As disability awards grow, so do concerns with veracity of PTSD claims

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
The world has caught on to Dante, but what has been done about this?

As disability awards grow, so do concerns with veracity of PTSD claims

August 3, 2014

The 49-year-old veteran explained that he suffered from paranoia in crowds, nightmares and unrelenting flashbacks from the Iraq war. He said he needed his handgun to feel secure and worried that he would shoot somebody.

The symptoms were textbook post-traumatic stress disorder.

But Robert Moering, the psychologist conducting the disability examination at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Tampa, Fla., suspected the veteran was exaggerating. Hardly anybody had so many symptoms of PTSD so much of the time.​
The Doctor's credential look impressive. Bios.pdf

In the past soldiers were altogether ignored for the trauma they experienced post military duty. The down side to a soldier faking or exagarating trauma is it takes away help and funding from those who are severely suffering.

War's psychic toll

In some ways, the explosion in PTSD cases is a sign of progress.

Though descriptions of the disorder show up in literature as far back as Shakespeare, it did not become a formal diagnosis until 1980, and even then remained controversial. After decades of downplaying the psychological toll of war, the government has finally acknowledged the damage and boosted assistance to veterans in need.

What kind of compensation package would prevent soldiers who do not suffer from it to not to make up a story?
Even some veterans whose diagnosis falls under deep suspicion have managed to keep their disability ratings.

In one case that Moering reviewed in 2009, he searched military records and concluded that a Navy veteran on the disability rolls for PTSD had lied to VA clinicians about having served in the elite SEALs and concocted his combat history.
So...the more symptoms they have the more likely they are to be faking?
Does that also mean that someone who denies any symptoms at all must be a real basket case?
The world has caught on to Dante, but what has been done about this?

As disability awards grow, so do concerns with veracity of PTSD claims

August 3, 2014

The 49-year-old veteran explained that he suffered from paranoia in crowds, nightmares and unrelenting flashbacks from the Iraq war. He said he needed his handgun to feel secure and worried that he would shoot somebody.

The symptoms were textbook post-traumatic stress disorder.

But Robert Moering, the psychologist conducting the disability examination at a Veterans Affairs hospital in Tampa, Fla., suspected the veteran was exaggerating. Hardly anybody had so many symptoms of PTSD so much of the time.​
Many are educated guesses. It's almost impossible to know exactly what one feels or thinks. Basically, it's opinions and guess work. Mental disorders, or mental disabilities, are very difficult to determine under certain conditions. Some are obvious, while other are "iffy". War produces many side effects. War is hell. War is traumatic on the battlefield, and not easily forgotten once one leaves a combat zone. Sometimes, mental side effects lay dormant for years before surfacing and causing one to become disabled. Until an exact science to determine whether one is truly disabled as a result of war is developed, the guessing game will continue. It'll remain a judgment call and educated guess.
In order to get a disability rating from the VA one must:

1. Provide proof of being diagnosed with the disorder.
2. Have a VA psychiatrist concur with the diagnosis and access the severity of the problem.
3. The veteran must also document the traumatic event(s) and that they occurred as part of his military duties. This can be very difficult and involve searching records 20-30 years after the fact.
I think its disgusting that anyone could doubt that a person suffers from PTSD after returning home from war. What do you think they did over there, play scrabble?
In order to get a disability rating from the VA one must:

1. Provide proof of being diagnosed with the disorder.
2. Have a VA psychiatrist concur with the diagnosis and access the severity of the problem.
3. The veteran must also document the traumatic event(s) and that they occurred as part of his military duties. This can be very difficult and involve searching records 20-30 years after the fact.

bullshit criteria that everyone knows is easily scammed
I think its disgusting that anyone could doubt that a person suffers from PTSD after returning home from war. What do you think they did over there, play scrabble?

Oh please, I grew up in a neighborhood were to not be a veteran was unusual.

ever since Vietnam Era vets have taken over the organizations we have become a nation of victims
Of course Dante has years of combat experience battling other Lord & Taylor customers during lingerie sales and the like. He has a 30% lingerie shopper trauma disability rating...and SSI and welfare too I'm sure.

Is Tommie another faux disabled vet? Hmm... I hope not. I hope if you claim disability it is real
I think its disgusting that anyone could doubt that a person suffers from PTSD after returning home from war. What do you think they did over there, play scrabble?

Oh please, I grew up in a neighborhood were to not be a veteran was unusual.

ever since Vietnam Era vets have taken over the organizations we have become a nation of victims

I feel sorry for Vets who suffer to, it's not their fault.
I think its disgusting that anyone could doubt that a person suffers from PTSD after returning home from war. What do you think they did over there, play scrabble?
Some work far away from the front lines and never see combat. Some are in logistics and are basically in non-combat roles. Not everyone that goes to Iraq or Afghanistan see combat, or are in an area of danger. Remember, we have danger zones here in America.
It is taboo to challenge PTSD...but it should be scrutinized. We are already supporting gimps like that faggot racist, much are the taxpayers supposed to fund? Should a cook who served in Iraq or Afghanistan instantly get disability benefits because he claims he suffers from PTSD, even though he never saw any action...he was just scared because he heard gunshots in the distance? Too many vets, who didn't see a day of battle, are claiming PTSD. It is a shame, because many who legitimately suffer are now being ignored.
I think its disgusting that anyone could doubt that a person suffers from PTSD after returning home from war. What do you think they did over there, play scrabble?
Some work far away from the front lines and never see combat. Some are in logistics and are basically in non-combat roles. Not everyone that goes to Iraq or Afghanistan see combat, or are in an area of danger. Remember, we have danger zones here in America.
Exactly...but they are claiming PTSD? Not everyone is an understatement, BTW.
Is Tommie another faux disabled vet? Hmm... I hope not. I hope if you claim disability it is real

Oh the fags are out of their vermin cracks and attacking disabled combat vets tonight, aren't they? You and Bullshit Kurtz in less than 24 hours. You traitorous reprobates made an industry out of that, didn't you? And you still do. See the attached photo you sorry motherfucker. It was part of a Newsweek spread in 1971 on the futility of the Vietnam War. The helicopter was hit 400+ times by .51 caliber antiaircraft rounds, 7.62 rounds, and three RPG rounds on August 29, 1970, a bad month for American ground forces in Vietnam.

6 of the 8 personnel onboard died. The co-pilot hung on for an hour but finally died with an unexploded RPG round embedded in his chest. Both survivors (me being one of them) were severely injured. After the crash there ensued a ferocious gun battle between the two of us and a company of NVA regulars before American reinforcements finally arrived. I lapsed into unconsciousness twice from loss of blood, having been shot twice. You can read all about it in any of 20 published books on L Company Rangers. The NY publishing establishment refers to us as "Literary Company Rangers" I'm mentioned by name in most of them. Several are available at Amazon. Here's a little primer:

There are 14 more, which I mention tonight not in any sense of a pissing contest or to assuage my pathetic accuser, but because it's all fresh in my mind again. I'm writing a novel about the Vietnam War you see, not in the tradition of most war novels mind you. In fact it's so strange it scares even me. It's about a 7' 6" apparition of sorts, named Mad Dog, whose anatomy is covered with red and green hair, who lives in a bunker, well half the time anyway, who survives on banana mush Milk Bones and Grand Cru wine, while twiddling his giant toes to the jovial refrains of severely scratched Lawrence Welk and Guy Lombardo 33 1/3 RPM record albums. And you don't think I'm crazy? Stay tuned.

You see Dante, some of us spent our lives making history rather than hiding under our beds doing everything we could to avoid it. You chose the path of envy, cowardice, and hate. I didn't.

team kenya helicopter composite2 jpg.jpg
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It is taboo to challenge PTSD...but it should be scrutinized. We are already supporting gimps like that faggot racist, much are the taxpayers supposed to fund? Should a cook who served in Iraq or Afghanistan instantly get disability benefits because he claims he suffers from PTSD, even though he never saw any action...he was just scared because he heard gunshots in the distance? Too many vets, who didn't see a day of battle, are claiming PTSD. It is a shame, because many who legitimately suffer are now being ignored.

Should a cook who served in Iraq or Afghanistan instantly get disability benefits because he claims he suffers from PTSD, even though he never saw any action...he was just scared because he heard gunshots in the distance? Too many vets, who didn't see a day of battle, are claiming PTSD.

The real shame is that anyone anywhere actually believes such unmitigated bullshit. Please feel free to show where anyone has ever had a disability granted for hearing "...gunshots in the distance"

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