As long as the country is free, my voice cannot be silenced.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
I have been banned from local media. The local newspaper has cancelled me for “spreading false narratives”. I have been cancelled from local public discourse for “slandering the state”. It is odd, but if I type in that term on Google, it does not retrieve a reference to the former Soviet Union as one might think. People everywhere are becoming cognizant of the fact that information in our age does not flourish as freely as it once did; it is it is tightly controlled by central authority. The dangerous mentality that people critical of a status quo should be banished to the outlands is rising like a phoenix in America even as it seemingly perished in 1989 with the fall of a wall.

At 74 I consider myself lucky that I was not victimized in the 1950’s by the medical quackery that diagnoses children today with phony personality disorders like ADHD. Recalcitrant, poorly parented students are darted like zoo animals in a kind of “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” methodology to control behavior. Wisdom less central planning has come back to haunt our society with riots, Mass murders, opioid epidemics, obesity, alcoholism, violent crime, falling birth rates, and a general lowering of average intelligence among the population.

Virtually all of the major problems in contemporary American society can be traced directly back to the War on Poverty and the Great society. The corrosion of the nuclear family and the growth of government is the single greatest threat to US Constitution and our way of life. The great failure of social engineering is now masquerading as systemic racism. The official line is that it is not the government that faltered, it is the people that refused to submit to the genius of elitism that pays for the second and third homes of embedded political operatives in permanent Washington.

Donald Trump was the last voice for the “real” people which is the way our Constitution was designed to work. This is an ugly time for our republic. The government corrupted the US Postal Service and presided over a Soviet style fraudulent election right in front of the people. A chief medical advisor to the president collaborated with an ideological enemy of the United States and exploited a loophole that created a global plague. Again, right in front of the people.

Now inflation and war are returning. This will not stand.
Raymond sure is funny.

Hey Ray no difference between dumb Don and Old Joe. So, your entire OP is foolishness. Plus thinking Dumb Don a voice for real people merely exposes you as terribly uninformed.
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #4
Raymond sure is funny.

Hey Ray no difference between dumb Don and Old Joe. So, your entire OP is foolishness. Plus thinking Dumb Don a voice for real people merely exposes you as terribly uninformed.
You are completely brainwashed. I do not think I can help you.
I have been banned from local media. The local newspaper has cancelled me for “spreading false narratives”. I have been cancelled from local public discourse for “slandering the state”. It is odd, but if I type in that term on Google, it does not retrieve a reference to the former Soviet Union as one might think. People everywhere are becoming cognizant of the fact that information in our age does not flourish as freely as it once did; it is it is tightly controlled by central authority. The dangerous mentality that people critical of a status quo should be banished to the outlands is rising like a phoenix in America even as it seemingly perished in 1989 with the fall of a wall.

At 74 I consider myself lucky that I was not victimized in the 1950’s by the medical quackery that diagnoses children today with phony personality disorders like ADHD. Recalcitrant, poorly parented students are darted like zoo animals in a kind of “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” methodology to control behavior. Wisdom less central planning has come back to haunt our society with riots, Mass murders, opioid epidemics, obesity, alcoholism, violent crime, falling birth rates, and a general lowering of average intelligence among the population.

Virtually all of the major problems in contemporary American society can be traced directly back to the War on Poverty and the Great society. The corrosion of the nuclear family and the growth of government is the single greatest threat to US Constitution and our way of life. The great failure of social engineering is now masquerading as systemic racism. The official line is that it is not the government that faltered, it is the people that refused to submit to the genius of elitism that pays for the second and third homes of embedded political operatives in permanent Washington.

Donald Trump was the last voice for the “real” people which is the way our Constitution was designed to work. This is an ugly time for our republic. The government corrupted the US Postal Service and presided over a Soviet style fraudulent election right in front of the people. A chief medical advisor to the president collaborated with an ideological enemy of the United States and exploited a loophole that created a global plague. Again, right in front of the people.

Now inflation and war are returning. This will not stand.
I have read your posts
You are borderline nut job

I can see why your content is rejected
  • Thanks
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Your content is silly. You deserve no platform. Smarten up and earn one.

Exactly what he's talking about.

He only "deserves" a platform if you agree with his opinion.

After all, we wouldn't want people running about talking silly things, would we?

What about Biden with his non-stop silly things he says. He should be silenced as well, don't you think?

You dog faced pony soldier you.
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I have been banned from local media. The local newspaper has cancelled me for “spreading false narratives”. I have been cancelled from local public discourse for “slandering the state”. It is odd, but if I type in that term on Google, it does not retrieve a reference to the former Soviet Union as one might think. People everywhere are becoming cognizant of the fact that information in our age does not flourish as freely as it once did; it is it is tightly controlled by central authority. The dangerous mentality that people critical of a status quo should be banished to the outlands is rising like a phoenix in America even as it seemingly perished in 1989 with the fall of a wall.

At 74 I consider myself lucky that I was not victimized in the 1950’s by the medical quackery that diagnoses children today with phony personality disorders like ADHD. Recalcitrant, poorly parented students are darted like zoo animals in a kind of “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” methodology to control behavior. Wisdom less central planning has come back to haunt our society with riots, Mass murders, opioid epidemics, obesity, alcoholism, violent crime, falling birth rates, and a general lowering of average intelligence among the population.

Virtually all of the major problems in contemporary American society can be traced directly back to the War on Poverty and the Great society. The corrosion of the nuclear family and the growth of government is the single greatest threat to US Constitution and our way of life. The great failure of social engineering is now masquerading as systemic racism. The official line is that it is not the government that faltered, it is the people that refused to submit to the genius of elitism that pays for the second and third homes of embedded political operatives in permanent Washington.

Donald Trump was the last voice for the “real” people which is the way our Constitution was designed to work. This is an ugly time for our republic. The government corrupted the US Postal Service and presided over a Soviet style fraudulent election right in front of the people. A chief medical advisor to the president collaborated with an ideological enemy of the United States and exploited a loophole that created a global plague. Again, right in front of the people.

Now inflation and war are returning. This will not stand.
I have read your posts
You are borderline nut job

I can see why your content is rejected

What do you expect?

You write and post such quackery like “should Fauci get the death penalty.” That is booby hatch material.

Any way, local newspapers have their editorial standards. They can decide what to publish.
Your content is silly. You deserve no platform. Smarten up and earn one.

Exactly what he's talking about.

He only "deserves" a platform if you agree with his opinion.

After all, we wouldn't want people running talking silly things, would we?

What about Biden with his non-stop silly things he sys. He should be silenced as well, don't you think?

You dog faced pony soldier you.
No stupid; he deserves a platform if he doesn't ignore facts. He's ignoring them.

He's thought of as the idiots who still think there were bombs planted in the WTC buildings and a missile hit the Pentagon. There is zero difference between his ridiculous "the election was stolen" rants and the guys who swear that WTC 1, 2, and 7 were felled by controlled demolition. Both have zero basis in reality.

His content is silly.
At 74 I consider myself lucky that I was not victimized in the 1950’s by the medical quackery that diagnoses children today with phony personality disorders like ADHD. Recalcitrant, poorly parented students are darted like zoo animals in a kind of “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” methodology to control behavior. Wisdom less central planning has come back to haunt our society with riots, Mass murders, opioid epidemics, obesity, alcoholism, violent crime, falling birth rates, and a general lowering of average intelligence among the population.

Virtually all of the major problems in contemporary American society can be traced directly back to the War on Poverty and the Great society. The corrosion of the nuclear family and the growth of government is the single greatest threat to US Constitution and our way of life. The great failure of social engineering is now masquerading as systemic racism. The official line is that it is not the government that faltered, it is the people that refused to submit to the genius of elitism that pays for the second and third homes of embedded political operatives in permanent Washington.

Donald Trump was the last voice for the “real” people which is the way our Constitution was designed to work. This is an ugly time for our republic. The government corrupted the US Postal Service and presided over a Soviet style fraudulent election right in front of the people. A chief medical advisor to the president collaborated with an ideological enemy of the United States and exploited a loophole that created a global plague. Again, right in front of the people.

Now inflation and war are returning. This will not stand.

I'm thinking it has for spreading Falsehoods aka lies.
There is no probably to it- our entire history is full of evidence- the US gov't can't/won't do its contractural duty- secure our liberty- cyber security is not a part of the equation- that would mean the fed gov't has to be involved in private enterprise- oh, wait- thinking, never mind a box, is not what bureaucrats, public or private, are noted for - they, public and private, are script readers- conformist- they have that drummed into their sponges for brains in the Publicly funded education system, for their entire time on the planet we call earth- which is a classic example of gov't being involved to "fix" somethin- somethin it screws up and the longer we have it (publicly funded) education "system" the worse it will get- want examples?- look at the District of Criminal inhabitants- or, look at cyber security- or personal liberty - or the lack of free markets - we have no superficial (a POTUS will fix it) problems- we have a lack of thinking by citizens trained to be conformist-

Notice, if you will, the hi-lited and italicized-
Freedom of expression is critical. We need to hear voices like this, to show us how far we still have to go.

Right now, they're telling us that this separate, closed-circuit, alternate universe must be addressed (somehow) as soon as possible. Its separate reality is now, literally, a danger to both national security and our very democratic processes.

We need to pay attention. Two realities can't co-exist in an advanced society.
Raymond sure is funny.

Hey Ray no difference between dumb Don and Old Joe. So, your entire OP is foolishness. Plus thinking Dumb Don a voice for real people merely exposes you as terribly uninformed.
You are completely brainwashed. I do not think I can help you.
You need to open your mind Raymond. Being as old as you are with a closed mind, is a terrible thing.
No stupid; he deserves a platform if he doesn't ignore facts. He's ignoring them.
He, like you, ignores facts- that makes you, like him, intellectually dishonest- you people seem to believe that a politician can save you from your own dishonesty- let me give you a tip, ALL of you, and there is NO caveat in ALL- doing the same thing over and over gives you the same results over and over- it ain't rocket science- it ain't an esoteric endeavor that a politician (or another person) can "fix"-
The tip: Digging a hole deeper will not get you out of a hole-
I have been banned from local media. The local newspaper has cancelled me for “spreading false narratives”. I have been cancelled from local public discourse for “slandering the state”. It is odd, but if I type in that term on Google, it does not retrieve a reference to the former Soviet Union as one might think. People everywhere are becoming cognizant of the fact that information in our age does not flourish as freely as it once did; it is it is tightly controlled by central authority. The dangerous mentality that people critical of a status quo should be banished to the outlands is rising like a phoenix in America even as it seemingly perished in 1989 with the fall of a wall.

At 74 I consider myself lucky that I was not victimized in the 1950’s by the medical quackery that diagnoses children today with phony personality disorders like ADHD. Recalcitrant, poorly parented students are darted like zoo animals in a kind of “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” methodology to control behavior. Wisdom less central planning has come back to haunt our society with riots, Mass murders, opioid epidemics, obesity, alcoholism, violent crime, falling birth rates, and a general lowering of average intelligence among the population.

Virtually all of the major problems in contemporary American society can be traced directly back to the War on Poverty and the Great society. The corrosion of the nuclear family and the growth of government is the single greatest threat to US Constitution and our way of life. The great failure of social engineering is now masquerading as systemic racism. The official line is that it is not the government that faltered, it is the people that refused to submit to the genius of elitism that pays for the second and third homes of embedded political operatives in permanent Washington.

Donald Trump was the last voice for the “real” people which is the way our Constitution was designed to work. This is an ugly time for our republic. The government corrupted the US Postal Service and presided over a Soviet style fraudulent election right in front of the people. A chief medical advisor to the president collaborated with an ideological enemy of the United States and exploited a loophole that created a global plague. Again, right in front of the people.

Now inflation and war are returning. This will not stand.

Sure it will stand....if all the opposition does is talk and allow themselves to be silenced.


Your time would be better spent doing something that might actually make a difference.
Spending the time you are now wasting to reason with hating morons, on writing Senators and Representatives.
Creating LISTS of companies that support that which you oppose and sharing it.
Run for public office.

If their platforms ban you and silence your voice....create your own and make your voice heard.
Or continue to do the same thing and be continuously ridiculed and made a victim.
Before social media -- crazy old men were only able to stand on their front porch and yell at the neighborhood kids and befriend squirrels.....

Now they have internet access......
crazy old men were only able to stand on their front porch and yell at the neighborhood kids and befriend squirrels.....
Squirrels are neat little creatures- social media, not so much- and, consider, IF you're lucky you too will live long enough to be old and crazy- and too, consider, wisdom comes with age and experience-
I have been banned from local media. The local newspaper has cancelled me for “spreading false narratives”. I have been cancelled from local public discourse for “slandering the state”. It is odd, but if I type in that term on Google, it does not retrieve a reference to the former Soviet Union as one might think. People everywhere are becoming cognizant of the fact that information in our age does not flourish as freely as it once did; it is it is tightly controlled by central authority. The dangerous mentality that people critical of a status quo should be banished to the outlands is rising like a phoenix in America even as it seemingly perished in 1989 with the fall of a wall.

At 74 I consider myself lucky that I was not victimized in the 1950’s by the medical quackery that diagnoses children today with phony personality disorders like ADHD. Recalcitrant, poorly parented students are darted like zoo animals in a kind of “one flew over the cuckoo’s nest” methodology to control behavior. Wisdom less central planning has come back to haunt our society with riots, Mass murders, opioid epidemics, obesity, alcoholism, violent crime, falling birth rates, and a general lowering of average intelligence among the population.

Virtually all of the major problems in contemporary American society can be traced directly back to the War on Poverty and the Great society. The corrosion of the nuclear family and the growth of government is the single greatest threat to US Constitution and our way of life. The great failure of social engineering is now masquerading as systemic racism. The official line is that it is not the government that faltered, it is the people that refused to submit to the genius of elitism that pays for the second and third homes of embedded political operatives in permanent Washington.

Donald Trump was the last voice for the “real” people which is the way our Constitution was designed to work. This is an ugly time for our republic. The government corrupted the US Postal Service and presided over a Soviet style fraudulent election right in front of the people. A chief medical advisor to the president collaborated with an ideological enemy of the United States and exploited a loophole that created a global plague. Again, right in front of the people.

Now inflation and war are returning. This will not stand.

you say,
Donald Trump was the last voice for the “real” people which is the way our Constitution was designed to work.

yet the same constitution gives him total authority.

see why you were canceled?
If Trump excreted a turd muffin and served it up to the OP with cream on top he'd return for seconds and thirds. That's just where he's at, as evidenced by this thread.

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