
Oh yes, Leak from court says Nick's settlement was for $25 million....and he has lawsuits against iver half a dozen others....gonna be a VERY RICH BOY!

Which means it was probably nowhere near that.

CNN paid him some "Go Away" money. if it was that much, Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers would be trumpeting it from the rooftops...

They are probably floating a BS number to get WaPO and NBC to pony up more in their "Go Away" settlements.
Oh yes, Leak from court says Nick's settlement was for $25 million....and he has lawsuits against iver half a dozen others....gonna be a VERY RICH BOY!

Which means it was probably nowhere near that.

CNN paid him some "Go Away" money. if it was that much, Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers would be trumpeting it from the rooftops...

They are probably floating a BS number to get WaPO and NBC to pony up more in their "Go Away" settlements.
Thanks JoeBlow for the excellent communist spin!...ROTFLMFAO!!!
Oh yes, Leak from court says Nick's settlement was for $25 million....and he has lawsuits against iver half a dozen others....gonna be a VERY RICH BOY!

Which means it was probably nowhere near that.

CNN paid him some "Go Away" money. if it was that much, Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers would be trumpeting it from the rooftops...

They are probably floating a BS number to get WaPO and NBC to pony up more in their "Go Away" settlements.

You said: “CNN paid him some 'Go Away' money. if it was that much, Smirky McBitchslap's lawyers would be trumpeting it from the rooftops... “

I disagree. Usually, in settlements of this type there is a non-disclosure clause which prevents either party from discussing the terms of the settlement. If there is such a clause (which I suspect is the case), Sandmann's attorney would never reveal the details of the agreement.
They gave the kid a buck
I'll give you $2 bucks if you go away forever....sure we could get a few more patriots pitch in to pay you off to go away...ROTFLMFAO!

I'll kick in $100.00.
I bet he gets paid a lot more than that for helping Soros to spread fake news and to brainwash the population.
To stay with the subject of the thread I can only say: CNN has been doing same job as those trolls like rightwinger, brainwashing the population and helping Deep State.
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