As if we weren't already over paying for poor health care

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
GAO Obamacare Report: National Debt Would Skyrocket If Plan Not Implemented

And, I've read insurance premiums will go up.

This really ticks me off. I'm making some money from the Affordable Health Care Act and the damn pubs want to take that away from me. And, I'll bet the scotus will vote against the American people on this. Anybody who thinks they're actually looking at the "constitutionality" of the statute is very very naive. They're looking to line their pockets.

Sadly, it will likely be a long time before we get close to decent health care and lower cost again.

Thanks a lot to the damn corrupt GObP/pubs.
Insurance premiums are already going up because of Obamacare. Simply because you are going to profit off this horrible legislation doesn't eliminate the Court's duty to strike down unconstitutional statutes.

I think it's about time you get the heck out of my health care.
Insurance premiums are already going up because of Obamacare.
Then why did I get a fat rebate check from BC/BS that said it was because of the 80/20 portion of the statute?

I think it's about time you get the heck out of my health care.
That's exactly what rw's are against. They like knowing that the Dems have had to pay for the care they didn't want to or couldn't pay for themselves.

I seriously doubt the conservative scotus will let the statute stand but it will have nothing to do with the Constitution.
I seriously doubt the conservative scotus will let the statute stand but it will have nothing to do with the Constitution.

What you doubt does not matter.

This whole process is running and I never thought we would be saved from the Obama steamroller.

But, he managed to lose the house and almost the senate in 2010 and now his totally unconstitutional POS ACA is going to get the Royal Flush.

Deal with it.

And that money you are going to lose is money I don't have to pay. Sucks to be you.
And that money you are going to lose is money I don't have to pay. Sucks to be you.

Well, I'll be damned.

A rw who tells the truth about his health care bills.

You're right that I'll have to pay your bills if you don't but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Shiftless and lazy rw's.
Get a job. Pay your own doctor bills.

You see, that WORK mindset is not necessary in a democracy.

If you are one of those lazy unmotivated underachieving whiny dumb ass loser humans that is opposed to work, simply sell your vote to a presidential candidate that promises you the MOSTEST in "personal" kickbacks/entitlements/bribes.

What do you think stimulus money is for? It's money for your vote! God bless corruption, ha.

Get on the bandwagon, buddy, become a corrupt americon libtard voter, sell your soul, vote for the dude that will jack your neighbor for you and you won't have to fucking work either.

Don't worry about the morality of living like a parasite on someone else's blood, sweat, and tears, there's no god, thus no judgment day to worry about. Come on, jack and screw your fellow neighbors, citizens, become a corrupt immoral blood sucking detrimental parasite like half of Americans have already become, or so I hear. It's fun fun fun to be parasitic.
And that money you are going to lose is money I don't have to pay. Sucks to be you.

Well, I'll be damned.

A rw who tells the truth about his health care bills.

You're right that I'll have to pay your bills if you don't but that doesn't mean I have to like it.

Shiftless and lazy rw's.

No dickweed.

You were the one who whined about losing money because of the ACA. I understand that nothing is free and so if you are saving money it is costing someone else, like me, so you get your cheaper HC.

I pay for my health care and probably a lot of others too as it is.
It's a sad day when some individuals feel they are entitled to the kind of help/entitlements that were intended to help the blind, the crippled, the retarded, the orphans. If you're none of those, yet exist on another persons stolen dime, you should be embarrassed and ashamed of yourselves.

Some humans have no shame or honor any more. But they sure have a load of lame ass excuses, don't they. Obama's like that too ~ he spews an excuse every time he's asked a question.

When he loses in November, I wonder if them libtards will cry like north koreans.
This really ticks me off. I'm making some money from the Affordable Health Care Act and the damn pubs want to take that away from me.

Lots of people lining up to make money off of the ACA - most notable in the insurance industry. That's why it got passed in the first place. The Supremes will restore (some) of my faith in our system of government if they manage to block it.
Do you like to eat McDonald's? If you don't, do you like that there are people dedicating their lives to teaching (your) children? If so, you must confront the fact that those people don't have good healthcare unless they pay $500 a month for it. For a McDonalds worker, that might be more thqn his entire salary. That means healthcare is unobtainable. Is that okay with you? If it is, there is something very, very wrong with you.
The thing that makes me sick is the people, like you, who are so obsessed with themselves that they forget to care about other people. Learning that you are not god is a good step towards happiness. First off, it's based on truth! Being so proud of yourself that you forget about all the people who try hard and can't get what you've got is called being a self-righteous asshole.
Well dude. If it bothers you so much you can alway pay their HC bills and any other bills they happen to have. I'm sure they will let you.

Me?? I'm not interested in paying for anybody elses anything.

The only exception to that is those who are mentally and physically unable to take care of themselves. Outside of that everyone needs to pay their own way.

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