Arthur children’s book faces potential Florida ban over claim it ‘damaged souls’

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Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

“It is not appropriate to discuss ‘spin the bottle’ with elementary school children,” he wrote in all capital letters. “This book is found in all/almost all [district schools]!”

“‘Spin the bottle’ not okay for K-5 kids,” Friedman added, still using all capital letters. In response to a question about what he believes might be the result of a student using the material, he wrote, “Damaged souls.”
Arthur is an Aardvark. One wonders when this madness will end ? Probably when all books have been burned.
Mr Friedman is obviously a politically ,motivated lunatic. What qualifies him to interfere with childrens education ?
The Florida Freedom to Read Project has pushed back against Friedman’s challenge to Arthur’s Birthday, saying: “The entire book is about being inclusive of all friends and not only inviting boys or girls (based on your gender) to your birthday party.”

Not about blow jobs in any way.

“It is not appropriate to discuss ‘spin the bottle’ with elementary school children,” he wrote in all capital letters. “This book is found in all/almost all [district schools]!”

“‘Spin the bottle’ not okay for K-5 kids,” Friedman added, still using all capital letters. In response to a question about what he believes might be the result of a student using the material, he wrote, “Damaged souls.”
Arthur is an Aardvark. One wonders when this madness will end ? Probably when all books have been burned.
Mr Friedman is obviously a politically ,motivated lunatic. What qualifies him to interfere with childrens education ?
The Florida Freedom to Read Project has pushed back against Friedman’s challenge to Arthur’s Birthday, saying: “The entire book is about being inclusive of all friends and not only inviting boys or girls (based on your gender) to your birthday party.”

Not about blow jobs in any way.

Florida and Texas despise education. The irony is that borrowers from those two states will benefit the most from the Biden plans that the conservatives oppose.

“It is not appropriate to discuss ‘spin the bottle’ with elementary school children,” he wrote in all capital letters. “This book is found in all/almost all [district schools]!”

“‘Spin the bottle’ not okay for K-5 kids,” Friedman added, still using all capital letters. In response to a question about what he believes might be the result of a student using the material, he wrote, “Damaged souls.”
Arthur is an Aardvark. One wonders when this madness will end ? Probably when all books have been burned.
Mr Friedman is obviously a politically ,motivated lunatic. What qualifies him to interfere with childrens education ?
The Florida Freedom to Read Project has pushed back against Friedman’s challenge to Arthur’s Birthday, saying: “The entire book is about being inclusive of all friends and not only inviting boys or girls (based on your gender) to your birthday party.”

Not about blow jobs in any way.

One guy......filed a challenge for this book. guy.

While you have the entire leadership of the democrat party, including barak obama defending the kiddie porn books where cartoons show children performing oral sex on adults.......

Yeah, you have no idea about truth, facts or reality....
One guy......filed a challenge for this book. guy.

While you have the entire leadership of the democrat party, including barak obama defending the kiddie porn books where cartoons show children performing oral sex on adults.......

Yeah, you have no idea about truth, facts or reality....
The GOP gave him license to do so. Your kids education will be crafted by nutters.
Arthyr sheds an aardvark tear.
The GOP gave him license to do so. Your kids education will be crafted by nutters.
Arthyr sheds an aardvark tear.


One guy.


The leadership of the democrat party, including barak obama, hollywood, the American Library Association.......all pushing to keep kiddie porn books on the shelves of schools.....books showing minor children performing oral sex on adult males......

And you support them?

That is all you have...

One guy.


The leadership of the democrat party, including barak obama, hollywood, the American Library Association.......all pushing to keep kiddie porn books on the shelves of schools.....books showing minor children performing oral sex on adult males......

And you support them?

That is all you have...
Thec loon has a list of 3500 books. he needs locking up. No shock that you love him.
Thec [sic] loon has a list of 3500 books. he needs locking up. No shock that you love him.

No surprise at all, that you want to see a man thrown in jail for the crime of holding and expressing opinions that you find disagreeable.

Once again, you fulfill the only useful purpose that you ever do, which is to vividly remind us Americans why it is that we kicked you British filth out of our country almost two and a half centuries ago; and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain at least as valid to this very day.
I gotta wonder why you think about it so much and post about it so very much.
its called concern for the children being molested,,
why are you always attacking people that want to protect children from perverts??

We all know why, of course.

It's against the rules on this forum to come out and say it, but we all know, don't we? It's pretty damn obvious.
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