As House Dems Advance Coup 2.0 Impeachment, Senate Prepares Biden Investigations / Subpoenas


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
D-Adam Schiff and his House Intel Committee wrapped up their investigation / part of the on-going Coup 2.0 by writing and submitting their Impeachment Investigation report to D-Nadler and his House Judiciary Committee.

Despite Schiff's LATEST 'parody' version of what occurred during his committee's investigation, what was made clear in the House Intel Committee hearings is that:
1) There was no crime committed by the President

2) No evidence of a crime was presented against the President

3) There was no 'whistle Blower' - IF there is one, according to the law they do not qualify as one

4) Schiff & his Staff reportedly communicated w/the non-qualifying 'Whistle Blower' (IF there is one), making Schiff a 'Contact Witness), which dictated the fact he should have recused himself as Lead on the Impeachment and from participating in it at all. He refused.

5) The Non-qualifying' Whistle Blower's complaint consisted of HEARSAY, not 1st-hand account evidence, which is why the Prosecutorial Divisions within the DOJ dismissed the complaint...before the IC IG changed rules based on this complaint that allowed it to be expedited into the hands of D-Schiff, a corrupt, lying, admitted classified-leaking, compromised, Democrats committed to affecting the political coup against President Trump at all costs.

6) There were no 'Witnesses' - not one person who testified actually witnessed anything. Their testimony consisted of hearsay, rumor, gossip, personal opinion - developed based on hearsay and rumor, and disagreements in foreign policy.

7) Schiff declared BEFORE the very 1st meeting that he would protect former VP Biden - who gave a videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM, Biden's son, and the Democrats who colluded with former corrupt Ukraine politicians to get 'dirt' on Trump and his team to use to alter the 2016 election outcome.

8) Schiff admitted to communicating with the non-qualifying Whistle Blower and attempted to justify it prior to the House Intel Committee began its Impeachment phase. He threatened to punish anyone who exposed the identity of the Whistle Blower. During the House Impeachment hearings Schiff declared publicly that the non-qualifying Whistle Blower had both the NON-EXISTING protections of ANONYMITY and IMMUNITY - when challenged by fellow House members to produce the law that legally afforded such non-existing protections SCHIFF WAS UNABLE TO AND REFUSED TO DO SO. When House Republicans...and some Democrats...declared the non-qualifying Whistle Blower must testify and demanded Schiff reveal who it was, Schiff suddenly claimed to have Amnesia, stating the obvious LIE that he had no idea who the 'Whistle Blower' was.

The next step in the Democrats' 'Coup 2.0' is the report going to the House Judicial Committee, led by another corrupt Democrat - Nadler, the guy who is supposed to defend 'Justice' in the House yet demanded the US AG - the leading law enforcer in this country - BREAK THE LAW and then led the successful politically biased Democrat effort to CENSURE the US AG for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW.

The Democrats are 'locked-in', have 'tunnel-vision' due to their 'TDS', to the point where they can not seen any further than their goal to Impeach the President in the House, oblivious to the massive self-destructive chain of events they are about to put into motion. It is about to become perfectly clear....

The Senate Republicans are busy preparing for the Democrats in the House to Impeach the President, despite having no crime, no evidence of crime, no evidence of 'High Crimes and Misdemeanors', no whistle blower, and no witnesses. They have made it known publicly that the moment such an Impeachment reaches the Senate they fully intend to subpoena for testimony under oath - at a minimum:

- D-Adam Schiff

- The Russian-born arms dealer from whom Schiff took money

- Burisma representatives from whom Schiff took large sums of money

- Former VP-Biden, who gave a videotaped confession of extorting the former Ukraine PM. State Department officials have already testified that they warned Biden that his son working for Burisma and their reaching out to the Stated Department while mentioning his son was a massive conflict of Interest, one that Biden reportedly ignored.

- Hunter Biden, who was a Board member for Burisma, a known corrupt Ukraine energy company that attempted to use Hunter Biden to influence his father, VP Joe Biden - the newly appointed Obama 'Point Man' for Ukraine to end Ukraine investigations into the company and its owner. The Ukraine owner, for whom Biden worked, was a notorious criminal who had a history of working with Putin / Russia and who stood to make an extremely large amount of money after Russia annexed Crimea, solidifying its choke hold on Europe's energy dependence.

Push to investigate Bidens sets up potential for Senate turf war

At a minimum, Joe Biden's chances of being the Democrat nominee and / or winning in 2016 will be vaporized the moment the House votes to Impeach the President and before they ever send that Impeachment to the Senate for investigation.

D-Schiff will be forced to answer for quite a few things:

- Knowingly, intentionally falsely declaring for 2+ years that he had direct evidence of crimes committed by the President, which of course turned out to b a lie, with the intent of mounting political insurrection and a call to without warrant / merit remove the President of the United States from power. His known intentional accusations equate to SEDITION.

- Attempting to present a self-authored false narrative of Trump's call to the Ukraine PM as 'evidence' in an attempt to make people believe he had committed a crime that did not occur. After his attempt was quickly caught and reported, Schiff and the MSM switched to damage-control mode and claimed he was putting on a 'skit' - a 'parody' for humor.

- His taking millions from a Russian-born arms dealer dealing with former corrupt Ukraine officials and taking money from Burisma.

As Johnny Cash sang, 'I hear the train a-coming, coming round the bend....', and the Democrats are in too much of a tunnel-vision Impeachment Feeding Frenzy' to notice the approaching train and that they have walked out right in the middle of the tracks....
Turley came thru, showed the dems how their sham is a partisan exercise in futility.
They can impeach the president for non-crimes, and ram thru impeachment, but the senate will make them pay for it.... in spades.

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