As Kate Steinle was laid to rest today, no special treatment from the White House


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
The White House remained mostly quiet today, as Kate Steinle was laid to rest after her murder last week by illegal immigrant, Francisco Sanchez, on a boardwalk in San Francisco. It even tried to blame her death on Republicans. However, it went to great lengths to honor and venerate the lives of two criminals who broke the law, Micheal Brown and Freddie Gray.

Three White House aides attended Micheal Brown's funeral on August 25, 2014, after he was shot and killed in a reckless attempt on Officer Brian Wilson's life. Freddie Gray got a cabinet official and two other White House officials to attend his funeral, on April 27, including Elijah Cummings. But Kate Steinle got no such treatment. No White House officials, no representatives, no nothing. Not even a DOJ investigation.

Instead of deporting Sanchez, ICE released him into the custody of San Francisco deputies on a drug warrant and asked to be made aware if he were to be released. The problem here is that San Francisco is a sanctuary city, which chose not to honor that request. The mayor and sheriff of San Francisco instead let the seven time felon Sanchez go free in March of this year. Four months later, he murdered Steinle. This was all the result of a 2013 bill passed by the California Legislature barring police and sheriff's departments across the state from honoring most ICE detainer requests. That bill was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown.

This silence by the White House signals a complicit defense of this policy and many others like it that have been instituted in nearly 200 cities across America. It also launched no condemnation of Sheriff Mirkarimiis' and Mayor Ed Lee's actions. Obama's quest for amnesty knows no bounds, and he refuses to enforce the Federal immigration laws which could have saved Steinle's life. She wasn't worthy.

I am disgusted by all of it. The criminals get better treatment than their victims. The illegals get better treatment than the citizens. Why? The silence by the White House speaks volumes, who they choose to honor speaks volumes. I am quite convinced now that they hardly give a damn. Apparently, the death of two criminals warrants more attention from our nation's highest office than a woman who was killed as a result of a failed liberal immigration policies set forth by the city of San Francisco and ultimately by the White House itself.
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As one commentator said...the death of the young lady does not advance Obabbles nothing will be said. Not even the usual " our hearts go out to the parents and families....blah blah blah...." the Benghazi lie. The man is a horror of a human being.
It would be foolish of me to think any liberal will respond to this thread. Is it because they advocate the policies which led to Steinle's death? Do they have a defense? If so, let's hear it.
It would be foolish of me to think any liberal will respond to this thread. Is it because they advocate the policies which led to Steinle's death? Do they have a defense? If so, let's hear it.
There is almost never a defense for humans killing each other, that just what they do, especially men killing women.
It would be foolish of me to think any liberal will respond to this thread. Is it because they advocate the policies which led to Steinle's death? Do they have a defense? If so, let's hear it.
In the Liberal's eyes, we're racist for objecting to the Sanctuary policies in the first place.
Not so much racist, as just plain fuckin' stupid.
I would prefer that The White House not comment on the murder of this young white lady...which occurred in the DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL CAUSE of getting enough support in from Mexico to elect yet another Socialist to the Presidency of the United States.

We have a political segment of this country (The Democratic Party) actively ignoring and/or undermining the laws of the Country...because these laws are inconvenient to the recruitment of illegal aliens who will vote reliably for Democrats.

I think they are guilty of Treason.
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I would prefer that The White House not comment on the murder of this young white lady...which occurred in the DEMOCRATIC POLITICAL CAUSE of getting enough support in from Mexico to elect yet another Socialist to the Presidency of the United States.

We have a political segment of this country (The Democratic Party) actively ignoring and/or undermining the laws of the Country...because these laws are inconvenient to the recruitment of illegal aliens to who will vote reliably for Democrats.

I think they are guilty of Treason.
Illegals don't vote, dumbass...
Rational thought, mine, versus crying infants, you and your kind. Just because some crazy illegal wetback kills a white bitch doesn't mean the world fucking stops.
Rational thought, mine, versus crying infants, you and your kind. Just because some crazy illegal wetback kills a white bitch doesn't mean the world fucking stops.

Wow, don't you wish Trump had said that ..

... truly racist, judgmental and heartless but alas a statement from a liberal Democratic Party voter.
It would be foolish of me to think any liberal will respond to this thread. Is it because they advocate the policies which led to Steinle's death? Do they have a defense? If so, let's hear it.

what policy lead to her death? The policy of Obama is deport people. This guy was deported - FIVE TIMES. And five more times, he just snuck back in.

The real problem is, of course, that as much as your Republican buddies whine about "illegals" to keep dumbass crackers like you upset, they only fund ICE to the point where they can only process about 400,000 cases a year. This was one of the cases they did process. They deported Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez five times.

The reality is, the people who run your party, the Koch Brothers and the Adelsons and the other rich assholes, WANT illegals. They want a powerless labor pool they can tap to keep you on Granny's couch because they don't even want to pay you minimum wage.

And your dumb ass will sit their and whine that the illegals are the problem.
The White House remained mostly quiet today, as Kate Steinle was laid to rest after her murder last week by illegal immigrant, Francisco Sanchez, on a boardwalk in San Francisco. It even tried to blame her death on Republicans. However, it went to great lengths to honor and venerate the lives of two criminals who broke the law, Micheal Brown and Freddie Gray.

Three White House aides attended Micheal Brown's funeral on August 25, 2014, after he was shot and killed in a reckless attempt on Officer Brian Wilson's life. Freddie Gray got a cabinet official and two other White House officials to attend his funeral, on April 27, including Elijah Cummings. But Kate Steinle got no such treatment. No White House officials, no representatives, no nothing. Not even a DOJ investigation.

Instead of deporting Sanchez, ICE released him into the custody of San Francisco deputies on a drug warrant and asked to be made aware if he were to be released. The problem here is that San Francisco is a sanctuary city, which chose not to honor that request. The mayor and sheriff of San Francisco instead let the seven time felon Sanchez go free in March of this year. Four months later, he murdered Steinle. This was all the result of a 2013 bill passed by the California Legislature barring police and sheriff's departments across the state from honoring most ICE detainer requests. That bill was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown.

This silence by the White House signals a complicit defense of this policy and many others like it that have been instituted in nearly 200 cities across America. It also launched no condemnation of Sheriff Mirkarimiis' and Mayor Ed Lee's actions. Obama's quest for amnesty knows no bounds, and he refuses to enforce the Federal immigration laws which could have saved Steinle's life. She wasn't worthy.

I am disgusted by all of it. The criminals get better treatment than their victims. The illegals get better treatment than the citizens. Why? The silence by the White House speaks volumes, who they choose to honor speaks volumes. I am quite convinced now that they hardly give a damn. Apparently, the death of two criminals warrants more attention from our nation's highest office than a woman who was killed as a result of a failed liberal immigration policies set forth by the city of San Francisco and ultimately by the White House itself.

Federal authorities tried to detain this individual.

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